Author Topic: Migration Madness  (Read 2418 times)

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Offline usedbustickets

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Migration Madness
« on: September 15, 2015, 12:26:46 PM »
I was surprised that there is little being said here on CBF on the Migration Madness as mass numbers of migrants force their way into and across Europe.  Now this might be down to subject fatigue or because the issue has become separated and subsumed within other long, and perhaps tired, subjects.  So I have created this dedicated subject, and to perhaps set the scene reposted three posts I have made on the subject in the last two weeks, or perhaps more particularly generate a reaction one way or the other!

The fundamental question for me is when does a refugee become an economic migrant?  For the sake of brevity here I will stick to those fleeing from Syria, although the principle equally applies to others coming from, for example, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sudan, and Somalia.
When those fleeing the war in Syria escaped to Turkey, Jordan or Lebanon they were genuine refugees seeking a safe haven, and they got it in all three of those countries.  When they then decide to move on to other countries they then become - in my head - economic migrants.  However those we now see making this step are not content to make an application for migration to other countries from the safe haven country, they CHOOSE to risk their own safety - and worst still their childrens - utilising all sorts of lawless methods, including the use and payment of criminal gangs, to bust their way into Europe and then on to their preferred  'target' state, usually Germany, Sweden, NL and if they have a chance the UK.  And when they embark on this journey I am sorry to say, they lose all sympathy from me.  Particularly when they choose, for example, to go to Europe instead of the Gulf States where they do speak the same language ... having said that the Saudis, UAE etc. have hardly been rolling out the red carpet for their fellow (islamic) arabs!!
And my heart goes out to the child, and others similarly lost in this rush to economic safety of Europe.  As I have said before on other subjects involving children, I can only blame the stupid parents who would risk their children in this way.
Yes Europe should be helping these people in these war zones, or more particularly when they are refugees in neighbouring countries.  However, let's not forget Europe is in large part one of the causes of the problem when it has supported war in these countries, supporting one evil side or the other, and often acting militarily, especially the UK ... STAND UP BLAIR/STRAW for Iraq..STAND UP CAMERCON/HAGUE for Libya, Syria leading to new despotic regime of one kind or another in Iraq, Syria, Eygpt, Libya or an equally bad or worst opposition such as ISIL.  And this generally allows those neighbouring country's leaders like Reg to believe they can behave in a similar brutal manner.
I could go on, but I need to go and put a cold wet towel on my head, cos this whole bloody mess makes me so angry.  Did none of our smart politicians with all their current knee jerk reactions not see this coming from a long, long way off??

So the weekend brings news of a further 34 people killed crossing the sea from Turkey to Greece.  Even sadder news was that this sad list included  10 children and 4 babies. I've said it before and I'll say it again, why are these stupid parents being allowed to risk the lives of these innocents?  Some may not like it but if they have survived the parents should at the very least be charged with manslaughter, along with murder charges for those criminal people traffickers that these parents have paid to get them across.

And do not get me started on the bar***rds, both political and non political, who support - no encourage - this life threatening behaviour, waving their 'refugees' (please read economic migrants) welcome here' banners, without regard for the consequences either for the 'migrants' themselves or their own people who will have to deal with the problems handling such numbers in a short time period will bring. >:( >:(

Having said that it looks like the 'big hearted' Austrians and Germans are back peddling on their commitments on their migrants welcome statements of last week, by closing borders etc.  Probably because in the last week someone has been explaining to the German political class how difficult and expensive this will be for Germany/Austria (soon to be Sweden as well methinks) to deliver on.  Angela M is set to start to bully and crack the big German economic whip amongst other Euro leaders for them to 'take their share'..... much like she did with Greece...even I am beginning to see the dangers of a German dominated EU.

Still the mass migration madness continues.  Yesterday, off the Turkish coast, in one incident 22 people were drowned including another four innocent children, and in another incident 2 people were drowned.  Never mind what is also happening off the coasts Libya, Tunisia and Morroco as people try to break their way into Europe.
Am I the only person on CBF outraged by this madness? deaths of innocent children and desperate adults and the political, social and economic problems being caused in Europe as a result?  Where are the advocates now of the throw open the doors and all are welcome? Did they not see this coming and getting worst as they encouraged this dangerous behaviour?  Well come on speak up!  Or are you now going quiet on the whole thing or back peddling now as fast as some of the former advocates from the European political classes?

Offline JohnF

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Re: Migration Madness
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2015, 13:56:00 PM »
I was surprised that there is little being said here on CBF on the Migration Madness as mass numbers of migrants force their way into and across Europe.

I'm not.  Serious subjects outwith the Fethiye bubble tend to be discussed vigorously for a bit then folks attention span starts to decrease - as a result I suspect of information overload given the numerous other sources of information that are available.

It's not that they don't care, it's just the way of narrowly focused online forums - especially one where its primary subject is living and holidaying in a Turkish resort town.


Offline kevin3

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Re: Migration Madness
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2015, 10:16:28 AM »

  Just watching a news item on Sky. Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban has just leaked the
  the fact that the EU have a semi secret agreement to take in up to half a million more refugees
  from Turkey and it will be announced in the coming days from Berlin.
  Why Berlin and not Brussels.?
  Why is it secretive.?
  How many EU countries agreed to it.? Hungary seem upset.!
  Was it part of the 3 billion Euro giveaway to Turkey.?

  Just another example of the EU's idea of Democracy,   and another gift to the UK Out campaign.

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