Author Topic: Twitter: Can Anyone Explain?  (Read 1052 times)

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Offline Colwyn

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Twitter: Can Anyone Explain?
« on: July 14, 2016, 17:52:33 PM »
I am not part of the Twitter generation. You may have guessed that. So can anyone explain to me why Chloe Cowan decided to pester James Bulger's mother online about his murder (many years ago, before Chloe was born), pretend to be his murderer and also his ghost. And why, when she was found guilty, was she sentenced to prison instead of a hospital for the what we used to call "the criminally insane". The things that go through my mind are: did she think it was OK because everybody does stuff like this on Twitter; it is not OK but I can can get away with it because it is anonymous; she is vulnerable so I'll have a go at her; I'll get to be famous as a Twitter Headbanger; or anything? I have no idea. I just think I'll carry on avoiding Twitter.

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Re: Twitter: Can Anyone Explain?
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2016, 17:58:46 PM »
No idea on that Colwyn.
I'm a Twitter addict now. We don't get any Independent Turkish news now and I like to follow what's really going on here for many reasons.
Its fantastic for up to date newsfeeds from other nationalities media.

Its like a massive web of information.

Im following the Reza Zarrab trial very closely now and the Human Rights Organisations attempts to investigate whats really going on in the SE of Turkey.

There is also a lot of ridiculous celeb stuff and total dross but you follow who you like and only search for subjects that interest you.

Its not all about liking and commenting.

I hardly ever tweet personally but will retweet things I feel people need to know or could be interested in.

Its actually very informative and educational if you don't select to read any rubbish.     

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Re: Twitter: Can Anyone Explain?
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2016, 18:06:28 PM »
It's estimated that there are currently 310 million active users on Twitter. You're bound to get a few nutters (are we still allowed to call them that ?..... Yeah, bugger it ! ). Trying to understand why certain people Tweet things would occupy your mind for the rest of your life.

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