Author Topic: Teacher tapes children's mouths closed.  (Read 5050 times)

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Offline loz

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Re: Teacher tapes children's mouths closed.
« Reply #20 on: March 05, 2014, 20:03:29 PM »
The last generation or two have become soft and disrespectful,  if you are unfortunate enough to be near to a school at "chucking out time" you will understand where I am heading,.

Bus drivers suffer the worse abuse I have ever seen or witnessed, diabolical, if a youngster offers you a seat it is probably because his friend has just spat on the seat;  walk into shops at this time, and as a shopper you will see the shoplifting or the friends daring them to pilfer certain items, and this is from an area where the parents have their noses so far up their arse's they refuse to see what their little angels are doing, or, refusing to accept darling little Tomothy or Tikara would even consider such outrageous thoughts or behaviour.

The other end of the scale,  Tommy and Tikki same behaviour, parents shouting "don't f'ing get caught doing dat  ha ha ha ha  ain't dat a fing"  U fink dat is bad, fink again m8t. 

And their offspring are the next generation!  give us strength or drop that bomb now.

Offline Bluwise

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Re: Teacher tapes children's mouths closed.
« Reply #21 on: March 05, 2014, 20:13:17 PM »
There isn't any good behaviour here.
I agree that parents demonstrate appalling behaviour in some cases and kids follow their lead.  I have observed unbelievable pressure on teachers to tolerate abusive and violent kids who have abusive and violent parents to support their bad behaviour if their "darlings" are reprimanded.  We give far too many 'rights' to kids and wonder why there is no discipline and when physical punishment was taken  away in schools we didn't substitute with any other effective sanctions.
The teacher's behaviour was also appalling in my opinion but that is based on the little I know about the incident.  I would have been happy/comfortable if each child that had been really badly behaved had been sent for a slap on the back of the hand by the head teacher. 

A measured punishment by someone in control not a reaction.

Offline puma

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Re: Teacher tapes children's mouths closed.
« Reply #22 on: March 05, 2014, 23:34:13 PM »
i think this generation needs parental classes before they have their children
i was seventeen when i married  in 1972 and had my 1st in 1973.
 i only brought up my children the way my mum and dad did without the leather belt.
and no complaints at school  ;D

Offline johntaylor49

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Re: Teacher tapes children's mouths closed.
« Reply #23 on: March 09, 2014, 09:22:47 AM »
Interesting, lots of views, lots of outrage but this is yet again a society issue, we have allowed generations to thumb their noses at authority and the answer top everything is "I know, we will dumb it down!" The latest example? --- if you watch BBC live you need a license. And for years we prosecuted those who did not pay the license fee.

Now people "thumb their nose" at this and it had now been proposed that we don't actually punish people for totally ignoring the law as the Courts are too busy!

We have become the most badly behaved nation in Europe -- and we wonder why children are badly behaved and why adults go off the rails?

It time we had a new offence on the Statute book --- being a parent of a miscreant child!

The Teacher should not have done it, I doubt anyone would argue that -- but we don't know all
the circumstances or what else had happened previously or the strain the Teacher may have been under -- lets
also not forget that there are a lot of poor Teachers as there are poor performers in any trade or profession -- they cant hold interest, are boring and incompetent (I had a few of those at school!) -- so they should find another line of work! I live next door to a Teacher who has just retired, I have spoken to her on many occasions over the years and she was very obviously dedicated and conscientious and hated the rules and regulations and box ticking but lived for the look on the face of a child when they "suddenly got it!" which is probably why she said she never had trouble maintaining order -- a good Teacher --- but lately the maintaining order was becoming harder with more and more disruptive and abusive children and one day she just said ---enough!

My biggest concern looking ahead is our education is now so poor, and our youth know so little and are so "uneducated" -- they will prove more unemployable than the 20-30 group now, I am amazed that so called "Graduates" don't seem to know much about anything except to be extremely inventive in "excuses"! No wonder Sir Philip Green had to set up his own "academy" to teach them the basics ------- before giving them a job ---- in shops!

Teacher was wrong -- parents were wrong --- system is wrong -- society is broken!



Offline Elsa Padfield

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Re: Teacher tapes children's mouths closed.
« Reply #24 on: March 10, 2014, 22:13:46 PM »
This school is local to me and so I feel I have the right to reply.  This is a middle school so the children are between 9 and 12/13.  The children in particular are 10 so year 6 I think. The teacher in question, although she shouldn't have used this method to quieten the class, has lost her job (probably)and her career in the UK because she'll never get another one here. She isn't from the UK and so perhaps this method of keeping control is acceptable where she comes from and perhaps the children in Spain are better behaved in the classroom.
I find it disturbing that the parents haven't critisised their children for their behaviour. None of us were in the classroom that day and so how are we able to know exactly what went on? Children can be selective with the truth even as a group.
Finally, rant over, no she shouldn't have taped the children's mouths but it happened, she won't have a job anymore....was it worth a bit of peace? No! My last thought though is parents, back the teachers! You don't know how your children behave in school. Some of them are absolute horrors but angels at home and teachers have no way to discipline them anymore. Both my girls are teachers and the stories they could tell.....

Offline kevin3

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Re: Teacher tapes children's mouths closed.
« Reply #25 on: March 11, 2014, 00:47:34 AM »
One of the complainants I saw happily posing for the media then declared that she was " distraught "
while her grinning 10 year old son said he was "traumatised ".
The choice of words sounded as though they had already met the no win-no fee guy.

Offline Hamlet

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Re: Teacher tapes children's mouths closed.
« Reply #26 on: March 11, 2014, 08:13:34 AM »
I think johntaylor49 has got it spot on. I have always said that a lot of the discipline problems in schools started in the early '70's when teachers started wanting to mix with the pupils as friends with the 'don't call me Mr Jones or Sir, call me Dave' bit.
Two of my three younger brothers were schooled in that period so I saw it first hand and it shocked me then, even though I was only in my early twenties.
I was no saint at school and neither were my classmates (all 37 of us) but we respected the teachers, unlike today, all of which were at least 30years our senior and had earned that respect.

I also think that the lack of powers given to and respect for, the police has an adverse effect on the behaviour of unruly children and their equally unruly parents.  :-\

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