I stumbled across this -
it is brilliant! The key is:
1. Type one sentence at a time
2. Do not use symbols - hyphens etc.
3. Then just copy and paste into your letter / e-mail
Note: It struggles with "I" at the beginning of your sentence - so ignore it when you copy and paste
You can all talk to your friends and neighbours now - we are fluent!http://translate.google.com/#tr or should I say:
Tüm komsularina simdi konusabilirsiniz - biz akici vardirIan
Ps It even puts all the dots in on the individual letters for you
or should I sayHatta sizin için tek tek harfleri tüm nokta koyar
I might try English to Russian and see if I can communicate with all those young, blonde, cat like Russian women that keep sending me offers of marriage by e-mail now