I have lived in Ovacik for 6 yrs and have known,along with many other local residents the reputation of the bar in question,so if I was asked the question by any young lady on holiday what the bar was like I would tell her and let her make her own mind up as to go or not.
Getting back to the bones of the issue,and honestly not wishing to cause any upset,I find it a little bit incredulous that a woman of 18,yes,you are classed as a woman when you're 18,goes back to a room with a guy,without being fecicious,she was'nt expecting tea and biscuits surely.
No,I'me not defending the guy,I find the incident repugnant,yes the Gestapo should have been informed,and the horrible person banged away,but I do'nt think the victim behaved in a mature fashion. Sorry.