Calis Beach and Fethiye Turkey Discussion Forum

Calis Beach Forum => Calis Local Charity Announcements => Topic started by: bunny4jeff on November 08, 2011, 14:38:18 PM

Title: From feral to family
Post by: bunny4jeff on November 08, 2011, 14:38:18 PM
Been reading some very heart-warming stories here, of poor homeless kittens and puppies, that kind folk have helped or given homes to. Its nice to know of people like this. The memories tend to linger though, of kitties and puppies when they had sad little faces and thin bodies, so I thought I'd post a couple of before-and-after pics of my two ex-feral street cats. It's the difference a little care and a lot of love can do, if anyone is able to share their heart and home with a homeless pet. First photos are of Hann-Simba, well-known around our house :-), he has loads of cattitude and character. He was about 4 weeks old in the first pic, now he's 3 years old. The other kitty is Ariel, a half Bombay I think. She was about 4 months old when we found her wandering, and so hungry and thin in the first pic; she coudn't even drink milk properly at first, as she had gingivitis. She is now 18 months old, and so beautiful. I can't imagine being without them now!



Title: From feral to family
Post by: tinkerman on November 08, 2011, 15:39:00 PM
Lovely photos! just goes to show it can be done with a bit of time and devotion.
Title: From feral to family
Post by: suec on November 08, 2011, 15:49:08 PM
How lovely , what a difference kindness make they are absolutely beautiful.
Title: From feral to family
Post by: bunny4jeff on November 08, 2011, 15:55:43 PM
Thanks, tinkerman and suec! They have changed quite a bit :-) and its so worth it.
Title: From feral to family
Post by: Sus on November 09, 2011, 10:02:56 AM
That is just amazing they are truly beautiful.
Title: From feral to family
Post by: Karennina on November 09, 2011, 11:03:21 AM
They are gorgeous well done and thank you for sharing with us :)
Title: From feral to family
Post by: pookie on November 09, 2011, 11:27:22 AM
aww so beautiful !!!    I have three rescue cats myself, and know the hours of pleasure and happiness they have provided our household.  they are part of the family and as you say, simply couldn't imagine life without them now.    (Mr Pookie was cross with me last night, because I emptied our two last tins of tuna into the cats bowls for their supper, and he then emerged wanting tuna pasta for supper....sorry love !!!!)

Lovely pictures  - thank you bunny4jeff.
Title: From feral to family
Post by: bunny4jeff on November 09, 2011, 11:42:57 AM
Thank you all so much - yes, they are a real pleasure. Simba still has a bit of a wild streak, (I have a few scars to prove it lol), and he can be a challenge, but he's so intelligent, and they are both great company. There is something very appealing and to be admired about street cats here, how they quickly learn to survive, and they keep those skills throughout their lives. And they are so gorgeous :-) As pets, they give us more in return than we ever give them. Anyone else like to post pics of their rescue pets, then and now? I'd love to see 'em :-)
Title: From feral to family
Post by: bunny4jeff on November 09, 2011, 11:47:02 AM
Yes pookie - a familiar scene in our house too..hubby has often gone without his tuna mayonnaise jacket potatoes, unbeknown to him...LOL
Originally posted by pookie

aww so beautiful !!!    I have three rescue cats myself, and know the hours of pleasure and happiness they have provided our household.  they are part of the family and as you say, simply couldn't imagine life without them now.    (Mr Pookie was cross with me last night, because I emptied our two last tins of tuna into the cats bowls for their supper, and he then emerged wanting tuna pasta for supper....sorry love !!!!)

Lovely pictures  - thank you bunny4jeff.

Title: From feral to family
Post by: puma on November 09, 2011, 13:40:49 PM
how cute
Title: From feral to family
Post by: june on November 09, 2011, 20:41:51 PM
I just loved those pictures Jan and those beautiful babies are a credit to you.....thank goodness for people like you.xx
Title: From feral to family
Post by: bunny4jeff on November 10, 2011, 07:17:47 AM
Thanks, June, thats very nice of you! I know I'm not the only one, many of us give homes to these poor babies. Its not difficult and many vets will give treatment free or at low cost if you take on a stray pet. They are so grateful, too....and give so much love in return. I've never regretted taking them on for a minute :-)