Author Topic: Locked Topic... the facts.  (Read 10593 times)

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Offline Piscoe

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Locked Topic... the facts.
« Reply #80 on: September 24, 2009, 15:31:37 PM »
Scunner, I seriously don't think you need go any further with this topic. The whole thing has degenerated into a silly childish argument with personal name calling and unsubstantiated nonsense.(not on your part of course but I'm only saying that because I'm scared and in awe of you!:D)If someone doesn't like the way you run the forum they don't have to subscribe.

As a property owner and lover of Calis and Fethiye I have become rather fond of CBF and look to it for information, shared experience and a bit of banter. A community with a common interest if you like.I also enjoy meeting CBF members when I'm over. I don't pretend to speak for others but if I were a betting man I would wager that the majority of members would agree with me. Therefore I can see no place for this type of nonsense on the forum.

The facts are that we don't know the facts and thats a fact, end of. We asked for the facts but the people who know the facts decided it was in their best interest to keep said facts to themselves. Thats a fact. In the event a fellow CBF member is involved in a violent altercation with their partner or otherwise then whilst I seriously deplore any violent act I cannot comment (and neither can anyone else I might add) as to what should be the correct action taken without being appraised of the full facts. Only those involved who have the facts can and should decide that. I understand and respect OP's (as she is now called) decision to keep it to herself and move on. NOW WE SHOULD DO LIKEWISE.

As a matter of interest why would a CBF member choose to keep their anonimity? I can understand ladies not wanting to post their DOB but their name and where they are from? If I were you (and I'm not as I don't have 6000 awestruck followers:D) I would make it mandatory that if you want to join you let other members know who you are.


Pete Hodgson
Age 44 and 2 months

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Locked Topic... the facts.
« Reply #81 on: September 24, 2009, 16:30:12 PM »
On another Turkish website there was another member who had the nickname "Strawberry". She wrote that she lived in Fethiye. Her posts were wild and obnoxious. She lasted three days on the forum. I wonder if there is any connection.

Offline Scunner

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Locked Topic... the facts.
« Reply #82 on: September 24, 2009, 16:35:21 PM »
Yes, there is.

She lasted longer on here, I must chastise the admin team and myself.

Offline Scunner

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Locked Topic... the facts.
« Reply #83 on: September 24, 2009, 16:52:30 PM »
In reply to Pete/Piscoe

Well thank you Pete of Wolston. I imagined you to be older than 44 (and two months) :D

There are many criticisms that come our way, the bigger we get the more they come. Interestingly, many are in this topic:

1. We delete people because they are "beating us"
2. People are afraid to say what they really think
3. Opinions are fine as long as they agree with Scunner and his mates

Etc etc

The one thing that happens time and time again (and we've been at it 6 years) is that people cannot accept that their view is unacceptable and they twist this in their mind that everyone is too lost in love for CBF or me (or indeed awe!) to see it. It's very unstable and it's very sad.

I'm not one for deleting posts or topics if it can be avoided. I think we do a good job here as an admin team and much prefer to leave everything for people to make their own minds up, as I have done here. Once deleted, new people crawl out of the woodwork talking about censorship and the like. Even locked topics generally stay in full view.

I accept a lot of insults and attacks as the admin and to me that comes with the territory; I don't like to see it being directed at members just because they made comment and weren't on the side of the aggressor. tiddly winks in this topic was rounded on for that reason and called a "pipsqueak bitch" - from other topics we are aware TW is 16 - I'd say a relatively mature thinker & writer for 16, but 16 - how can I let someone who uses that sort of abuse on a teenager stay here?

As our recent psyco-logist points out, making the real name fields compulsory doesn't mean people will always give their real name and I'm keen that people don't have to give more information than they feel comfortable with. Unlike many forums you can read most of it as a visitor, you don't need to join. To read others you do need to join but you can choose to be private. Only when you start ranting and attacking is your identity required. Even then, you can't just put John Smith in, I will ask for more.

I am on record as saying MANY times that I wish we could have more meaty debates on CBF as so many degenerate into insults and balls being taken home, but if we don't have limits this place will soon be down the toilet and if we do have limits people like Strawberry will come and attack them.

As of today, due to her signing up under 4 new aliases so far, nobody can join CBF until I check their details. More power to the meglomaniac because of those who accuse him of being a meglomaniac. I don't want this, it's a pain in the neck on a supposed adult forum, it means if I am out people have to wait till I can get online before they are allowed to join, but because of people like her we have no choice.

We're running a discussion forum for fun, not running for Mayor of Fethiye (more dangerous job than CBF admin  ;) ) and the tragedy is that these people keep coming, wreaking havoc, blaming the administrators for it happening and fully believe that they are right but are being stifled because we have the power to do it.

Right, where were we  :)

Offline Piscoe

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Locked Topic... the facts.
« Reply #84 on: September 24, 2009, 17:23:20 PM »
I can't disagree with anything you say there. (Wouldn't have the nerve in any case 8))

P.s. I just look older than 44. It must be something to do to the long paper round I had as a lad.:D

Originally posted by Scunner

In reply to Pete/Piscoe

Well thank you Pete of Wolston. I imagined you to be older than 44 (and two months) :D

There are many criticisms that come our way, the bigger we get the more they come. Interestingly, many are in this topic:

1. We delete people because they are "beating us"
2. People are afraid to say what they really think
3. Opinions are fine as long as they agree with Scunner and his mates

Etc etc

The one thing that happens time and time again (and we've been at it 6 years) is that people cannot accept that their view is unacceptable and they twist this in their mind that everyone is too lost in love for CBF or me (or indeed awe!) to see it. It's very unstable and it's very sad.

I'm not one for deleting posts or topics if it can be avoided. I think we do a good job here as an admin team and much prefer to leave everything for people to make their own minds up, as I have done here. Once deleted, new people crawl out of the woodwork talking about censorship and the like. Even locked topics generally stay in full view.

I accept a lot of insults and attacks as the admin and to me that comes with the territory; I don't like to see it being directed at members just because they made comment and weren't on the side of the aggressor. tiddly winks in this topic was rounded on for that reason and called a "pipsqueak bitch" - from other topics we are aware TW is 16 - I'd say a relatively mature thinker & writer for 16, but 16 - how can I let someone who uses that sort of abuse on a teenager stay here?

As our recent psyco-logist points out, making the real name fields compulsory doesn't mean people will always give their real name and I'm keen that people don't have to give more information than they feel comfortable with. Unlike many forums you can read most of it as a visitor, you don't need to join. To read others you do need to join but you can choose to be private. Only when you start ranting and attacking is your identity required. Even then, you can't just put John Smith in, I will ask for more.

I am on record as saying MANY times that I wish we could have more meaty debates on CBF as so many degenerate into insults and balls being taken home, but if we don't have limits this place will soon be down the toilet and if we do have limits people like Strawberry will come and attack them.

As of today, due to her signing up under 4 new aliases so far, nobody can join CBF until I check their details. More power to the meglomaniac because of those who accuse him of being a meglomaniac. I don't want this, it's a pain in the neck on a supposed adult forum, it means if I am out people have to wait till I can get online before they are allowed to join, but because of people like her we have no choice.

We're running a discussion forum for fun, not running for Mayor of Fethiye (more dangerous job than CBF admin  ;) ) and the tragedy is that these people keep coming, wreaking havoc, blaming the administrators for it happening and fully believe that they are right but are being stifled because we have the power to do it.

Right, where were we  :)

Offline Crabbit

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Locked Topic... the facts.
« Reply #85 on: September 24, 2009, 18:08:37 PM »
Originally posted by Colwyn

She lasted three days on the forum.

She`s lucky, if I was still Admin she wouldn`t have lasted one day on here.
Nor would her mate janice 1971 (or is that janasty : :))

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Locked Topic... the facts.
« Reply #86 on: September 24, 2009, 18:52:18 PM »
She`s lucky, if I was still Admin she wouldn`t have lasted one day on here.

But I wouldn't have lasted six weeks, instead of six years, if your first pronouncement on me had been final. In the case of Strawberry I (reluctantly) accept that we agree. So that probably means I won't be a friend of Janice ("Get a Life") 1974. I'll just have to cope with that in some way.

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Locked Topic... the facts.
« Reply #87 on: September 24, 2009, 18:56:55 PM »
Originally posted by Colwyn

But I wouldn't have lasted six weeks, instead of six years, if your first pronouncement on me had been final.

Oh bugger, I slipped up in 2003.    :D

PS, I can`t remember what my first pronouncement on you was. :(

Offline kevin3

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Locked Topic... the facts.
« Reply #88 on: September 24, 2009, 19:11:01 PM »
Bet it was very polite.

Offline Crabbit

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Locked Topic... the facts.
« Reply #89 on: September 24, 2009, 19:31:22 PM »
Originally posted by kevin3

Bet it was very polite.

Of course it was.    8)

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