Author Topic: Credit card scam  (Read 1307 times)

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Offline stoop

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Credit card scam
« on: January 31, 2006, 13:27:02 PM »
I was out with a friend last night who works for C&G (part of Lloyds TSB)

She received an email from HO warning her about a scam that is doing the rounds at the moment.

Basically you get a call from someone who says they are from the Visa Security Centre at your CCard company. They have your cc number and your address (obtained illegally) and say that they are reporting some unusual activity on your cc. Usually they say xyz company has a charge against your card for £249.99 and say it's just below the £250 limit that triggers automatic checks. They ask you if you have bought anything from this company, which of course you haven't, and then start to reel you in to get your security number.

They are clever! They tell you to contact the 0800 number on the back of your card if you want more info and give you a reference number and name to contact (both false). Then they check it is you by giving you your address details and card number.

The sting is when they ask you to confirm that you still have the card in your posession and they say the only way they can verify this is by the security number on the back of the card (usually the last 3 digits). If you give them this number they will plunder your account for the £249.99 (just below the trigger limit) and unless you ring your cc company you will not find out until you get your cc bill.

The cc companies say they NEVER ask you for the numbers on your cc as they already have all the information - they issued the card in the first place. To confirm identity they will use things like mother's maiden name and your date of birth etc.

Be careful out there!

Stoop :)

« Last Edit: January 31, 2006, 13:29:09 PM by stoop »

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