Author Topic: The most wonderful Scottish Things that have ever happened.  (Read 2086 times)

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Offline usedbustickets

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Re: The most wonderful Scottish Things that have ever happened.
« Reply #10 on: September 20, 2014, 21:21:48 PM »
UBT - a serious question. Why is it that the English seize on comments by Scottish sports people (Law and Murray) which are so clearly tongue-in-cheek and make a huge deal about it
Not sure about any comments by Murray - can't stand tennis - but far from being a tongue in cheek comment Law's statement was a true reflection of how he felt.  Remember he famously claimed he was so angry that the English had reached the final that he refused to watch it and went out and played golf.  As a scottish player playing in the english league he hated the fact that he had to put up with his english team mates, and opponents, not just getting to the world cup final but actually winning it, and after the world cup tournament, did they let him know it!  And he did not like it one bit.  Which probably explains why he made the comment, which he really meant, when Scotland were the first team to beat england after the '66 world. Which in Law's and many other scots mixed up world made Scotland champions of the world. 

So this is not an example of me (or any English person) seizing on any comment being made by any Scottish sportsperson and making a big deal of it, but simply a reflection (both personal and historical) of one particular Scottish footballer who made an arse of himself, with both this comment and his otherwise anti english stance.

Offline desmartinson

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Re: The most wonderful Scottish Things that have ever happened.
« Reply #11 on: September 21, 2014, 05:52:27 AM »
Very Astutely put Pete.  ;)  :)

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