Author Topic: Ankara Cowboys Go America  (Read 1478 times)

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Offline Colwyn

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Ankara Cowboys Go America
« on: April 10, 2016, 15:20:55 PM »
Erdogan's visit to the USA, and the behaviour of his "security" thugs, has left a toxic trail across American politics. Read the New York Times, Washington Post or Chicago Tribune and the story is the same. Turkey led from democracy to dictatorship; increasing authoritarianism; removal of press freedom; and abuse of human rights. The wonderful photo opportunity of brothers Erdogan and Obama together opening the $100million Turkish Cultural Centre in Maryland, paid for by Turkish taxpayers, never happened. Indeed Obama refused to meet Erdogan at all. It really isn't a good idea to have your aides rough up American protesters and journalists in their own country. AKP spokespeople are insisting that Obama did not say that Erdogan is a "failure" and an "authoritarian".

Other than that it was a good trip.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2016, 15:31:13 PM by Colwyn »

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