Author Topic: Passionate individuals for FethiyeLivingLocal movement  (Read 3045 times)

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Offline UPtownr

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Passionate individuals for FethiyeLivingLocal movement
« on: December 11, 2013, 14:00:44 PM »
Hello, not being certain where to post this, I asked Scunner, and he told me it would be OK to use this area…

All acquaintances and future-friends and supporters of the @FethiyeAndAround venture, after meeting with city officials and several trade associations and getting their backing, we are now ready to launch. I spoke of my intent to start a community project/social business back in April '13, when I first introduced myself to the forum members. Since then we had two press appearances in Land of Lights (Nov.25th and Dec.9th issues) and a stall at 3C’s wonderful Xmas & Craft Fair -maybe you’ve seen us towards the far end of the fair, by Şimşek Restaurant.

You are well aware of the effects of multi-national big-box firms coming into small town USA and GB, taking jobs away, effecting the closure of small independent mom&pop shops, sucking the money away from town coffers. Turkey’s towns are headed in that direction in a head turning speed. Being proactive, we aim to create community awareness in Turkey -starting with Fethiye, a town close to our hearts- on the importance of supporting the small independently owned businesses in town, and on the importance of keeping the unique character of this place, the very place that we call home, for the sake of our children.

As such, we need committed volunteers, who care deeply about this place in order to bring to life the "FETHIYE LIVING LOCAL" community awareness grass roots movement. This is where you come in. I wanted to call upon you first to seriously consider getting involved and become champions and ambassadors of the movement.

It involves handing out fliers as you engage people in conversation in places you go normally -for a walk, or at a restaurant, etc-; manning booths at town fairs, with banners and table cloth, handing out information, while striking up conversations on the topic; walking into shops, explaining what we are doing and asking for permission to hang posters and/or window decals; wearing buttons, t-shirts to drive the message home, and activities as such that you might come up with as we discuss among ourselves on creative ways of spreading the word and getting more volunteers to join the grass roots.

This project is two pronged, while one prong is to educate the customer to reward the independently owned businesses who do it the right way, the more challenging prong is to educate the small merchant so more of them learn how to do it right.

Those of you who realize the importance of this project and are ready to hop on the band wagon as well as those of you who need to hear more before joining in, please leave a note here so we can get a head count and pick a date and time we can meet and discuss details …perhaps @Eyna’s or @CADDE’s depending on the number of people interested to hear more and to contribute their ideas?

You can visit's facebook page as well as request to join the Facebook group FethiyeLivingLocal where ambassadors for the movement meet online. May we suggest you also visit ftp:// web site to get some idea of what we are trying to accomplish.

Blessings and thank you. Don't be shy, please make contact -we need you. I need you to bounce off  ideas and hear new ideas. Jacob the UPtown'r.

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Re: Passionate individuals for FethiyeLivingLocal movement
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2013, 14:12:10 PM »
I've just clicked on both links and the first is asking for authentification and a password. The other just seems to be broken. Good start.

Offline nichola

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Re: Passionate individuals for FethiyeLivingLocal movement
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2013, 14:57:42 PM »
Here is the link to the Facebook page

UPtownr are you aware of the Taste of Fethiye project initiated by the Travel Foundation UK and the major tour operators that supplies local hotels and at the moment one restaurant to buy local produce from Fethiye farmers at the same price as they would if they were buying from Antalya where they would have normally purchased from in the past. This helps reduce the carbon footprint and supports local producers.

We will be happy to have information in the form of leaflets about the Fethiye and Around project at the Mozaik Bahçe restaurant.

There is an article this week in one of the local Turkish newspapers about local traders going to the new shopping centre to find out about renting space only to be told that all the units are rented out to the big chain shops. No surprise there!

Offline Eric

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Re: Passionate individuals for FethiyeLivingLocal movement
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2013, 15:19:04 PM »
This is the other correct web address;

Offline UPtownr

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Re: Passionate individuals for FethiyeLivingLocal movement
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2013, 17:23:35 PM »
The other just seems to be broken. Good start.

(smiles) Scunner warned me about you being a tough crowd (smiles)
The broken links are due to my ignorance on how to use the tools of this forum. I apologize. I clicked on 'insert FTP link' icon instead of 'insert HYPERlink'

let me try this again:
The FACEBOOK PAGE for FethiyeAndAround is:

The FACEBOOK GROUP for Fethiye Living Local is:

To join our notification email list when we launch the web site go to:

You can follow the few links from there to read more about us/me... or go directly to:

last but not least you can go to AboutMe web site to find a sleuth of links all connected to this project one way or another (foursquare, google+, tumblr, twitter, instagram, pinterest, linked-in, flickr, you-tube, etc.):
(disclaimer: some of the links there might need updating as internet apps change -please be kind)

the tumblr blog CivicJil can be reached directly by going to:

I apologize about the broken links in my original post, and any disillusion it might have caused KKOB. will be more careful next time , promise  :) 

Offline UPtownr

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Re: Passionate individuals for FethiyeLivingLocal movement
« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2013, 17:30:22 PM »
Nichola and Eric, thank you for providing the working links. kind of you.

Nichola, yes I know of Taste of Fethiye project. Ran into it first at a KayaKoy fair. we s hould hope more of those efforts. I heard from several sources, some from the municipality that there was another CoOp buying effort made but fell through due to non-cooperation of some of the merchants. Education is key. I'd like to remain positive and keep the 'can do' attitude by educating as many people as we can, and hopefully public and peer pressure will help eventually for everyone to cooperate and work towards a common goal -which is a prosperous future.

Thanks about the offer on the leaflets. I'll take you up on it.  :)

Offline UPtownr

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Re: Passionate individuals for FethiyeLivingLocal movement
« Reply #6 on: December 11, 2013, 17:48:26 PM »
Oh! forgot to provide the link for the Land of Lights article...

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