Calis Beach and Fethiye Turkey Discussion Forum

General Topics => All things that have nothing to do with Turkey => Topic started by: Old Nick on July 30, 2014, 16:53:21 PM

Title: How much time do you spend in the internet?
Post by: Old Nick on July 30, 2014, 16:53:21 PM
Following on from Nichola's thread, I just wondered how much time the average adult spends on forums, facebook, etc. etc. during a normal week.  I have recently moved into my sister's annex (just retired) and she has kindly let me use her laptop and her broadband link.  Prior to this, I was rarely on the internet, apart from when I was in the office working.

I have been watching my usage go up and up in a very short time and am getting concerned about how easily these little visits to check emails, facebooks, forums, take over your free time and your life.

So how about it, who else is becoming/is addicted and how much time do you spend/waste in a week? :(
Title: Re: How much time do you spend in the internet?
Post by: echogirl1 on July 30, 2014, 17:27:13 PM
Totally addicted I am afraid, get up, make cup of tea, log on, check e-mails, check forum, check weather forecast, check on-line diary, pay a few bills etc.  10.30 am after walking dog, log on, check e-mails, check forum, check facebook, play a silly game for 30 mins.  3.30 get home, log on check e-mails, check forum, reply to some messages, make a cup of tea, then play silly game for 30 mins. 6.30 log on, check e-mails, check facebook, check diary, look on forum.  Where I find time to do housework, washing, shopping etc. I'll never know!!!
Title: Re: How much time do you spend in the internet?
Post by: karaokemark on July 30, 2014, 17:34:14 PM
I get up 7 ish open my laptop plug in and leave it open till bedtime, spend at least 4 hours a day reading forums, blogs, facebook newspapers etc. talking on skype.
Title: Re: How much time do you spend in the internet?
Post by: Marggie on July 30, 2014, 17:42:08 PM
Too much!!!!
Title: Re: How much time do you spend in the internet?
Post by: Scunner on July 30, 2014, 18:43:24 PM
Not enough!!!
Title: Re: How much time do you spend in the internet?
Post by: Old Nick on July 30, 2014, 20:43:33 PM
So Scunner, are you saying that you would like more time to talk to people you may have not met on this forum and on facebook, etc. and would rather spend time with them than with your family and REAL friends.  I have had some very strange invitations to be friends with people I have never met and don't particularly want to since I have "come out".  I find it very strange, that people I dont know would think I would like to spend the time seeing how they live, their photos, their likes and dislikes and yet there are thousands of people living alone and would give anything to have a real friend.

Also. and I am going to sound a right snob here, some of the rubbish I have witnessed on some of the sites leaves me to wonder what on earth is living out there!

I am just trying to make myself feel better about the additional amount of time I spend on the computer and am worried that it is getting slightly out of hand.  I must exercise more restraint.  :(
Title: Re: How much time do you spend in the internet?
Post by: Scunner on July 30, 2014, 20:59:23 PM
So Scunner, are you saying that you would like more time to talk to people you may have not met on this forum and on facebook, etc. and would rather spend time with them than with your family and REAL friends. 

Quite the opposite to that actually Old Nick - I refuse to have people in my "friend list" who I don't know in what has become known as 'real life'. Having done this admin lark for over 10 years, 5 of which full time living in Calis, I've met a huge number of members - some are great friends and some I know but not so well - but I do know them. A few (and it is a handful) I know because of CBF over the years and have not met, but speak to regularly, have done for years and we have many mutual friends.

I let my kids join Facebook because it is hard to know what to do for the best - all their friends are on it and you don't want them to be the outsiders at school - but the only rule is that I will ask at random times who someone in their friend list is, and if they can't explain how they know them in real life, they're off t'internet for a week. Or longer.

I agree that using social media to expand your circle of friends/associates is not for me. It is for some, a surprising number of marriages are people who met online. Up to the individual I guess and good luck to those people. The first Worldwide real social media program I recall was ICQ, I suddenly was friends with Sergei in Moscow and Brad in New Zealand, it was great! And then soon after, it wasn't :D

I don't want to be online more for social reasons, I have a head full of ideas and things to research, and the job doesn't allow me the time to do all that.
Title: Re: How much time do you spend in the internet?
Post by: Old Nick on July 30, 2014, 21:29:50 PM
Respect to you Scunner, you are obviously much much more experienced than I am. I just find some of the postings I have seen, very few here it must be said, but elsewhere are just mind blowing in their idiocy!  Still i always have the off button!   :)
Title: Re: How much time do you spend in the internet?
Post by: JohnF on July 30, 2014, 21:39:27 PM
I have a head full of ideas and things to research, and the job doesn't allow me the time to do all that.

Oh good  ;)

Title: Re: How much time do you spend in the internet?
Post by: Scunner on July 30, 2014, 21:41:15 PM
Actually, I need to talk to you :D

Excellent value set menu Italian may be on the cards...
Title: Re: How much time do you spend in the internet?
Post by: Rimms on July 30, 2014, 21:55:28 PM
When I was working, I remember my CEO in 1996 taking a week off to research the ups and downs of a major company re-engineering project which we were about to undertake. I remember thinking that this would be the most exciting thing to do in the world using this recently and becoming more commonly available and yet exciting new resource, the internet. (Encyclopaedia Britannica wrote it off as a short term fad)   

Now I find myself no longer having to work, I find myself using the internet to keep in touch with family and friends on a daily basis, a tremendous tool to check out the good, the bad and the ugly on meals,holidays or trips we intend to take, having my morning newspapers delivered to my IPad overnight and ready to read when I awake while I enjoy my glass of Ayran followed by a cup of tea in bed each morning.

Keeping in touch with the local community and wider community via CBF, following local news, watching live UK TV, checking local weather (usually sunny) 

Talking to friends and family on FaceTime or Skype each day at almost a free of charge basis.

Managing finances either in the UK or here in Turkey with online banking.

In short, and I'm not making any excuse (queue those 'your sad life' comments) as to the time spent online. The internet helps me enjoy the lifestyle I choose to lead in this foreign country. As far as time spent on it? What the hell, I have it in buckets and it's not like I have to be home sat in my spare room connected to a modem to take advantage of the resources that the internet brings to me.

I've no idea how much time spent online is too much time, it's one of those questions that I think others will decide.
Title: Re: How much time do you spend in the internet?
Post by: Ian on July 30, 2014, 22:14:09 PM
Tomorrow I am taking a newly purchased 10" tablet to my mothers before myself, Gill and my brother devour the 3 course meal she will have spent all day cooking and baking for us :-)

The tablet is a surprise and I have already pre-loaded some apps that she will be interested in along with Facebook and Skype.

She has not used Facebook before just e-mail, Skype and browsing.
I have already set her up a Facebook account and sent invitations out to her 7 grand children and some selected others who have all accepted!

I am staying over and giving her a tutorial on Friday morning as I did when I gave her a laptop 5 years ago that everyone said "she would never get the hang of it"

I know that as she struggles to do the garden daily and even clears the moss off the roof of the garage (which she did last week balanced on her step ladders) she will spend more time indoors in future years and she will be thrilled by keeping track of her grandchildren around the world.

Mum is 89 next birthday and will spend 4/5 highly enjoyable hours a week on the internet

Title: Re: How much time do you spend in the internet?
Post by: Highlander on July 30, 2014, 22:24:17 PM
I do not consider that any time, whether it be 5 minutes or 7 hours is wasted on the internet because it's what I chose to do.

I would agree wholeheartedly with Ian and Rimms posts  :)

Title: Re: How much time do you spend in the internet?
Post by: Marggie on July 30, 2014, 22:26:27 PM
Ian, good for her, long may she enjoy it and long may she be able to enjoy catering for her family.  Stories like this do my heart good.
Title: Re: How much time do you spend in the internet?
Post by: Brianbern on July 31, 2014, 06:54:05 AM
Ditto what George (Rimms) said! Maria
Title: Re: How much time do you spend in the internet?
Post by: Scunner on July 31, 2014, 08:34:32 AM
My brother recently bought my mum (79) an iPad to keep her in touch with the outside World and friends from places where she used to live. She has no history at all of computer/internet use and I did wonder if it was a complete waste of money.

But no, she has connected up with old friends and colleagues on Facebook etc and reliving old times.

She does appear to have lumped it all in with communications technology though, she puts a full stop after nearly every word for some reason. I think she may be confusing it with telegrams.
Title: Re: How much time do you spend in the internet?
Post by: Ian on July 31, 2014, 09:00:26 AM
Wonderful - when my mother type's her emails / messages she presses the spacebar 2 or 3 times to indent for each new paragraph and uses loads of full stops!
Title: Re: How much time do you spend in the internet?
Post by: Lotty on July 31, 2014, 10:29:10 AM
Lovely heart warming post Ian, like Marggie it made me smile all the way through. She must be a wonderful lady herself to have such a thoughtfully caring family. :D :D :D
Title: Re: How much time do you spend in the internet?
Post by: Marggie on July 31, 2014, 10:49:56 AM
Ian and Keith, your mums are from an era where addresses were punctuated and paragraphs indented.  Had I not worked and trained people how to use software packages, I would probably still use that style for letters.  LOL - bet like me they would think it means "lots of love" but text speak is a whole new language.
Title: Re: How much time do you spend in the internet?
Post by: WordBird on July 31, 2014, 10:53:17 AM
I'm tempted to read these posts out to my MIL who refuses to use the iPad my sis-in-law gave her as a means to easily communicate with us now we're all out of the UK.
We thought she'd like FaceTime because we could still see each other, but no - won't use it because she doesn't like the way she looks.
Doesn't read her emails. Insists Facebook is 'broken' every time we suggest we use the message facility on there.
Just wants good, old-fashioned, landline-to-landline-cost-a-fortune telephone calls.....  :-\
Title: Re: How much time do you spend in the internet?
Post by: Lotty on July 31, 2014, 11:11:59 AM
She's frightened of it Wordbird, so many older people are and they find many excuses to hide that. I still know many older (or not so old) people who never switch their mobile phones on, insisting they're just for emergencies! Paradox or what?   ;)
Title: Re: How much time do you spend in the internet?
Post by: teetee on July 31, 2014, 11:18:08 AM
Totally addicted I am afraid, get up, make cup of tea, log on, check e-mails, check forum, check weather forecast, check on-line diary, pay a few bills etc.  10.30 am after walking dog, log on, check e-mails, check forum, check facebook, play a silly game for 30 mins.  3.30 get home, log on check e-mails, check forum, reply to some messages, make a cup of tea, then play silly game for 30 mins. 6.30 log on, check e-mails, check facebook, check diary, look on forum.  Where I find time to do housework, washing, shopping etc. I'll never know!!!

Echogirl1 you sound like you are suffering from Repetitive Behaviour Syndrome might be worth getting it checked out by the quack!!
Title: Re: How much time do you spend in the internet?
Post by: JohnF on July 31, 2014, 13:33:45 PM
Mum is 89 next birthday and will spend 4/5 highly enjoyable hours a week on the internet

My brother recently bought my mum (79) an iPad

I recently did a web site makeover for an older persons group - it also included putting in a Content Management System for them to add/edit the content of the web site.  The site administrators are all in their 70/80's...  Three training sessions and off they went, adding articles, updating event calendars etc. 

Never underestimate an "older" persons ability to pick up a new skill.

Title: Re: How much time do you spend in the internet?
Post by: quackers on July 31, 2014, 17:19:57 PM
For me 2 hours over breakfastcatchıng up wıth the kıds ,grandkıds (ıts lıke havıng them round the corner), readıng the newspapers ,answerıng maıl,checkıng banks UK and Turkey. 2hours ın the evenıng doıng the same . I love technology.
Title: Re: How much time do you spend in the internet?
Post by: Colwyn on July 31, 2014, 17:47:07 PM
I still know many older (or not so old) people who never switch their mobile phones on, insisting they're just for emergencies! Paradox or what?       ;)
Paradox? Not at all. Quite sensible in my view. I resisted getting one for many years. While I was working I worried that if there was some problem or other the "office" would phone me up. When they asked for my mobile number I was able to tell them I didn't have one. They didn't believe me but at least they couldn't phone me when I was off work; why else would they have wanted it?

When I retired I didn't want a mobile phone because Hilary would be phoning me in the pub with "When are you coming home? Can you pick up a pint of milk and half a dozen eggs on the way back? Don't be long." I finally acceded to my children's demands to get one, indeed they gave me one of their old ones, when I had health problems. After about three months of pestering I actually took it out with me. After another three months I agreed to switch it on. Guess what? Hilary now phones me to get me out of the pub, and to buy milk and eggs on my home. It is useless for emergencies such as breaking down in the car in the middle of Exmoor because there is no bloody signal.

How on earth could people do without this boon of modern technology? It's their age I suppose!
Title: Re: How much time do you spend in the internet?
Post by: JohnF on July 31, 2014, 19:51:00 PM
Actually, I need to talk to you :D

Excellent value set menu Italian may be on the cards...

Spanish?  We could do it in a day from EDI  :)

Title: Re: How much time do you spend in the internet?
Post by: Ian on July 31, 2014, 20:27:25 PM
I think she likes it :-)

Title: Re: How much time do you spend in the internet?
Post by: patrice on July 31, 2014, 21:16:11 PM
A care home I visit regular  the owner set up a PC in a communal  area for the residents  average age is 80 They have been taught  basic skill of how to use. Unbelievable how this as changed their outlook on life    ;)  :) 
Title: Re: How much time do you spend in the internet?
Post by: stoop on August 02, 2014, 00:51:54 AM
Still on!
Title: Re: How much time do you spend in the internet?
Post by: Marggie on August 04, 2014, 20:17:21 PM
I'm tempted to read these posts out to my MIL who refuses to use the iPad my sis-in-law gave her as a means to easily communicate with us now we're all out of the UK.
We thought she'd like FaceTime because we could still see each other, but no - won't use it because she doesn't like the way she looks.
Doesn't read her emails. Insists Facebook is 'broken' every time we suggest we use the message facility on there.
Just wants good, old-fashioned, landline-to-landline-cost-a-fortune telephone calls.....  :-\

There are a couple of cheaper alternatives.  You could Skype her to her landline, calls cost 2.1p a minute from Turkey to UK or there is a Turkcell package costing 9 lira which gives an hour a month anywhere in Europe to landline or mobile. (Link below).  You could try putting a patch over the camera lens on her iPad.
Title: Re: How much time do you spend in the internet?
Post by: Ian on August 04, 2014, 20:50:12 PM
My youngest son was on a first date on Saturday and I told my mother how she could get to see a picture on Facebook of the girl.

Just going to bed on Saturday evening at 11pm and as I checked Facebook I got a notification that "mother" was "following her" on the young lady's page!!!

OMG I thought "she will think his 88 yr old grandma is stalking her and on their first bl**dy date"

Fortunately, I remembered her log in details as I set them up and went in and "un-followed"

I have told her off on Sunday morning (impossible to do as she just laughed and said she didn't know she had done it - a likely story) but I am beginning to wonder if I have lit the blue touch paper ................. she may be following me..........
Title: Re: How much time do you spend in the internet?
Post by: echogirl1 on August 04, 2014, 21:55:33 PM
Go girl go!!
Title: Re: How much time do you spend in the internet?
Post by: WordBird on August 05, 2014, 04:50:32 AM
I know, Marggie. It's the whole refusal to entertain it that frustrates me, as much for her as for us. She doesn't go out much - a whole other story - and it would be a way for her to connect with pretty much anyone/anything she wanted to in the world.

Lotty is right, she is scared of it - and also worried that if she became computer-literate nobody would bother contacting her, whereas in reality we'd be in touch far more often.  :(