Author Topic: LOCAL DOC SHOPS  (Read 3886 times)

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Offline heather07

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« Reply #20 on: July 10, 2006, 14:28:24 PM »
I agree with your rant about NHS  
(do you think it stands for no hope service)
 I hurt my back on holiday in Cyprus.  Went to doc on return and was asked to bend over and told it should be better in a few days.
I work with special needs which involves moving and handling so pointed this out to the doctor because I knew there was no way it was safe for me, the person helping me or the person being lifted.

So I was signed off for just over a week taking in days off.
Back did not improve so I got another line -over the phone I might add.
The following week I made an appt got a locum explained the situation and was asked "could they not adjust job to suit" not sure how they were going to do this in my view you either lift or dont lift but hey I am no doctor!!!!!!
Meanwhile I am going to osteopath and for reflexology to try to fix it.  Cost so far £80.00.
Council doctor wants a report from my doc about the problem not sure how they will manage that as I have had no examination.   It would be worth paying 30ytl to get a diagnosis.
It seems in this country any mention of a back pain and nobody wants to know.

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