Calis Beach and Fethiye Turkey Discussion Forum

Calis Beach Forum => Calis and Area - Member's Photographs => Topic started by: happy_flyer on April 15, 2012, 08:22:03 AM

Title: Welcome back to Calis
Post by: happy_flyer on April 15, 2012, 08:22:03 AM
Welcome Back to Calis and a wonderful sunny morning.
Title: Welcome back to Calis
Post by: Bluwise on April 15, 2012, 08:35:11 AM
How lovely - that marvellous feeling when you wake up on day 01, the sun is shining and you just leave all the stresses and strains behind.......bliss!
Title: Welcome back to Calis
Post by: sunlover on April 15, 2012, 10:15:05 AM
OMG cant wait for 4 weeks time, we will be there watching the sunrise/sunstes again 8)
Title: Welcome back to Calis
Post by: happy_flyer on April 26, 2012, 18:42:51 PM
Its a great feeling .
We have sold our house now subject to contract so this sort of thing will be perminant soon.
Title: Welcome back to Calis
Post by: retiredandlovingit on April 27, 2012, 07:12:39 AM
Looks like you have a great view if this is from your balcony.We did same as you last year,sold up and moved here permanant and we love it.
Title: Welcome back to Calis
Post by: happy_flyer on April 27, 2012, 19:50:23 PM
Can't wait now , it is so exciting to be  emergrating at my age lol.

Did you take the bull by the horns straight away and buy or stat out by renting first like we are going to do?

Well done you so glad it is working out for you and hopefully we will feel the same way this time next year.
Title: Welcome back to Calis
Post by: patrice on April 27, 2012, 21:07:52 PM
Good luck happy flyer on your new adventure :D
Title: Welcome back to Calis
Post by: Jim Fraser on April 27, 2012, 22:33:13 PM
Good luck happy_flyer

Hope you settle in as easy as we did.
Title: Welcome back to Calis
Post by: laffa on April 27, 2012, 23:31:56 PM
 :) Nice to see a happy post, good luck and enjoy.
Title: Welcome back to Calis
Post by: retiredandlovingit on April 28, 2012, 11:17:13 AM
Hi Alan, Bought villa in Ovacik about 5 years ago ,saved hard for next 4 years, sold and moved here permanant a year ago today.Have been holidaying in Turkey for 23 years ,dithered about buying for about 5 years so not what you d call a impulse decision.Happy days ever since.
Title: Welcome back to Calis
Post by: happy_flyer on May 01, 2012, 20:01:23 PM
Thank you all for the well wishes ,fingers crossed all round and just can't wait to book those one way tickets.So exciting.
Title: Welcome back to Calis
Post by: happy_flyer on May 12, 2012, 22:28:24 PM
Bad news sorry to say but our house sale has fallen through so we are back to square one.

Here we go again , hopefully this time we won't have first time buyers wasting our time with stupid offers.

I know we will get there in the end and are going to have to be patient but its not easy.
Title: Welcome back to Calis
Post by: Scunner on May 12, 2012, 22:30:28 PM
Keep the faith Alan - everything happens for a reason. The hard part is trying to work out what the reason is - but you'll get there. Things will all fall into place  :)
Title: Welcome back to Calis
Post by: grizabella on May 13, 2012, 07:38:50 AM
Had the same bother 5 years ago so just took the bull by the horns,moved out in the September,left the house sale in the hands of the lawyer and when I came back over in the December picked up my check and skipped the full length of Princess Street.Decided to rent out here  and enjoy spending the proceeds of all my years of hard work.Definately worth it.Good luck Alan,everything happens for a purpose.
Title: Welcome back to Calis
Post by: happy_flyer on May 13, 2012, 21:03:25 PM
HA HA HA Sounds like a plan, thanks so much for the support its just so frustrating thats all.
So glad i didnt get as far as booking the flights.

We will get there will just have to be  patient  and it will be worth the wait.

Title: Re: Welcome back to Calis
Post by: happy_flyer on June 27, 2012, 22:52:29 PM
As of yesterday we have started with a new estate agent to revitalise the chance of us getting there .
Title: Re: Welcome back to Calis
Post by: Anne on June 27, 2012, 23:48:05 PM
Good luck Alan.  Hopefully this time things will work out well for you and you'll be chilling in Calis pronto
Title: Re: Welcome back to Calis
Post by: happy_flyer on July 13, 2012, 23:13:50 PM
Well so far two weeks in with new agents and not even a phonecall to say anybody is interested, so i guess it will be quiet now until after the games.

Not to be outdone of our holiday i have booked the flights to come out on 11th August for two weeks so we will still get our summer sun  fix of Calis, although the price of them was nearly a put off. Thankfully we have a villa bargain price so it makes it affordable.

Can't wait now, with all this rain we are having now seems to have been raining all year now.

Four weeks and counting.

Thanks again for all the help and support.

Title: Re: Welcome back to Calis
Post by: nichola on July 14, 2012, 00:26:56 AM
Great to hear you are one step closer to moving here permanently, very exciting  :D
Title: Re: Welcome back to Calis
Post by: happy_flyer on July 14, 2012, 22:16:27 PM
Yes very exciting but i would have enjoyed it more if the flights i booked were one way. I guess i'm just gonna have to be patient, which doesn't come easy and enjoy the two weeks whenwe get there.
Four weeks today and counting.
 I the weather is playing up at the moment only in the mid 90's while here we have thunder and heavy rain again.  ;)

Title: Re: Welcome back to Calis
Post by: happy_flyer on September 11, 2012, 22:26:36 PM
Good news we now have a sold sign outside our house and just waiting to see what the completion date is going to be and then i can book those much waited for ONE WAY FLIGHTS yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy .
Fingers crossed it goes through this time.

My tropical fish went back to the fish shop today and my friend is having the tank for his snake so things are moving now.

I find myself drifting off more and more these days so i think it is time for me to retire to, lol good job we are going too.

Thanks all for your support, it looks like we will be there pretty soon now and we can't wait.
Happy times to come.

Title: Re: Welcome back to Calis
Post by: Toky on September 11, 2012, 23:18:22 PM
Lucky you on all counts!!! Not only retiring, but retiring to the sun. Jealous? Me? Too right!!!! Here's to a very happy peaceful future to you.
Title: Re: Welcome back to Calis
Post by: Lotty on September 12, 2012, 08:19:10 AM
I have a big smile on my face for you! Worth waiting for, I know you'll be very happy.
Title: Re: Welcome back to Calis
Post by: happy_flyer on September 13, 2012, 21:54:21 PM
That smile must be nearly as big as mine i can't wait now , just need to get the contracts ,sign them and arrange that one way flight.  :)
Title: Re: Welcome back to Calis
Post by: retiredandlovingit on September 15, 2012, 10:57:55 AM
A tense time for you at the moment, Iknow you will be hoping and praying everything goes through ok this time,I know that feeling only too well.We were despererate to retire and move over here permanant and until we got that contract signed it was so stressful , we made it and so will you.Calis here you come.
Title: Re: Welcome back to Calis
Post by: happy_flyer on September 28, 2012, 20:38:05 PM
Still waiting for the contracts to arrive , we know they have been sent to the buyers so its only a matter of time as always.
I am really trying to be patient, on a bright note the villa we will be renting is having a new roof before we get there so every clould and all that, at least we won't spend our first full winter in Calis chasing about with buckets catching the drips.
Why is house moving so painful?
I'm sure it will be worth it in the end.
Title: Re: Welcome back to Calis
Post by: bewva on September 29, 2012, 09:22:36 AM
I am really trying to be patient, on a bright note the villa we will be renting is having a new roof before we get there so every clould and all that, at least we won't spend our first full winter in Calis chasing about with buckets catching the drips.

That would depend on who's putting it on HF  ;)
Title: Re: Welcome back to Calis
Post by: happy_flyer on October 09, 2012, 22:44:20 PM
Thanks for that one. Don't know who is fitting it so just hope it will be fine lol.
An update as well hoping to exchange those contracts tomorrow and complete next friday and then those one way flights just hope i can still book then and thier not sold out by now. Have been checking every day and so far still available. Wonder why they say home moving is so stressfull, oh and how could i forget i put in my resignation on monday and finishing off and retiring on friday come what may.
Title: Re: Welcome back to Calis
Post by: Marggie on October 10, 2012, 06:35:58 AM
You must be soooooooooooo excited!!  Enjoy your retirement and your new life here in Turkey.
Title: Re: Welcome back to Calis
Post by: Bluwise on October 10, 2012, 07:24:17 AM
Keep the posts coming HF - really interested to hear about your "transition"....well jel  8)
Title: Re: Welcome back to Calis
Post by: turkeysue on October 10, 2012, 20:42:20 PM
oh yes please lets us all know how you settle etc...reading your posts was like reading a good book...every best wishes to you..  :)  :)
Title: Re: Welcome back to Calis
Post by: happy_flyer on October 13, 2012, 22:04:17 PM
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh just heard yesterday that there is a problem with our buyers copy of the contract and that they havnt even signed them yet.
They are going to check with thier solicitors on monday to see if they can just change it and sign it or if new contracts have to be issued.

Completion i would suggest is looking a bit dodgey for this friday and a flight out on monday the 22nd which luckily i've put off booking so it may be another week before we can get there.

So glad i took advice and waited.
Anyway on the retirement side of things i had to show my replacement around on friday before i left and they didnt have a whip round or sign a card or anything ,not even a hand shake from the boss to say goodbye, just great after 5 years , just wish i had dropped them in it and just left with no notice a week ago. I guess what they say about hindsight is true.

Retired now though thats the main thing and we can look forward to the future and all this in 6 months will be a distant memory,and it will be summer again so BRING IT ON.

In i'm sure just a week or 2 the flights will have been booked, the house cleared and our adventure will start so now i feel is a good time to thank everyone on here for all the help and encouragement and support through these trying but exciting times.

The updates will follow once settled and we have the tinernet connected but in the meantime i will do my best to keep you upto date with my iphone.
Heres to a quiet and uneventfull winter apart from some good lightening storms (i love these) and a bright and cheerful spring in time for a brilliant Calis summer.

Thanks everyone.

Soon to be VERY happy_flyer ......................................................... Alan and everlovin Sue.
Title: Re: Welcome back to Calis
Post by: happy_flyer on October 18, 2012, 11:03:14 AM
Contracts exchanged, completion friday 26th and ONE WAY FLIGHT booked and paid for. ;D   :)   :) :o  :o  :o

29th October 2012 the dream becomes a reality 07:10 at Bristol will never be as exciting.

Bring it on.
Title: Re: Welcome back to Calis
Post by: Scunner on October 18, 2012, 11:24:02 AM
Well done Alan & good luck. Keep the updates on your adventure going if you can.
Title: Re: Welcome back to Calis
Post by: nichola on October 18, 2012, 11:34:46 AM
Brilliant news; what's selling a house without a few last minute glitches. See you here very soon   :)
Title: Re: Welcome back to Calis
Post by: Anne on October 18, 2012, 11:38:37 AM
Congrats Alan and the very best of luck in your new adventure in sunny Calis
Title: Re: Welcome back to Calis
Post by: tinkerman on October 18, 2012, 12:35:38 PM
Congratulations....first thing you will need is two dogs and several cats :D
Title: Re: Welcome back to Calis
Post by: Supacabby on October 18, 2012, 19:56:40 PM
First thing you'll GET is two dogs & several cats, needed or not!!!
Title: Re: Welcome back to Calis
Post by: Jim Fraser on October 18, 2012, 21:10:06 PM
Well done Alan - took you a while sorting that house sale but all the troubles will soon be a distant memory.
Thats us coming up to the end of our first year here full time - hope you have as easy and enjoyable a time as we have had.
Title: Re: Welcome back to Calis
Post by: Bluwise on October 18, 2012, 21:41:07 PM
Fantastic and many congratulations and best wishes for your future!

Title: Re: Welcome back to Calis
Post by: retiredandlovingit on October 22, 2012, 17:39:50 PM
Your nearly home now,all the stress of the past is over.Enjoy your new life.
Title: Re: Welcome back to Calis
Post by: happy_flyer on October 22, 2012, 19:40:52 PM
Yep we're on the home stretch now just do icing the the freezers ready for the big chuck out tomorrow and then into hotels until monday and then at 7:10 we are on our way. really starting to get excited now.
Next week is going to feel really strange, and we can't wait.
Thanks again to everyone on here that has followed every stumble along the way and been so supportive.
Title: Re: Welcome back to Calis
Post by: happy_flyer on November 03, 2012, 21:59:28 PM
Been here 6 days now and its brilliant, so glad we decided to do this.
 Feels really strange as our daughter is upstairs packing to go back the UK tomorrow, :'(  she came over with us last Monday to help settle us in. ;D
Going to miss her and her sister so much, Thankfully got the internet up and running today so we can stay in touch and still have the Iphone for facetime.
Now to start to sort the other stuff out and hopefully our boxes will find thier way here this week to, that will be so good to have the bits from home we couldnt get in the cases, nothing of any real value just the sentimental stuff and things to make the villa more homely.
next important things to do sort out residency, bank accounts and buy a tele, fridge freezer, microwave and the like, so if anyone has recommendations on where to go to get a good deal on electricals, would be good.

Thanks for reading the story so far, i will no dought be asking for more advice elsewhere on the site and keeping you upto date with the trials that come up from time to time.
Good luck everyone for a warm and uneventful winter.

Alan And Sue.
Title: Re: Welcome back to Calis
Post by: Anne on November 03, 2012, 22:22:44 PM
Glad your enjoying the begining of your new adventure Alan
Title: Re: Welcome back to Calis
Post by: Scunner on November 03, 2012, 22:30:40 PM
buy a tele, fridge freezer, microwave and the like, so if anyone has recommendations on where to go to get a good deal on electricals, would be good.

Definitely try Eren Spot in Fethiye Alan - he'll do you a good deal and a great deal if you buy them all from him. A great supporter of our charity work and without doubt one of the most honest men of Fethiye.
Title: Re: Welcome back to Calis
Post by: retiredandlovingit on November 04, 2012, 07:24:57 AM
Its such a good life here Alan your gonna love it.Enjoy.
Title: Re: Welcome back to Calis
Post by: Jim Fraser on November 04, 2012, 08:08:45 AM
Well done Alan and Sue.

That is us just coming up to our first full year here, first week or so was the worst with missing family and friends, and the thoughts of - have we done the right thing - come the following weeks we had lots of friends and relations asking when they could come over to see us and any concerns about staying here soon disappeared.
Title: Welcome back to Calis
Post by: Rimms on November 04, 2012, 10:51:51 AM
Brilliant news Alan, I'm sure you will love your new lifestyle, it's a great place to live and there is so much to see and do it will make your retirement a dream come true
Title: Re: Welcome back to Calis
Post by: happy_flyer on November 04, 2012, 23:01:08 PM
eren spot in Fethiye , where abouts is this please?
And thanks for all the words of encouragement.

Title: Re: Welcome back to Calis
Post by: bewva on November 05, 2012, 12:46:52 PM
If you know where the market is in Fethiye, Come out on to the main 1 way road and head towards the dolmus terminal.
Eren Spot is about 100m on the left.
Title: Re: Welcome back to Calis
Post by: happy_flyer on November 09, 2012, 22:13:21 PM
Thankyou very much for that yes i know exactly where you mean now. I feel a shopping trip coming on soon.
Title: Re: Welcome back to Calis
Post by: Menthol on June 11, 2013, 19:36:23 PM
 :o Awww - no more posts from Happy Flyer!  I got quite into your story. Are you okay Happy Flyer and enjoying your retirement in Calis?
Title: Re: Welcome back to Calis
Post by: angela on June 12, 2013, 15:39:04 PM
yes from me too, how did it work out, are you enjoying your new life, we need to know these things!!
Title: Re: Welcome back to Calis
Post by: heatherhanum on June 13, 2013, 10:14:49 AM
What a great read I hope to follow in your footsteps in the future. I am so pleased to hear that eventually your dreams came true. I hope you continue to enjoy your retirement in the sun. Let us know how your adventures develop good luck  8)
Heather x