Calis Beach and Fethiye Turkey Discussion Forum

Calis Beach Forum => Calis Beach Questions and Information => Topic started by: Dippey on June 17, 2005, 16:17:02 PM

Title: How do I .............?
Post by: Dippey on June 17, 2005, 16:17:02 PM
Girlie head on here.

How can I download the whole CB Forum onto my laptop so that when I'm not at a internet socket or whatever its called, i can look up some info without a 600 metre following me down the road?
Tried printing the info out, but my company has put a limitation on my Paper Purchase Approval Form (flipping quality and procedures jobworths!)
(and no i can't do it remotely thru my mobile, cos I don't know how to work a mobile thru my laptop.)

Title: How do I .............?
Post by: Steve (redding43) on June 17, 2005, 16:39:26 PM
I don't think you can. The pages are not static HTML as I think it uses a database to store content (as do most/all forum sites)

Sorry, no easy way other than a lot of cutting and pasting

Title: How do I .............?
Post by: tinkerman on June 17, 2005, 17:00:19 PM
Wouldn't that be classified as Theft?
Title: How do I .............?
Post by: lmaddy on June 17, 2005, 17:43:06 PM
Just a thought Dippey but do you have broadband and does your lap top have wireless connectivity. If it does you can buy a wireless modem and hey presto you can't go wondering far but you could sit in you garden on a nice sunny day - alternative go sit in Starbucks which does have wireless connectivity - well the one in Mooregate does.

Blackberry could be the answer as well - though CB does not show up well. Also couldn't get my Blackberry to work in Turkey but I think I needed to search for a different network

All the above - good working from home tecniques as well!

