Author Topic: Political correctness and do gooding!  (Read 1318 times)

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Offline Twin Bee

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Political correctness and do gooding!
« on: March 31, 2008, 22:40:39 PM »
Is 'do gooding' so bad and political correcteness so incorrect?
I am posing this question knowing that there are occassions when the use of so called political correctness is sheer stupidity. But I also suspect some on CBF think I am one of the PC Briagade - I hope I am more independant than that!
However when I think about it, it occurs to me that we have a lot to thank the PC brigade for. For example they promoted the abolition of slavery and hanging. In more recent times they have championed equal pay for women and they have pioneered seeing homesexuality as a life style choice and not a contagious disease!
Have they not also promoted acceptance of mental illness as a medical and social need, similar to say having diabetes or  a cancer.
And do they not reject racism. I can tell you that that if it were not for the PC Brigade there would be many fewer black sportsmen playing for their country in their chosen sport. And finally isn't it the PC brigade who pioneered recycling and environmental awareness - you know hug and love a tree and didn't they do so at a time when it was was thought crazy to do so. What is PC in one generation often becomes the norm in the next and is that so bad?
I say with confidence that I doubt industry or commerce would have promoted these apsirational qualities on their own, nor even the unions!
Perhaps 'political correcteness' is really a form of 'people awareness'
« Last Edit: March 31, 2008, 22:47:56 PM by Twin Bee »

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