Calis Beach and Fethiye Turkey Discussion Forum

General Topics => All things that have nothing to do with Turkey => Topic started by: Highlander on June 11, 2012, 19:09:26 PM

Title: What a waste of money.
Post by: Highlander on June 11, 2012, 19:09:26 PM
julie205, in response to a thread elsewhere, said that she thought people who pay £ 8 for a packet of fags are off their trolley.

So what is it that other folks spend their hard earned pennies on that would make you think that they were off their trolley.
Title: Re: What a waste of money.
Post by: Bluwise on June 11, 2012, 19:21:23 PM
"Designer" stuff - often a rip off in my opinion.
Title: Re: What a waste of money.
Post by: Steve (redding43) on June 11, 2012, 19:24:47 PM
iPads / iPhone

Overrated and overpriced purchased by people that have more money than sense and just want the badge.

Sent from my iPad
Title: Re: What a waste of money.
Post by: Bluwise on June 11, 2012, 20:28:20 PM
iPads / iPhone

Overrated and overpriced purchased by people that have more money than sense and just want the badge.


Sent from my iPad
I agree - (sent from my mac as ipad needs charging!) ;D
Title: Re: What a waste of money.
Post by: Toky on June 11, 2012, 21:38:54 PM
I have a passion for sunglasses and watches. Lost count how many of each I have but it's a ridiculous amount. I am making a big effort to stop buying them.
Title: Re: What a waste of money.
Post by: Eric on June 11, 2012, 21:41:19 PM
Expensive tea's and coffee, status symbol designed to impress.  There is very little that impresses me!
Title: Re: What a waste of money.
Post by: Scunner on June 11, 2012, 21:57:05 PM
Handbags. Absolutely horrific that a bag can cost hundreds (and even thousands) of pounds. It's a bag.
Title: Re: What a waste of money.
Post by: Merlin on June 11, 2012, 22:06:02 PM
Handbags. Absolutely horrific that a bag can cost hundreds (and even thousands) of pounds. It's a bag.

it's a woman thing ;-)
Title: Re: What a waste of money.
Post by: Scunner on June 11, 2012, 22:07:32 PM
That's right Lee :D
Title: Re: What a waste of money.
Post by: Highlander on June 11, 2012, 22:22:56 PM
In no particular order - tattoos, membership of a gym, shampoo.

Title: Re: What a waste of money.
Post by: bewva on June 11, 2012, 22:25:34 PM
Agree with handbags and add shoes to that.
My mrs has probably 75 pairs of shoes, boots and sandals but will still come home from a shopping trip with more 'bargain shoes' ???
Title: Re: What a waste of money.
Post by: bewva on June 11, 2012, 22:30:01 PM
In no particular order - tattoos, membership of a gym, shampoo.

Agree with tattoos. I think if a gym membership is used regularly then that's fair enough sadly they seldom are. Don't need to buy shampoo personally  8)
Title: Re: What a waste of money.
Post by: Highlander on June 11, 2012, 22:31:14 PM
Is blue touch paper money well spent   ;)
Title: Re: What a waste of money.
Post by: Scunner on June 11, 2012, 22:34:02 PM
I also think jeans - after a certain age I don't see the point in paying high prices for Levis or the like. Trainers I spend more on, but I do find the more I spend on trainers, the cheaper they are over their lifetime  ;)
Title: Re: What a waste of money.
Post by: mary62 on June 12, 2012, 11:03:38 AM
Body piercings. I understand ear piercing, but I dont get the need for tongue, nose, belly-buttons, nipples etc. Maybe it's just me??
Title: What a waste of money.
Post by: Big Doug on June 12, 2012, 11:20:36 AM
What's wrong with my Prince Albert piercing?
Title: Re: What a waste of money.
Post by: Steve (redding43) on June 12, 2012, 12:45:46 PM
What's wrong with my Prince Albert piercing?

More like Prince Edward Bruv
Title: Re: What a waste of money.
Post by: marina on June 12, 2012, 18:55:55 PM
Agree with handbags and add shoes to that.
My mrs has probably 75 pairs of shoes, boots and sandals but will still come home from a shopping trip with more 'bargain shoes' ???

And your problem is?? ............    ;)
Title: Re: What a waste of money.
Post by: hotlips on June 12, 2012, 21:23:02 PM
I just don't understand why people pay huge amounts of money for a bog standard T shirt to advertise the designer's name. What is that all about? I think they should pay the wearer for advertising it! :P
Title: Re: What a waste of money.
Post by: bewva on June 12, 2012, 23:13:42 PM
Agree with handbags and add shoes to that.
My mrs has probably 75 pairs of shoes, boots and sandals but will still come home from a shopping trip with more 'bargain shoes' ???

And your problem is?? ............    ;)

Storage mainly. :(
Title: Re: What a waste of money.
Post by: peter16 on June 17, 2012, 00:15:16 AM
Scunner your only posting about handbags etc. :o because your worried the housekeeping gets spent before you get a manbag for your Ipad ;D
Title: Re: What a waste of money.
Post by: jondo on June 18, 2012, 10:26:30 AM
Hotlips, you are spot on.

Trouble is where can you get a decent plain T shirt these days? It seems the designers are going for very small sleeves which are fine for the beach boy physique (maybe, a longtime ago!). I prefer the looser look these days though not a tent!  Any ideas?
Title: Re: What a waste of money.
Post by: Colwyn on June 18, 2012, 15:22:43 PM
People are pointing to trivial sums - even for Scunner's iPod/iPad/iThingy. What about the Government deciding to add another £3billion to the £3billion already spent on preparing for the replacement of Trident even though no decision has been made, claims the Government, on whether to replace it or not? What will be final cost of the UK renewing its non-independent nuclear non-deterrent? Nobody can guess. Just think of a number, multiply it an equally outrageous amount, and then double it. Still, we can afford it with all the extra tax on public sector workers and cutting down on benefits for rest of us.

[Pity the Grumpy Old Men forum has been closed. This would be better off there].
Title: Re: What a waste of money.
Post by: Scunner on June 18, 2012, 15:26:48 PM
[Pity the Grumpy Old Men forum has been closed. This would be better off there].

Not closed:
Title: Re: What a waste of money.
Post by: Colwyn on June 18, 2012, 15:49:26 PM
Thanks. I had thought it had be decided that CBF members might not have been grumpy enough to justify that forum. Glad to see that harmony and light has not been deemed to be universal.
Title: Re: What a waste of money.
Post by: martinp2502 on June 19, 2012, 10:49:07 AM
Hotlips, you are spot on.

Trouble is where can you get a decent plain T shirt these days? It seems the designers are going for very small sleeves which are fine for the beach boy physique (maybe, a longtime ago!). I prefer the looser look these days though not a tent!  Any ideas?
I've always found the quality from this bunch excellent. Plus no large annoying logos.
Title: Re: What a waste of money.
Post by: jondo on June 19, 2012, 14:27:03 PM
Thanks for that Martin. A good selection there.

Sorry the remainder if we've veered off the humourous part of the thread. Please resume at your leisure as it was quite amusing.
Title: Re: What a waste of money.
Post by: Jim Fraser on June 19, 2012, 18:37:26 PM
What a waste of money - getting drunk