Calis Beach and Fethiye Turkey Discussion Forum

Calis Beach Forum => Calis Local Charity Announcements => Topic started by: mercury on December 17, 2012, 22:56:40 PM

Title: Local young Mums in this area
Post by: mercury on December 17, 2012, 22:56:40 PM
I hope that Keith will forgive me for this but I am the internet seller for our shop on Facebook pages..
In the course of my selling I have came across a younger generation of ex. pats who most of us never existed. Mostly married to Turkish men and have children and are living their lives here. There is a group called fethiye Mummies, babies and kids group who asked if The 3 cs would organise a Halloween party for them so Barbara and I organised one... We couldnt do them a Xmas party so they  just got together and organised a very succesful one of their own.  We  the 3 Cs donated our Santa and Mummy Xmas and they agreed to give us some of their takings to thank us for the Halloween party. Rachel called me tonight and said they had raised 155 TL for us..really great as they only charged 6tl per child.     .On top of this one of them won a Xmas tree and offered it to the batterered wives refuge in Calis. One of The 3 cs previous projects. They went to visit the refuge and found out there were 19 children there with their Mums. These young women who arent exacty over flowing with money have got together went and got a list of ages and sex of the kids and bought every child their own present for Xmas this year and also raised 250TL from women who didnt know what present to buy.  They have also donated clothes for The mums there. I think they are bloody amazing and I am very moved by their kindness. Some of these mums are buying second hand toys for their own children but still find the time and money to help the kids in this refuge. I love them all.... Laura, Paula, Sarah, Tamzin and Rachel especially. I am proud to know you. These girls also find time to support The 3 cs in anyway they can by baking for coffee mornings etc.  See we arent all old buggers that live here. x  Happy Xmas girls..!!
Title: Re: Local young Mums in this area
Post by: Highlander on December 17, 2012, 23:08:15 PM
Oh good grief mercury - that brought a tear to my eye.

If there is any way I can help these wonderful woman, PLEASE, just let me know.

Kindest regards

Title: Re: Local young Mums in this area
Post by: heather07 on December 17, 2012, 23:31:42 PM
And the sharing goes on.  what a lovely post..xx
Title: Local young Mums in this area
Post by: kayakebab on December 18, 2012, 06:28:47 AM
Fantastic, I guess it's all about leading by example. They loved the Halloween party and good on them for organising their own Christmas do, we obviously inspired them! And a donation from 6tl too, just brilliant.
I know most of these young women, they are really lovely.
Laura is my neighbour and was straight over with a tray for me to make mince pies for the 3 c's! She is a regular supporter of Embrace too.
Rachel and Tamzin are always at every fundraising event, for animal aid too.
I saw all the messages flying back and forth about presents for the centre, can't believe they've raised the money bought the presents and got all sorted so quickly.
Well done ladies x
Title: Re: Local young Mums in this area
Post by: mercury on December 18, 2012, 17:45:48 PM
My friend Sarah runs the buy and sell forum with Paula. She called me today to say that the total is now 270TL. Thank you John. !!. One or 2 of the girls have always helped with stuff for the refuge but I think that they want this to be their own project as for their own reasons it is dear to their hearts.  You are a lovely man... 
Title: Re: Local young Mums in this area
Post by: busybee on December 18, 2012, 20:16:52 PM
This is a brilliant story, we certainly have a lot of folk over here of all ages with very kind hearts.  We all seem to rise to the occasion of helping others that are less fortunate than ourselves and have lots of fun doing it.  Its like a fundraising train that just keeps picking up inspirational passengers.
Title: Re: Local young Mums in this area
Post by: Hotmama on December 19, 2012, 07:24:56 AM
Anne, you have make me tear up this time.
I have only been in Calis for two years now, before that I lived in Antalya, which was nice but had a totally different feel.
Thanks to the likes of 3C's & Animal Aid I know that I made the right decision to move here. These causes have always been close to my heart.
Just by existing you help me school my Son in some very important life lessons. Helping others, understanding that others may be less fortunate also compassion for all living creatures amongst others. That's in addition to having fun & making a Turkish wage stretch just that little bit further. You guys help make Calis a community & not just a haven for tourists.

Life is a bit more rounded for us as a family because of our involvement.

Thank you to all the people that take the time to contirbute.

Title: Re: Local young Mums in this area
Post by: kevin3 on December 19, 2012, 08:36:40 AM
A lovely post Tamzin and a lovely outlook on life and its priorities.
Title: Re: Local young Mums in this area
Post by: turkeysue on December 19, 2012, 20:50:17 PM
me to had a tear in my eyes...well done you young mums..keep up your very good work....what a lovley attitude for women so young to give such a lot...well done all and a VERY happy christmas and happy new year.. ;D  :)  :)
Title: Re: Local young Mums in this area
Post by: Pi55y on December 19, 2012, 22:37:23 PM
Well done ladies and thank you for your contribution.

Tamzin, thank you or your lovely post   :)
Title: Local young Mums in this area
Post by: Dutchie on December 20, 2012, 12:10:53 PM
Well said Tamzin x
Title: Re: Local young Mums in this area
Post by: mercury on December 20, 2012, 17:50:01 PM
I must say that althought The 3 Cs have helped the refuge in  the past that at lease 3 of these women were doing it before we even knew that it was there.. They have always donated their own childrens unwanted toys and clothes etc.