Author Topic: FA Semis at Wembley  (Read 803 times)

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Offline ColinT

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FA Semis at Wembley
« on: April 07, 2008, 15:38:27 PM »
What does everyone think about the FA Cup Semi Finals being played at Wembley?  

I was totally against it, as I thought it would take the glory away from the final.  But after having such a good time up there on Saturday supporting Pompey, I've changed my mind!  

What a fantastic stadium it was, it really takes your breath away when you walk in to your seat.  I think playing the semis there gives much more people the chance to visit and experience it.  When the teams get to the final they don't get anywhere near the amount of tickets they need.  All 4 teams took 33,000 fans up there at the weekend, but for the final it will probably only be around 25,000 each (that's what it was last year).

I have read a lot of people moaning about the prices up there.  It was £3.50 for pint of lager and £5 for a programme.  I didn't think that was too unreasonable at all.  Also the ticket price of £35 (mid price ticket) was less than I pay at Fratton Park.

I seem to remember Keith saying to me that he had something to do with the building of the stadium before he moved out to Calis.  It took a bloody long time, but the wait was worth it.

One sour note though.  The amount of empty seats with the 10 year members/corporate people deciding not to attend.  I know people will say they should have the option to attend or not as they are paying a lot of money for their seats, but a full stadium would definitely make it an even better experience.

I'll be back up there for the final, and all being well for the Community Shield in August also (hopefully against Arsenal, as its too much to expect to beat Man Utd again).

Play up Pompey :)

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