Author Topic: Unnecessary Insensitivity  (Read 1771 times)

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Offline Colwyn

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Unnecessary Insensitivity
« on: February 24, 2006, 23:11:09 PM »
If you have been following today's UK news you will know that "Unnecessary Insensitivity" is now a crime in the UK, and people may be suspended from their duties for committing this evil act. Since is registered as a UK website its members may be liable, individually and/or collectively, for infringements against this diktat. So this is a warning.

I suspect that many CB members have been, are, and intend to remain, "insensitive". They should be warned. For example, the evil international felon code-named "Stoop" has published pictorial representations of the Holy Orville taking no regard for the deeply felt offence that may have been taken by the Green One's advocates. Was this necessary? Was this sensitive? No, and no. What will you do next Stoop? Produce a cartoon of The Orville? What are you after, world domination?

"Stoop" should not be singled out for sole vilification. Surely "Valentine" has been insensitive to smokers, and "Sleuth" insensitive to non-smokers. What about Linda1953's insensitivity towards dogs; and dogs (and dog lovers) insensitivity to towards her? As for "Dippey" -  well !!! in her case "sensitive" doesn't seem to be an appropriate concept at all. At the worst extreme there is the pangalactically evil Crabbit . Has anyone ever seen a posting by this malevolency that might be remotely be considered "sensitive"? Go on, I defy you, find one in the 14 million posts he has submitted to this date that in anybody's wildest imagination could be called "sensitive". Better still, go back to his very first posting where he says ‘My name is what it says on the tin "dave" ‘(introductions, page 60)  which presents him as this really straight guy - but then later he changes the name on the tin to "Crabbit". Why do you suppose this is? Could it be that he is a fugitive from "Unnecessary Insensitivity" laws hiding up in a secret refuge by the lake?

This is just the tip of the iceberg. There are hundreds of other CB members who show as bad, or worse, examples of insensitivity as these proto-criminals do. You know who you are. Perhaps you say your insensitivities are "necessary" so you can escape the "unnecessary insensitivity" law. But the UK legal system has not yet worked out what a necessary insensitivity would look like.

Perhaps you think it insensitive of me to raise these criticisms of CB members? Perhaps unnecessary? Perhaps you think the Great Scunner should stop me from saying such things and then - - - - - - - aaaarrggghhh!!!!!!!!!        


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