Calis Beach and Fethiye Turkey Discussion Forum

Calis Beach Forum => Calis Local Charity Announcements => Topic started by: heather07 on December 09, 2011, 07:59:04 AM

Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: heather07 on December 09, 2011, 07:59:04 AM
Hi I received this message today are you able to help.  I will ask Linda to contact you here.

TuesdayLinda Trup Nee Ellis
Hi Heather - I see that you are an admin in the free the dolphins at OluDeniz - and wonder if you can help me.

I help with TAG (Turkish Animal Group) an animal rescue organisation in Turkey but they are over 7 hours away from Olu Deniz and our rescuer is back in the UK now and we have no-one to help us. Do you know anyone living there who could go and see if there is a puppy tied up to a tree behind a hotel in Ölüdeniz. We have tried to contact the hotel but think that they have closed for the season and no-one is there now. The puppy has not been given food or water but was being fed by a tourist who has now left the country.

We are desperate to find this puppy but cant find anyone to help us. If you know anyone living in Oludeniz or close by could you contact Karen Lowrie Wren or myself. We would be so grateful for your help.


Linda xx
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: tinkerman on December 09, 2011, 09:18:27 AM
Yes we already have this message, but a bit vague on location, if we can find out where it is we may ask the Ovacik animal rescue people to investigate otherwise we  will follow it up.
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: nichola on December 09, 2011, 09:28:34 AM
I got a message last night to say it was Manzara Hotel - on the left hand side as you go down the hill - I don't know why this info wasn't given in the first place...
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: tinkerman on December 09, 2011, 10:10:32 AM
ok I have passed this message on to the Ovacik people see if they can help if not we will investigate.

Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: tinkerman on December 09, 2011, 10:15:26 AM
ok I have passed this message on to the Ovacik people see if they can help, is there anyone who lives in that direction that is willing investigate?, if not we will investigate.

Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: brianthegardener on December 09, 2011, 12:07:19 PM
I will go down now Any and see what is going on.
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: tinkerman on December 09, 2011, 12:08:34 PM
cheers Brian
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: brianthegardener on December 09, 2011, 12:38:34 PM
Hi Andy ... ive been to Manzara Hotel there is a dog tied to at tree at the entrance to the hotel .. he is probably there as a guard me he is not a happy dog as he was showing me his teeth A LOT.. i couldnt tell if he has food and water, he realy is quite a vicious acting dog .. ive not been much help to you as i think it would be better for "some one with authority " to investigate this dog more .. if AA wants to go to hotel im more than happy to show you where the hotel is.


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Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: tinkerman on December 09, 2011, 12:59:39 PM
would that be a puppy?
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: brianthegardener on December 09, 2011, 13:23:51 PM
i must admit i thought it looked older than a puppy ... but you will have no way of getting down to the hotel without getting past this dog first .. i would say this is around 3 years old.
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: tinkerman on December 09, 2011, 14:45:29 PM
Sally Ann from ovacik is also going down there to investigate and taking some food and water :)

Thanks Sally ;)
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: tinkerman on December 09, 2011, 16:04:21 PM
Just had a reply from Sally Ann, she saw the vicious dog but went into the complex and spoke to the maintenance man who told her nobody was there, she investigated further around the hotel, no dogs or puppies were found.

Well done Sally Ann ;)
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: june on December 09, 2011, 18:36:50 PM
So what about the viscious dog has he got food and water?
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: heather07 on December 09, 2011, 20:13:48 PM
I am sorry if this has been a wild goose chase but I had to act on the information I was given.

Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: Scunner on December 21, 2011, 19:10:22 PM
Originally posted by tinkerman

Just had a reply from Sally Ann, she saw the vicious dog but went into the complex and spoke to the maintenance man who told her nobody was there, she investigated further around the hotel, no dogs or puppies were found.

Well done Sally Ann ;)

People may like to know that although it is confirmed that there is no dog or puppy at the hotel, this person is coining it in pretending that there is, and it is being "kicked and being left to fend for itself". Even today they are actively seeking donations to help this puppy (that doesn't exist).

I pointed out using the facebook link that there is no puppy tied up and I was told to "shut up" and later deleted.

I asked the "official" Facebook group of the "T.A.G Charity" in Ovacik if they supported this person seeking cash to save a non-existent puppy (because this individual claims they do) and my question was deleted within minutes.

Beats fashion shows I suppose. Make up a story about a dog getting kicked around and neglected, take money from people who care genuinely about animal welfare - but for a cause that simply doesn't seem to exist?

Merry Christmas :-\
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: ceni on December 21, 2011, 21:16:09 PM
They should be ashamed of themselves, but then people will do sick things if they think there's a few lira involved, having read the page it looks like a good way of getting a flight to Turkey paid for eh?

Unless this puppy sh*ts gold, the first person who went to try and give it a new home would of been given it, I lived in Turkey long enough to know the way the hotels work, get a pup for the site and let the tourists help with it's upkeep. At the end of the season, abandon the poor little mite.
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: Scunner on December 21, 2011, 21:26:12 PM
Originally posted by ceni

 it looks like a good way of getting a flight to Turkey paid for eh?

Nail hit on head. I note since my questions were deleted and I was told to "shut up" this individual has posted (probably worried there won't be enough donations to pay for in-flight meals) - saying that "If i thought that for 1 minute i would not put my charity name to this ~ ...Karen T.A.G"

This is funny because the Facebook page for this T.A.G ("Turkish Animal Group") has not one single mention of this puppy, this individual or indeed this appeal for donations. They'd surely be screaming from the rooftops on their page about a neglected, tied up dog who is being kicked regularly - but no, not one word about it whatsoever. That is at least odd! See for yourself:

As I mentioned earlier, I posted on the "official" T.A.G. page asking if they endorsed this plea for donations, as the individual asking for money claims they do, and my question was simply deleted from there too.
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: ceni on December 21, 2011, 21:54:28 PM
I noticed that too, I spent time looking for any other info on the "abandoned puppy in Olu Deniz" on the TAG site, but there's nothing there at all. For someone who's so manic about saving every dog in Turkey, I found it very surprising that the pup isn't mentioned on her site at all.

Personally I think that the fact that they are removing all your queries about the pup is proof that something is not quite as "up front" as it should be.
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: nichola on December 22, 2011, 00:16:02 AM
This is outrageous - earlier to day I happened by chance to notice an advert for money for this puppy on the Free the Oludeniz Dolphins group wall and posted that there is no puppy.

I also contacted a member of the group and pointed out that two people had been to look for this puppy to no avail.

I have now posted and ask the admins to delete this spam message asking for money.

The whole thing is totally despicable.
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: cheers on December 22, 2011, 00:52:44 AM
What amazes me is that the problem with the 'Puppy' tied up was posted originally here on CBF on 9th December and within hours it had been investigated and found to be a 'Hoax'!  

Before just copying and pasting on FB maybe people should check if the story had any creedence or not.
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: nichola on December 22, 2011, 01:44:47 AM
I wasted several hours checking out and following up this story that came to me via a trusted source although I was suspicious that the person who claimed via my source to have tried for weeks to contact me.

As up until today anyone could message me on Facebook I found this somewhat suspicious. However I and others gave their time to look into this. We all reported back that there was no puppy.

My attention was drawn to this again when I saw the money scamming group posted on the Free the Dolphins Facebook page. Obviously no hotel is named on the group as there is no puppy.

I am pretty dam mad about this - it is hard enough to raise money for any cause without people playing on others emotions.
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: nichola on December 22, 2011, 01:54:13 AM
Linda Trup Nee Ellis (Facebook) is the name of the person who alleged she had been trying to contact me.
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: booo on December 22, 2011, 06:00:37 AM
You could report the page as spam/scam on facebook if it is misleading people to get money
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: tinkerman on December 22, 2011, 06:34:44 AM
I have also left some messages which have been deleted which suggests something is not quite right.
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: tinkerman on December 22, 2011, 06:59:13 AM
Karen Lowrie Wren - Are you for real, tell me how dare you write all this over my wall which is for animals..i have a dog shelter in turkey with 40 dogs in it, full approval of the beledyire and the vets, and the presidence, you have no idea what you are talking about, Now if you wish i report you for harassment i will..Goodday..
4 minutes agoAndy Trent
where is this shelter?
about a minute agoKaren Lowrie Wren That is no concern of yours, i keep my dogs very well protected, as i said i have full approval from the government and that is all i need, I have dogs rehomed worldwide, street dogs/cats - 67 animals to different countries to homes, most of that money from my own pocket, so i want you to report me, go ahead, how dare you all do this, i try to help 1 woman rescue a dog, turkish ppl have told me the dog was moved, still owed by the hotel and that is all i have right now, i think it a total disgrace that grown men and woman can behave in such a manor..good day .
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: tinkerman on December 22, 2011, 07:00:04 AM
Where is this manor?:D
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: heather07 on December 22, 2011, 07:43:36 AM
Originally posted by nichola

Linda Trup Nee Ellis (Facebook) is the name of the person who alleged she had been trying to contact me.

That is the one who contacted me.   Post deleted on FB
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: ceni on December 22, 2011, 08:35:46 AM
My message to them has been removed also.

I can't believe the depths some will go to get money.......bloody parasites!
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: Scunner on December 22, 2011, 08:49:16 AM
Originally posted by booo

You could report the page as spam/scam on facebook if it is misleading people to get money

I have reported most of the posts made by the individual on this page as a scam (click on the X when hovering over the message). I am unable to write anything since my posts were deleted and there is actually no reply box when I view.

Keep it going guys, seems people are beginning to realise they have been scammed. Of course it might all be true, the puppy nobody can find might be there, this individual might indeed have a dog centre with 40 dogs in it that nobody has ever heard of or seen which he/she runs from the UK and all these donations might go to help needy animals...
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: ceni on December 22, 2011, 09:01:33 AM
Same here Scunner, my message with questions have been removed too and the reply box has been removed, so has my message on the TAG site.

So I've put it on my own FB page, hopefully others will C&P it or share.
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: Scunner on December 22, 2011, 09:06:55 AM
Well I think it all reflects very badly on this Turkish Animal Group (T.A.G.) too - this individual is claiming to be backed by them, and they refuse to confirm that, and refuse to deny it - they are also deleting posts asking for clarification about this issue. Not what you would expect from a genuine, responsible organisation. If someone was asking for donations claiming to be working for CBF, do you think I would ignore that? Or allow them to continue taking money in our name by helpfully removing questions about it asked at my own Facebook page??!!

Turkish Animal Group (T.A.G.) - guilty by association, shame on you...
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: Diverbaz 1 on December 22, 2011, 09:34:06 AM

This is the website of Karen Wren, seems genuine, she posted on the TLF forum as "animalmad34" up until October of this year. She is the founder of T.A.G. along with a couple of other ladies.
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: Scunner on December 22, 2011, 09:38:31 AM
And she is deleting questions about this other Facebook page because...

Sorry Baz but people like her simply make it difficult for people like you to raise money.
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: tinkerman on December 22, 2011, 09:43:43 AM
and I have been blocked
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: Scunner on December 22, 2011, 09:50:55 AM
You lasted quite a long time!
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: Diverbaz 1 on December 22, 2011, 09:58:07 AM

I know Keith, I just don't understand what their problem is if they have been operating above board.
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: ceni on December 22, 2011, 10:03:13 AM
This Linda Trup or whatever she calls herself, are they perhaps the same crowd who tried to hoodwink people into coming to their sale of clothes by saying that the proceeds were going to the local animal shelter?
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: tinkerman on December 22, 2011, 10:05:24 AM
I don't think so, these people are the ones who helped with the search for the dog.
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: Scunner on December 22, 2011, 10:08:20 AM
They helped search for the dog - so they know there isn't one - why are they not telling people there is no dog then, and not to send money to save it!!!
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: Scunner on December 22, 2011, 10:10:42 AM

Is it me or has the donations FB page [ ] been pulled?
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: tinkerman on December 22, 2011, 10:20:57 AM
I just said, I don't think these are the same people
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: Scunner on December 22, 2011, 10:22:26 AM
Ah sorry, I read your comment exactly the opposite way round to what you meant I think  :)
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: ceni on December 22, 2011, 10:23:26 AM
I hope so, I reported them to as many places I could, it's either that or I have been totally blocked as none of the saved links work for me anymore and it's also vanished off my own facebook page!!!
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: Scunner on December 22, 2011, 10:46:00 AM
I saw a poorly cat in Barbados and people were throwing stones at it. I'm hoping to raise £2000 so I can go back to Barbados and save this poor little mite. If it's still there. If it isn't, don't feel bad that you sent me on a wasted journey.
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: Scunner on December 22, 2011, 10:48:08 AM
Sorry, £2500 - I didn't realise international brands aren't included in the all inclusive drinks option so I have to pay for that to be upgraded.
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: Supacabby on December 22, 2011, 11:07:10 AM - This page is still live as I type. (Chipins slogan is: The Easy Way to Collect Money!)

The facebook page has been nuked, 1 down 1 to go.

*** - This is the page of the lady who originated the "Daisy" fb page - profile pic identical to that of the nuked page.

& this is her "normal" profile:
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: Scunner on December 22, 2011, 11:23:29 AM
Laurianne Jackson

What a coincidence, the people who were doing the fashion shows and keeping the money signed up to CBF under the name Shishco Jackson
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: tinkerman on December 22, 2011, 11:38:54 AM
This is not Shishco Jackson.
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: Scunner on December 22, 2011, 12:11:10 PM
Makes a change
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: loobyloo on December 22, 2011, 12:31:37 PM
has the animal aid actually received any monies from the last jackson fashions sale ??? some people were confused by their advertising but on enquiring were informed the donation would only come from the profit of raffle ticket sales.perhaps the next sale should make this fact clearer to everyone !!!!
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: ceni on December 22, 2011, 12:39:01 PM
They may have a problem getting any sales at their next fashion sale, coz hopefully the locals will know by then what  scamming, cheating, gits they really are.
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: tinkerman on December 22, 2011, 12:44:44 PM
The people in Ovacik received 350 lira from the raffle at the last clothes sale and Animal Aid received 250 Lira from the raffle on the previous one in the summer.
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: Scunner on December 22, 2011, 12:56:52 PM
So they didn't donate anything from the clothes sale to Animal Aid at all then. Letting someone do a raffle adjacent to a clothes sale isn't a donation. It's letting them do a raffle adjacent to a clothes sale.
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: Supacabby on December 22, 2011, 13:54:06 PM
No, the lady I posted about isn't Shishco as Tinkerman rightly pointed out, this one is though: - whose nickname is Stefie!
I ran into this pair before I moved to Calis, they were operating a collection/delivery service from the UK/Turkey which was advertised in the Land of Lights. They quoted me a price to bring my stuff to Calis but the day before they were due to collect they rang to say it would the quoted price + extra for the mileage from Colchester to Brighton, I smelt a rip off so told them not to bother. I then discovered they were running an illegal smuggling business alongside the clients who were paying them for what they thought was a legitimate transport operation.

It's a small world as The Midas touch (nice name for a rip off scam couple) is based in Colchester!
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: heather07 on December 22, 2011, 17:55:30 PM
I h posted on the wall and will watch to see if it is deleted

Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: heather07 on December 22, 2011, 18:52:55 PM
My post was deleted so their page was reported as Scam
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: Scunner on December 22, 2011, 19:01:20 PM
I'll do the same and I hope others will too - how bloody arrogant, to publicly ask for people's money, but delete any concerns they have about people using their name to get people to donate - acting like it isn't even happening in fact. To repeat my earlier thoughts - Turkish Animal Group (T.A.G.) - guilty by association, shame on you... It makes one thing crystal clear to me - if you want to help animals in the area, stick with Andy, Baz, Simon and the ladies of Animal Aid at

Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: peecee on December 22, 2011, 19:21:52 PM
I've just posted on the TAG page, see what happens
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: Scunner on December 22, 2011, 19:28:15 PM
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: ceni on December 22, 2011, 19:33:27 PM
Mine were removed off the TAG page last night. All I did was ask about the pup in Olu Deniz.

Very strange actions for someone who so wants to appear above board and is so dependant on donations form locals in Turkey from her site.
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: Scunner on December 22, 2011, 19:35:06 PM
They have a guestbook, you could try asking there
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: Julesp on December 22, 2011, 19:51:02 PM
Looks like Peecee post has gone
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: Scunner on December 22, 2011, 19:53:20 PM
Stop the clock, message deleted!!!
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: ceni on December 22, 2011, 19:57:01 PM
There's one message showing on the site from a Claire Corbett, I've replied, but I'm now blocked from replying again or putting forward any other questions.

I know the Facebook site for the original Daisy rescue page has been taken off as I guess quite a few people have reported it as a scam. I must say I am really surprised at TAG being associated with this band of thieves in Ovacik.

Just noticed that post has gone........SHAME ON YOU   TAG.

If you send a message to the guest book it has to be checked first, so I guess as it's not a nice fluffy message congratulating her it will never be added.....
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: tinkerman on December 22, 2011, 20:57:03 PM
who are the band of thieves in Ovacik?
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: Julesp on December 22, 2011, 21:37:23 PM
Ive posted too on T A G site Lets see how long that lasts

Andy I too wondered who the band of thieves in Ovacik are? I think this story is getting mixed up,
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: Scunner on December 22, 2011, 21:45:52 PM
Well not very long, I can't see a message  :)
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: Julesp on December 22, 2011, 21:47:39 PM
Its still on there Have you checked youve got the most recent posts and not the highlighted post?
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: Scunner on December 22, 2011, 21:50:01 PM
Oops apologies, I refreshed a few times and it appeared.
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: ceni on December 22, 2011, 22:30:12 PM
Well maybe my asking too many questions has got me blocked from them. As for the band of theives. IMHO obtaining money through deception is a form of theft, regardless of what ever banner you do it under. As far as I can fathom some of the people are expats in Ovacik and some are in the UK.

There's another example of certain peoples dealings opening up on the TLF forum.
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: Julesp on December 22, 2011, 22:56:26 PM
Going back to the topic of the fashion shows,when FiG helped them I do know that it was made clear from the start that FiG had nothing to do with any sales from the Fashion side of things, but FiG gave their support and some supporters of FiG acted as models on the day, I believe that everyone had a good afternoon and quite a bit of money was raised for FiG at the same time. I think that maybe the Ovacik advert for their show was just badly worded.

My post is till on TAG Maybe theyve gone to bed
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: Scunner on December 22, 2011, 22:58:04 PM
It will remain unanswered forever, which is not quite as low as deleting it but not far off.
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: cheers on December 22, 2011, 23:24:08 PM
I timed my post before it was deleted and it lasted a whole .... 30 seconds .... then I was blocked.  Reported it as a scam a couple of times.
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: Julesp on December 22, 2011, 23:40:59 PM
Its gone! Surprise Surprise!

 They really should be more concerned and at least message you as to why, theyve removed the post, if someone is obtaining money using their name Its their duty to let you know if its a scam or not, especially with the quick link button to pay

  I presume as they told Tinkerman that they have government approval that they are registered as a charity.

 Im sure if it was someone using FiGs name as a means of raising money, we would immediately look into, put a stop to and notify everyone about it

Well thats one charity I will never support, they are very shifty too about where they are working from, but looking at some of the photos of the receipts theyve posted, on the post about the new animal shelter, they are in Didim, at least the receipts have been issued by a Didim supplier
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: Julesp on December 22, 2011, 23:59:06 PM
Interesting, Karen Lowrie Wren The lady from Tag hasnt made her Facebook profile private so anyone can see it This is a post from 8th December Sorry about the length of it I jus copied and pasted the whole post!

 Hi Guys, This is Daisy a wee pup that is tied up at the back of a Hotel in Turkey, Daisy will be rescued in January through the help of the turkish animal group, She will then stay with t.a.g until she can come home to me in the uk, She has suffered enough kicking from the bar staff, She gets nothing much to eat other than bread and water when they can be bothered..I need to raise funds to get daisy to the uk and to her first ever home, If 180 people donate just $8/£5 she will make it home..

ChipIn: Daisy the dog: Born in to Negelct

Nanette M. Ruth what is the current status of funds, Karen?
8 December at 06:25

Nanette M. Ruth Karen, just made a donation to Larraine Jackson. This story is tragic, cruel, and barberic.
8 December at 06:31

Laurianne Iris Jackson thankyou so much ! truly grateful . xx
8 December at 06:40

Nanette M. Ruth Laurianne, I haven't received my PayPal receipt yet...everything went through and then, stuck at the end. Make sure you contact me by tomorrow (sometimes takes 24 hours or less...) if you don't receive the funds. I want to make sure that Daisy/You get something to help you both * I hate stories like this!
8 December at 06:43

Karen Lowrie Wren Love you Nanette  :)
8 December at 06:44

Nanette M. Ruth can you get her some dog food at least and 2 nice bowls? I will pay for them; she deserves a blanket, bowls, and care. Can you purchase those?
8 December at 06:44

Nanette M. Ruth send me Sweetie and Baby via Fed Ex tomorrow, ok, Karen????
8 December at 06:45

Nanette M. Ruth I love you both, back too *
8 December at 06:45

Karen Lowrie Wren Nanette i am over there Jan and im going to get her and take her to the new shelter  :) and Laurieanne is raising funds as she will give her a home  :))
8 December at 06:46

Nanette M. Ruth This is in Turkey? Oh, thank you both!!!! Please...we are in No. Califronia PST's close to 9PM here. I want to make sure these funds go through....PayPal stuck on me the other night; to another organization I belong to. It made a double payment! It was ok, but I don't want this happen. I'm sending $50 to you, if that is ok. I wish it was more.
8 December at 06:48

Karen Lowrie Wren Thank you Nanette, Lots of love and sweetie and amber are of the way lol ;-)
8 December at 06:50

Nanette M. Ruth Just made the payment again, through your Chip In. It went through this time. Love to all of you there *
8 December at 09:29 ·  1

Emma Coutts Sent a little for lovely little
8 December at 10:59 ·  1

Karen Lowrie Wren Thank you Nanette and Emma  :))
8 December at 18:41

Karen Lowrie Wren xxxx
8 December at 18:41

Laurianne Jackson and especially to little daisy who this will help change the life of . x x x
8 December at 19:46
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: Julesp on December 23, 2011, 00:44:56 AM
Chip s sign up form Do they think we are stupid ! Maybe a certain person has been

Sign Up or Log In:         
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The target amount must be at least $10.
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Send my funds to      My PayPal Account
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By providing us with your PayPal account email address, all contributions will go directly to you. PayPal may charge you a processing fee. Click here to create a PayPal account.
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: Supacabby on December 23, 2011, 09:01:08 AM
I have reported both TAG & Karen Lowrie Wren to the FB moderators. I think KLW may actually do some good for animals but can't be sure, no-one can make up that many stories, can they? Anyway, here a just a few links I've found, the lady in question is very active on many forums "raising money" for TAG. - Post #18 is interesting! - just in case anyone thinks they may get an answer from her direct email as we all seem to be getting blanked on the forums!
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: Diverbaz 1 on December 23, 2011, 09:27:59 AM
I think her original intentions were good, but I think lately she has got into a pickle financially.

Also this one Mark,
Turkish Animal Group Worldwide
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: Supacabby on December 23, 2011, 10:01:40 AM
It's a shame if that's the case Baz, there are so many people like you & the other charity workers who devote so much time effort & personal money to helping others & I don't just mean animals here, the likes of Embrace & 3c's, FIG etc. all over Turkey & the world in fact.

To get involved with what are obviously money making scams seems such a waste if you have the drive & enthusiasm to start with, I guess admitting defeat isn't easy for any of us but sometimes you just have to accept failure & move on having learnt from the lesson.

Maybe KLW will sort herself & accept some of the help that everyone is trying to offer, or maybe she wont & is from a similar "mould" to that of others we all know about locally.
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: Supacabby on December 23, 2011, 10:31:24 AM
Posted on TAG Facebook page:

Animal Aid Fethiye and the members of there small team are using nasty, spiteful,harassing and threatening behaviour to my wall pages, groups and website, and forums which have all been documented..
I have yesterday spoken with a solicitor regarding this , Its rather sad that all this is because my charity agreed to help 1 woman save a puppy, i told the lady concerned that i simply cannot afford to pay out money that is for my dogs in the shelter , So she started to fundraise herself for the dog she wants to rescue and save and the chip in is in her account not mine, my involvement in this is getting the dog IF i can, So i told the lady to return all monies collected from the few ppl who donated in total $223 - £154 which some has already been refunded and some we are waiting on the details to refund back..if that is a scam surely we would keep the money but no it has been returned and the rest will be returned, Now do you think they are animal lovers..I say DO NOT TRUST animal aid fethiye and i shall be putting this on all the groups, reporting them in turkey, I will have a email shortly for ppl to make complaints to the local council regarding this animal aid...They have been to check if the pup is still there and they are saying no, Even though ive had reports from turkish she is but not on hotel grounds, So the rescue of this pup has failed because of them sadly...All money returned and so shame on them for causing this!!!!

So now AA (Fethiye) have been blamed for the dog being moved, beggars belief! Good news is that everyone involved with the Daisy scam will be refunded, at least that's a positive in this sad tale.
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: tinkerman on December 23, 2011, 10:37:08 AM
All I asked her is where her shelter was, I was then blocked.
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: Supacabby on December 23, 2011, 10:50:20 AM
I have asked for a friend request to her personal profile so I can exchange emails with her, to date this is not accepted. The TAG page has no contact facility on it, everything has to be posted on the wall, my posts (like all others requesting information) have been deleted. I have also sent an email to her aol address, again unanswered. If the lady chooses to be secretive (& put her name to fund raising which she knows nothing or very little about) then it will lead to suspicion, simple as that.
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: ceni on December 23, 2011, 11:05:40 AM
Same here, all I asked both of the women involved was. Was the pup still at the hotel in Olu and if so why were the local people who had offered/been to get the pup around the 9th December being told to stay away, meaning that the pup would have to suffer UNTIL she got there in Jan 2011. I also asked where this shelter is, and who runs it in Turkey for her as she is in the UK.

I wasn't even merited with an answer by either of them, simply blocked from their sites!

Now I may be a cynical bitch, but if they are both all above board and desperate to help the animals etc then why are they being so damned evasive, why refuse offers to help the pup then in first week of December without anyone having to donate, instead of setting up yet another "chip-in" donation page?

Also IMHO I think blaming AnimalAid for the failure to save this pup is ridiculous and probably (having read the posts on TLF) showing these women a little more in their true light!
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: Diverbaz 1 on December 23, 2011, 12:04:13 PM

Sounds like a sad desperate woman.
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: nichola on December 23, 2011, 13:07:46 PM
Originally posted by ceni
if so why were the local people who had offered/been to get the pup around the 9th December being told to stay away, meaning that the pup would have to suffer UNTIL she got there in Jan 2011.

Exactly and therefore why was I, via a friend of mine and Heather and Louise another friend on mine all asked to look into this if we were not to go there and remove it.

We were just meant to say oh yes it is there but its ok someone will come to get you in a few weeks time. And I still have all my emails if some one wants to challenge me!!!
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: votka peri on December 23, 2011, 14:31:37 PM
Nice long write up now on her page and all your messages are posted too
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: Scunner on December 23, 2011, 14:38:01 PM
I'll counter claim for breach of copyright :D

I quote: "why is it Jealousy because it certainly seems that way to me.."

I for one am extremely jealous of this woman.
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: tinkerman on December 23, 2011, 14:45:48 PM
can someone find this post?

If you send a message to the guest book it has to be checked first, so I guess as it's not a nice fluffy message congratulating her it will never be added.....



Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: Scunner on December 23, 2011, 14:48:21 PM
It wasn't you who said that, it's on page 7.
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: votka peri on December 23, 2011, 14:57:11 PM
i found it and im suprised you didnt get a copy andy  as the post starts with ANDY TRENT. id post what it says but its all about 200 pages long
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: ceni on December 23, 2011, 14:57:42 PM
Posted - 22 December 2011 :  19:57:01

It was the last line on this post from me, I had tried sending a message to the contacts link and also the guestbook link on the website, again they were all ignored!
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: Diverbaz 1 on December 23, 2011, 15:00:36 PM

I have put this on the wall, lets see how long it lasts

Where are the " nasty, spiteful,harassing and threatening behaviour" bits, all I see is people trying to help then getting ignored.
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: Scunner on December 23, 2011, 15:09:16 PM
All I have asked is if T.A.G. could confirm that they back (as claimed) the woman raising funds for a free holiday to go to Turkey to save a puppy that doesn't appear to exist. All those reasonable requests were deleted without comment. I await the charge sheet guv.
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: Diverbaz 1 on December 23, 2011, 16:51:54 PM
Well I had some sort of dialogue going and when she started losing she blocked me, well before she deletes it here is the conversation. Just been told it has been deleted.

Barry Prowse Where are the " nasty, spiteful,harassing and threatening behaviour" bits, all I see is people trying to help then getting ignored.
about an hour ago · Like

Turkish Animal Group (T.A.G.) - Dog Adoptables #8206;Barry Prowse , I have them all, through my website, my fb groups and pages, forums, i have been informed not to speak about this now but it is being dealt with, thank you
about an hour ago · Like

Turkish Animal Group (T.A.G.) - Dog Adoptables Read above barry, so this is not a hate campaign against my charity, because this is slander of my name, half of what is written here is false, why do you not contact me direct, i am far to busy and my team deal with things for me, i wish i...See more
about an hour ago · Like
Barry Prowse If YOU read the thread above countless people tried to talk to you direct.
about an hour ago · Like
Barry Prowse Why didn't you contact Animal Aid direct about the dog? you were told about us.
about an hour ago · Like

Turkish Animal Group (T.A.G.) - Dog Adoptables Barry they were contacted in sept..And nothing we were told the puppy was outside fethiye area, Plus i asked about honey a dog in fethiye months ago and guess what animal aid never returned my mail and no one contacted me direct except 1 la...See more
about an hour ago · Like

Turkish Animal Group (T.A.G.) - Dog Adoptables Why did no one help me with this dog, i pleaded and pleaded with ppl to help me in fethiye and AA was contacted not just by myself and we got nothing back...And andy trent his words to me -were the biggest and best but your not, its not abo...See more
about an hour ago · Like
Barry Prowse Have you read the entire thread, I suggest you try reading it again, this time without the thought it is someone having a go at you. Towards the end people are getting suspicious, you are a charity and people like to know how things are run...See more
about an hour ago · Like ·  1

Turkish Animal Group (T.A.G.) - Dog Adoptables No andy trent said she is outside of the area and couldnt help was the reply , but all of a sudden its all on, why would you not help before..honey was fethiye not outside..but i got no reply at all to her
about an hour ago · Like
Barry Prowse But that's not what is written above from Andy, and I quote, "Turkey
15708 Posts
Posted - 09 December 2011 : 09:18:27 Yes we already have this message, but a bit vague on location, if we can find out where it is we may ask the Ovacik animal rescue people to investigate otherwise we will follow it up.
about an hour ago · Like
Barry Prowse also in the two posts after that he states he will investigate if the Ovacik group won't.
about an hour ago · Like

Turkish Animal Group (T.A.G.) - Dog Adoptables Barry emails were sent direct to AA and we were told they could not help..2mths later the help comes..Anyway im sorry to say im super busy i will have to get a member of my team to take over when they get a minute, karen.
29 minutes ago · Like

Mark R Henderson Karen wrote: "Read above barry, so this is not a hate campaign against my charity, because this is slander of my name, half of what is written here is false, why do you not contact me direct, i am far to busy and my team deal with things fo...See more
27 minutes ago · Like
Barry Prowse See, even trying to sort things out direct, and you can't be bothered and pass it to someone else.
26 minutes ago · Like

Turkish Animal Group (T.A.G.) - Dog Adoptables No barry i have 40 dogs that need me, Do you , i dont have time to waste on this..really i have much better things i need to be getting on with , goodbye ..
4 minutes ago · Like

Turkish Animal Group (T.A.G.) - Dog Adoptables And mark you have never emailed me on fb direct..i emailed you when you asked to join my group which i denied..
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: Scunner on December 23, 2011, 17:06:48 PM
The woman appears to have a paranoia complex (don't worry I think that can be proved in court   ;)). If she thinks this forum is hosting a hate campaign against her she should read what is being said about her on other forums that concern themselves with Turkish and living...that's how personal attacks are done!!!

All everyone tried to do was 1. Ensure she was aware that her organisation name was being used by an individual who was asking strangers for money, 2. Ask if her organisation could confirm they did support the use of their name and the cause, and 3. Some expressed their natural disappointment that their attempts to make her aware, and her response to instantly dismiss and delete their communications and stick her head back in the sand.

If that was supposed to be a vendetta, you lot are useless!
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: KKOB on December 23, 2011, 17:37:54 PM
Vendetta ?? Bugger, I could have sworn you said Lambretta.  ;)
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: peecee on December 23, 2011, 19:35:41 PM
I went to the facebook link but can't write on the wall now!

I'm a senior member on CBF, warm fussy feeling:D:DI'm sure she is reading this so:-

Karen, if you're a bona fida charity then I don't think we're targeting you but the person who 'contacted' you may be scamming. She may have used you as a means to an end?

We all try and do what we can for animals in Turkey, especially Animal aid Fethiye which ARE a registered charity.  all we ask for is a bit of transparency.  AA would have gone to help the pup, why wait weeks and weeks for you to come?

Why are you deleting the posts on Facebook?  Legitimate questions are being asked so answer them instead of getting on your high horse and blocking?!
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: peecee on December 23, 2011, 19:38:34 PM
put the above post, see if there's a response
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: Scunner on December 23, 2011, 23:12:50 PM
I must say, after 10 pages on this - what is an abandonded dog anyway Heather  ;)
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: cheers on December 24, 2011, 02:44:25 AM
Especially one that nobody knows exists Keith!   8) 8) 8)
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: Hotmama on December 28, 2011, 19:41:39 PM
I see that there is further discussion of financial shenanigans of Karen Lowrie Wren / T.A.G here (I hope its not against the rules to post that link.) AA gets a mention.~

It had never really occurred to me that these appeals may not be genuine. I will continue to support AA as I have meet many of the guys and can see the good work that they do.
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: ceni on December 29, 2011, 10:50:01 AM
I think this thread and the one on TLF has moved a lot further on from the abandoned pup now, it would seem that KLW's "charity" has been blown out of the water, it would seem she owes a lot of people both in Turkey and Bulgaria a lot of money for services they supplied to her that she will not pay for. Her pattern seems to be, once a bill is due to be paid she will then start bad mouthing them and use her lies and deciept as a excuse for not paying.

It would seem that her original shelter was in Akbuk, but she borrowed money from a local vet and then started her usual M O, started collecting donations to build another shelter (possibly on outskirts of Didim) she's collecting 1000's and 1000's of dollars in donations from people to not only fund this but pay wages to the man who owns the land these kennels have been built on to the tune of £1000 a month, an exceptional wage by Turkish standards for keeping a space for a few dogs! I'm sure you will agree.

I find it amusing that KLW will only appear on the TLF forum to continue her abuse of the people she has sh*t on. I also find it a great pity and frustrating that the people who are regularly being hoodwinked by this woman can not be warned exactly what they are getting themselves into when they offer to help her either by "adopting" or donating to her farce of a charity!
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: Old Daffodil on December 29, 2011, 15:30:18 PM
If she is raising money through her Facebook page by posing as a charity would Facebook be able to do something about her page being used for illegal purposes.
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: Hotmama on December 29, 2011, 20:47:23 PM
I think the page has been reported by a number of people now.
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: Julesp on December 29, 2011, 23:05:27 PM
If she is posing as a charity here in Turkey She can easily be found out
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: cheers on December 30, 2011, 00:44:27 AM
I got this reply from my complaint.  Says it all:

Jessie Rescued

Please do not post things like this, we are a reputable charity that saves many lives and what you are saying is objecionable, you do not know the full facts.

I didn't know dogs could speak???

Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: chris2158 on December 30, 2011, 06:25:19 AM
as I understand it having followed threads on TLF too ( with over 350 posted replies on it ! ) they are NOT actually a registered charity - so why does she say they are ?. Their FB page says non profit organisation & group - if not a particularly transparent one . No mention of the word charity on their official website either & no registration number. Its a shame that their name is currently being dragged through the mud when simple answers to genuine questions & concerns could have stopped it all. I am sure their intentions are honest but they have done themsleves absolutely no favours whatsoever I still fail to understand the logic behind spending thousand of pounds to save a few dogs  by sending them to Uk wehich has its own stray dog / euthanasia problems when so many more could be helped here with those funds. Madness
Title: Abandonded dog
Post by: Hotmama on December 30, 2011, 09:23:22 AM
I completely agree chris2158.