Author Topic: wills simplified!  (Read 2581 times)

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Offline susuz.1

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wills simplified!
« Reply #10 on: September 19, 2009, 00:00:14 AM »
Having read clause 7.4, I am not clear about the Court letter from UK confirming the Will?

Has anyone had experience of doing this? As I think I've mentioned before, in England, a Will is proved by Grant of Probate in the District Probate Registry. This can be challenged for up to six months after the Grant is issued. That's why newspaper adverts are published asking "if anyone has a claim against the estate come forward or the estate will be distributed". This is despite the fact that there is a Will in existence. It is because of the six months rule and the fact that we have no Court system to confirm Wills that it is left to the executor to sort out.

I cannot see how you can go to a Court in UK to obtain such a document, but if someone has experience of doing this, I'm sure I and many others would be happy to learn of the process involved

Susuz  8)

Offline peecee

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wills simplified!
« Reply #11 on: September 19, 2009, 04:50:53 AM »
chrissy452, i have just done my Turkish will with the help of a solicitor called Feray Kose who is in partnership with Ozlen.  They are both excellent lawyers and speak very good English. It is worthwhile going to see them and getting some advice (initial consultation was free)  It all has to go through the Notary and Ozlen acted as the interpreter so saved a few pennies there!
It wasn't cheap, around 700 lira altogether, I took my eldest son with me so he knew what was going on and Feray knew who would be contacting her when I die but she explained it in simple terms.
The will/probate has to be presented to the Courts by a solicitor after death, no point in having an executor as it costs more money so may as well start with a solicitor to begin with.  Good luck :)

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