INTERESTED IN HELPING – FIG NEEDS YOU - whether as a committee member, a volunteer at one of our events, attending an event, donating your unwanted items to the shop or using the library FIG NEEDS YOU. The more help we get the more we can do.
FIG needs your support if the help given to local children is to grow. By supporting FIG not only will you be putting something back into the local community – our community – you will feel so good and get to meet lots of people of all nationalities.
If you want to know more you can read all about FIGS activities and events in Land of Lights, in FETAV office, pop down to the charity shop or better still come along to a coffee morning which is held at FORA Restaurant, Fethiye and talk to a member alternatively visit the FIG webpage:, FIG also has a Facebook page – Fig Charmain . You can also email: or ring 0535 494 7506 and 05395543378