Author Topic: Three women go on a night out.....  (Read 797 times)

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Three women go on a night out.....
« on: September 27, 2017, 13:05:01 PM »
Three women go on a night out and leave their husbands looking after the kids.
They get incredibly drunk, but decide to call it a night and head home when they can barely stand. One of the women on the walk home says "I really need to go for a wee, come into this graveyard here" they go in, and she squats behind a massive gravestone.
She's so drunk she falls backwards and ends up bare assed in the dirt, her friends rush over to pull her up, but fall to their knees laughing!
They eventually all get up and stagger home. Crawling into bed so as to not wake their husbands...they go to sleep.
The next day, the first husband rings the second ranting "I can't believe it, she came home drunk as a skunk with dirty knees, God knows what she's been up to". The second one says "my wife is exactly the same!", they call the third husband who hears their complaints and says "that's nothing, I found a card in my wife's knickers that said "You will never be forgotten, from all the boys at the fire station"

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