Author Topic: Cats and Kittens.  (Read 5532 times)

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Offline terrie

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Cats and Kittens.
« on: November 02, 2010, 07:33:44 AM »
I am sure that a lot of you are aware, that there are so many cats and kittens around at the moment.
Just yesterday i was informed of 3 tiny kittens near to my home.
When i went and got the tiny babys, it broke my heart, they had been dumped there.
These 3 week old kittens could not see as they have such bad eye infections, and were being left to starve to death.
They also have terrible bacterial infections and their chance of survival is not good.
Their outcome will depend on how they coped during the night, they have been fed every 2 hrs and have been made to feel safe and loved.
Animal Aid can only do so much, and we really do try very hard to do the right thing.
At the moment we are asking people to try and gain the confidence of the cats around the bin areas. [ we are aware that this is not easy ]
but it can be done.
We need to get these cats spayed etc. The center will do the operation
for free. We have cat carriers that can be used for getting them to the center.
They then need to be put back where they come from, this will help keep other cats away from the area and also help to stop them breeding.
There are no easy answers to this problem, but if we all do just as much as we can then at least we are trying to help.
If you take a cat to the center its always best to try and talk to  
Emray the vet there, as his English is good.
You might also need to make an appointment with him, as he does get very busy as i am sure you can imagine.
Tell him that its a street cat and that you want to return it back to the street yourself.
Animal Aid will help wherever possible but we do need you to help us to.
If anybody wants to become part of the team please feel free to contact us.
 its not always easy to deal with some of things we see, but when we are able to help a Dog, Cat, Kitten or puppy, even a mule, and to be able to help the dolphin angels, with Misha and Tom, almost forgot the tortoise.  Or help an animal that has been hit by a car by paying the vet bills etc, then thats what makes this all worth while.
Pleas Please help us, keep supporting us and of course by donating anything that brings us the funds to continue our charity.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for reading this.
I am sure that there will be some  people that read this and think that we are wasting our time and others that will feel it would be better just to kill them all off [ i have been told this several times ]. You are entitled to you opinion,  and we all know its easy not to care or even be bothered, but thats not what we do.
If we can help, and at least try to make a difference then we will.
There has been a fast improvement over the years in the Fethiye areas. lets keep helping to make a life a lot happier.
Animal Aid.

« Last Edit: November 02, 2010, 07:36:02 AM by terrie »

Offline june

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Cats and Kittens.
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2010, 07:51:47 AM »
Great post that Terrie and very very true.

Its hard for people to imagine how much the animal aid team do all of the time unless you see it for yourself, I have seen the amount of phone calls they get to pick up sick or abandoned animals, lots of which you look after yourselves trying to find homes for them, but there are limitations to everything.

If everyone just helped a little it would make such a difference.

Offline terrie

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« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2010, 13:58:03 PM »
Thanks June, its just a shame that so few people will get to read this post.
Will get together with Andy and Pauline about having this put in the local paper.
Keep well xx

Offline Karennina

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« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2010, 19:54:53 PM »
Terrie you all do a brilliant job for the sanctuary, i have emailed Andy on several occasions about kitties i have seen near bins and he always responds to my mails saying they will go and look for them and see what they can do for them.
I did email last week and felt a little guilty as it was about a dead cat I saw and did not know if you had any contacts with the council or anyone to assist in removing dead animals, it did not look that old and I could not bear for it to be just left by the roadside.
I would love to join the animal aid team but I am in Uk, I could always help with something on my annual 6 week visit during summer.

Offline june

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« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2010, 19:56:42 PM »
I think that a very good for free as its for a charity!.

Offline Scunner

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Cats and Kittens.
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2010, 20:03:54 PM »
Originally posted by terrie

its just a shame that so few people will get to read this post.

Sorry to be such a disappointment to Animal Aid. 4 million hits a month is the best I can manage. :-\

Offline carol4mike

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« Reply #6 on: November 02, 2010, 21:51:58 PM »
Terrie, it is so very sad that tiny little animals are suffering - 3 weeks old and have already known pain - it breaks my heart also - Thank you Terrie for showing people the problem is there and we all need to help - please everyone who reads Terrie's post just try and do a little bit more to help and things will and can get better if we all try and do just a little bit - sometimes its just a bit of time we have to give up - just a bit of patience in getting the street cats to trust you then at least they stand a chance if we can manage to get them spaded and litle kittens will not have to suffer- the same people cannot do it all of the time help is needed, whether we live in Calis or whether we own holiday property we all should bear a bit of the responsibility and care - I realise there will be people who have no affection for animals and these people will never do anything to help - BUT there are a lot of people who do like animals - these are the people who CAN help - Please Please dont ignore Terrie's post - if we all do a little it makes a lot.

Offline grizabella

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« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2010, 07:11:31 AM »
The girl who runs Kent Pet Shop is also a star in my eyes.She always is rescuing stray cats/kittens,feeding them,having them seen to by her vet and finding good homes for them.Whilst I was there last week a turkish man came in with 3 small kittens in a carrier bag,he wanted her to sell them for him.When she told him she didnt sell kittens he just walked out and left them with her.They too were not old enough to have left their mother.I suppose at least he brought the kittens to her and didnt just dump them in a bin.I agree with you that there seems to be a lot more nursing cats and kittens this year and some of them so feral that it is very difficult to get close to them to be able to catch them.Also a lot of the Turkish people dont believe in neutering their animals especially their cats who can produce over 6000 kittens in their lifetime not to mention the kittens their kittens go off to produce.It doesnt bear thinking about.I certainly will do my bit if I can catch any of the cats/kittens in my area and try to encourage my Turkish cat owning neighbours to use the Uzumlu facility to get their animals neutered.Keep up the good work,if it wasnt for you the animal suffering in the Calis area would be much higher.

Offline miaspyro

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Cats and Kittens.
« Reply #8 on: November 03, 2010, 08:04:52 AM »
please volunteer to help animal aid, yes at times it is heartbreaking, but if we all turned away when we were upset then nothing would get done or improved.  It is not all about money although without it the work could not continue.  It is about your time as well, visiting the dogs home, collecting for boot fairs, contributing to the craft and christmas fairs, helping with transport to the homes, Fostering sick animals.  
In the past i have fostered, and it is truly rewarding, mostly the animals live on your balcony, but the best ever experience is  gaining the trust of a terrified doggy so much that she will allow you to nurse her pups, seeing her tail wag when you come to see her, watching her bones slowly disappear as she is fed a proper diet, it is hard work but the best ever.
So please try to help out, even if it is friend bringing over supplies, ask for donations instead of cards for birthdays and celebrations, every day put the price of an efes or coke in a jar, in two weeks you have brought a bag of food, every time you moan about the stray dogs remember that there are a dedicated team out there trying to help with the problem, instead of moaning get out there and help them

Offline Jacqui Harvey

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Cats and Kittens.
« Reply #9 on: November 03, 2010, 08:38:42 AM »
Our local Cats Protection have spring trap boxes for cats.  We had a stray cat around our place for a few weeks, but we could not get near it, it was too smart. The Cat's Protection brought the box up and put some cat food inside as bait.  The trap was soon sprung and the cat was taken to the Cats Protection to be checked out and re homed.  I rang to find out how he was, he had been spayed and was named "Harvey".
I am sure if the you had some of these spring traps in Calis more cats could be rounded up to be spayed.  I would be willing to pick one up and put it at our place where there are always a couple of cats in the garden, but it's hard to get near them.

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