Author Topic: police crackdown on under 16s in bars/  (Read 8103 times)

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police crackdown on under 16s in bars/
« Reply #30 on: August 13, 2007, 22:11:26 PM »
Yes that's a good job he didn't let her leave his side, i don't blame him! What these people have got to remember is that they are in a foreign country where they don't really know anyone and think that every barman or waiter they meet are their friends, when they are not. Some staff deal with situations well, but others have seen it all a million times and just see 'another drunken 12 year old' and turn their backs! I have seen it all before too many times and often try and help. It normally ends up with me saying 'where's you're hotel and 9 times out of 10.. guess what.. The answer is 'I don't know'. That's always fun at 5am and all you want to do is go home!

Offline kismetbar

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police crackdown on under 16s in bars/
« Reply #31 on: August 14, 2007, 08:11:17 AM »
Regarding the knickerless, it wasn't the Ata Bar but your point is still valid.
Seviyorum couldn't have put it better. Bars have to act responsibly but also, so do the parents! Fortunately it isn't an issue for us but I can see the difficulties other bars have. Perhaps Seviyorum's point about strict ID is the only solution just as long as bars work together to enforce it?

Offline John H

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police crackdown on under 16s in bars/
« Reply #32 on: August 14, 2007, 08:42:56 AM »
Its been said that Calis needs the kids in the bar or the parents will not come. There are many places in Calis where a drink can be enjoyed with children in the company. Unfortunately as the night moves on and more alcoholic drink is consumed children can be isolated and left to watch adults over indulge. I do not mean to upset anyone but surely a bar,late at night, is a totally inappropriate place for a child to be,accompanied by adults not.


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police crackdown on under 16s in bars/
« Reply #33 on: August 14, 2007, 10:50:11 AM »
Thank-you Kismet, i think that they should be more strict with ID, if i served somebody who is 18 back here and the police caught me (as they send people in) i would get fined £80 on the spot and could get taken to court and fined a further sum of money.
I agree with you John, i really do not think that bars are a place for children. However, i don't think it's too much of a problem when the parents aren't getting so drunk they loose control and it's earlier on in the night. What i cannot understand is when you start getting children in the bar at 1/2/3am in the morning! It doesn't matter if the parents are with them or not, other people are in there getting drunk - Personally i don't think it's right that a child should be in that environment.
I hate seeing prams in bars during the night - That's something i really don't agree with - Why anybody would want to take a baby to a bar is beyond me!
I witnessed an incident last year when i was there for a month. A family bought 5 young children out with them, non of the children could have been any older than 14! The parents got so drunk that they were starting fights within the bar - AND the two little boys with them actually joined in! The kids were 'allowed' to drink efes and have one shot - bought by there DAD so at this point the bar-staff were not aware! That was really shocking and when the staff actually saw the kids drinking alcohol they were stunned!
Then i noticed that the family had rented 2 of the buggy carts - That you DO need a license for. The two young boys ended up having to drive the buggies back to their apartment, they made at least 2 journeys to take everyone (the adults and the rest of the kids) Because the adults were too off their faces to do anything by the end of the night! I couldn't believe what i was seeing !

Offline Jenny

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police crackdown on under 16s in bars/
« Reply #34 on: August 14, 2007, 11:03:21 AM »
I hate seeing young kids in bars late at night, up until a certain time is ok but when theyre still there gone midnight it is just selfish. It's not so bad when theyre young babies in prams just sleeping through it in an outside airy bar, but last year me and my friend were in a bar and a child who must have been about 2 had just been left in her pram by the side of the pool (!!) and when my friend commented to the bar staff on this she was called every name under the sun by the gobby mum who unfortunately overheard her!

I agree that most bars in Calis are an ok place for children to be in the evenings/night but there needs to be a balance/compromise when parents think about their kids and take them home to their beds where they should be.

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police crackdown on under 16s in bars/
« Reply #35 on: August 14, 2007, 11:36:54 AM »
Originally posted by SEVIYORUM

I hate seeing prams in bars during the night - That's something i really don't agree with - Why anybody would want to take a baby to a bar is beyond me!

Couldn't agree more - a late night bar is no place for very young children. Having said, that we saw a young lad (maybe 12 or 13) in Scarlett on a number of occasions last June who was with his parents and who behaved immaculately every time. Never saw him drink alcohol, only enjoyed playing pool iwth his parents and Murat.

PS He played Murat off the table by the way.:D

Offline sannyrut

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police crackdown on under 16s in bars/
« Reply #36 on: August 14, 2007, 11:39:40 AM »
I certainly do not agree with under age children drinking late at night or anytime,with or without parents present.Where were the parents when this happened at Shamrock bar[?]Were they off getting drunk too[?]:-\:-\

Offline laffa

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police crackdown on under 16s in bars/
« Reply #37 on: August 14, 2007, 14:07:07 PM »
Jenny was that the same people that one of the women fell over the pram drunk, she was'nt even bothered showing everything she had even when she was sat down,(put me right off my lentil soup). ;) As was said before if the children and adults are behaving in a proper manner then ok, but they should be asked to leave if they are not, [^]

Offline Jenny

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police crackdown on under 16s in bars/
« Reply #38 on: August 14, 2007, 14:29:01 PM »
I think it might have been the same person Moe! Not nice...

Offline John H

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police crackdown on under 16s in bars/
« Reply #39 on: August 14, 2007, 16:18:59 PM »
SEVIYORUM,you pick up my point exactly. Taking children to a bar in the company of adults who drink responsibly can be a helpful introduction to adult life for them. The problem obviously lies with the irresponsible adults who abuse alcohol, but how their behaviour and attitude could be changed is beyond me. Perhaps a harsher line by the authorities similar to that which started this thread is the answer.
I do not know if anyone else has noticed the reduction in police cover in Calis. There used to be a small police post on the riverbank at the bridge which generally had a policeman in it or near it plus there were regular patrols by tourist police on a 125cc Honda motorcycle,two officers on mountain bikes,two officers on a large off road BMW motorcycle plus various marked car patrols and the universal marked Transit van. On recent holidays I have rarely seen a police presence in Calis. Could this have a bearing on the problem?

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