Calis Beach and Fethiye Turkey Discussion Forum

General Topics => All things that have nothing to do with Turkey => Topic started by: Highlander on December 22, 2015, 22:15:03 PM

Title: Update on our Esnaf experience
Post by: Highlander on December 22, 2015, 22:15:03 PM
A diagnosis at last !!!

The present Mrs H finally had an appointment with a Consultant today.

The diagnosis is that one of the bearings which held her artificially knee in place had “popped out” and travelled about three inches away from it’s correct position.

And how could he tell this. Because it was crystal clear on the x ray which he showed us – that’s the x-ray that was taken by Raigmore Hospital on Friday 25 September  - the day after we returned from Turkeys !!!!!!!!!!!!!.

When I  asked him how that fact could have been missed, he looked me straight in the eye and honestly confessed that he had no idea because it was so blatantly obvious.

When I asked him why the knee hadn’t been x-rayed again when we attended A&E for a second time with Brenda in agony some 4 weeks ago, he again answered that he had no idea.

Without actually saying so the Consultant agreed that we should be looking for answers.

I will probably get absolutely nowhere but believe me Raigmore Hospital and NHS Highland are in for a very, very rough time.
Title: Re: Update on our Esnaf experience
Post by: bewva on December 22, 2015, 22:33:19 PM
Good to see Brenda has a diagnosis H. Hopefully now they can sort her out properly.
I am sure you will give the other two hospitals what they deserve.
3 months for something so obvious is disgusting.
I hate the way a lot of doctors / specialists don't feel that they have to explain their short comings. It wouldn't happen in industry. >:(
Title: Re: Update on our Esnaf experience
Post by: Highlander on December 22, 2015, 22:38:54 PM
Thanks bewva - Consultant will operate on 06 January 2016 which demonstrates just how serious the damage is.

We were genuinely shock when we saw the x-ray. The detached bearing was clearly visible 2-3 inches from where it should have been. :(

I'm livid !!!!! >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
Title: Re: Update on our Esnaf experience
Post by: kevin3 on December 22, 2015, 23:39:06 PM
Fill in a basic Complaint Form at the Hospital, ask for a photo copy, then wait for a response from the Trust. Compile a comprehensive
letter of all your complaints, listing dates and times and mentioning negligent treatment, keep copies then send off and wait for a
response from them. If need be have a meeting with a Solicitor specialising in Medical Negligence cases. Best Wishes to Brenda. xx
Title: Re: Update on our Esnaf experience
Post by: Lotty on December 23, 2015, 08:19:08 AM
Outrageous! But great news that you know the cause (at last) and something will be done to resolve it and relieve the pain. Great advice from Kevin3 too.  Love and best wishes to you and Brenda x  :D
Title: Re: Update on our Esnaf experience
Post by: Highlander on December 23, 2015, 09:39:31 AM


I have the basic Complaints Form which will be filled in this evening and I will follow up with comprehensive complaint.

Had a brief search of compensation lawyers last night.

Title: Re: Update on our Esnaf experience
Post by: kevin3 on December 23, 2015, 17:25:38 PM

  My own Solicitor suggested Irwin Mitchell & Co for medical matters, but I think there are a few specialists John.
Title: Re: Update on our Esnaf experience
Post by: Highlander on December 23, 2015, 17:36:10 PM
Thanks again kevin3
Title: Re: Update on our Esnaf experience
Post by: Highlander on December 23, 2015, 19:45:05 PM
Complaint Form submitted.

Acknowledge promised within three working days.

We will see.
Title: Re: Update on our Esnaf experience
Post by: blueclad on December 24, 2015, 15:04:52 PM
John best wishes to you and your wife. I pray all goes well.
I have sent you a long P M .
Title: Re: Update on our Esnaf experience
Post by: Highlander on December 24, 2015, 17:19:47 PM
And gratefully received blueclad - thank you.
Title: Re: Update on our Esnaf experience
Post by: Highlander on January 06, 2016, 18:32:29 PM
Latest Update:

Brenda told to present herself at Raigmore at 07:45 this morning which meant getting up at around 05:30.

Duly arrived at 07:40 to be told she would have to wait in the Dayroom until at least 08:30at least because there was no bed.

I visited at 16:15 and she was still waiting to go to theatre not having eaten since teatime last night.

Take a guess as to how we are both feeling.
Title: Re: Update on our Esnaf experience
Post by: nichola on January 06, 2016, 18:49:38 PM
Sorry to hear this John. Hope she has had her op by now and she's soon recovering and back to full health very soon.
Title: Re: Update on our Esnaf experience
Post by: bewva on January 06, 2016, 20:22:23 PM
Bloody hospitals.
Mrs B has had her fill with them over the last 18 months as well.

Hope Brenda is sorted now H and on a speedy recovery.
Title: Re: Update on our Esnaf experience
Post by: Highlander on January 06, 2016, 21:12:16 PM
Better news this evening bewva - Brenda has had op which went well, is back in the Ward and maybe home tomorrow.

Many thanks for all the good wishes expressed on here.  :)
Title: Re: Update on our Esnaf experience
Post by: kevin3 on January 06, 2016, 22:23:36 PM

 Best Wishes to Brenda from us John, pleased she got sorted.
Title: Re: Update on our Esnaf experience
Post by: Liz 101 on January 07, 2016, 06:48:23 AM
All the very best wishes for Brenda's speedy recovery. See her at the next "Rod" night   ;)  ;)
Title: Re: Update on our Esnaf experience
Post by: Highlander on January 07, 2016, 18:46:29 PM
How was it even possible not to see the detached fragment on the x-ray.

( (