Author Topic: Anti Turkish government protests in Istanbul  (Read 9548 times)

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Re: Anti Turkish government protests in Istanbul
« Reply #50 on: June 04, 2013, 07:56:55 AM »
My take on things.
Erdogan has been in power far too long and has gotten too comfortable and removed the best parts of the opposition and those generals that could have been a problem for him. Just like any leader that is in charge for 10 plus years, they start to get comfortable and think they know best (remember Thatcher). Erdogan and his family and closest friends are making a fortune (his son owns all the sweet corn stands you see around as well as an oil tanker and his wife owns the karafirin chain).
The police have gotten far too much power and their behaviour over the last few days is nothing new. They have a policy of shooting gas into anything that mildly upsets them or to what they dont like. I myself have been on the receiving end of police brutality on a few occasions with the last being a couple of years ago when I was trying to park my car outside my office and got my car shot at by a cs gas canister that went through my radiator and set my car on fire whilst I was still in it. I still have the photos of the copper taking aim at me and some of you may remember me appearing on show tv news as this happened. I got my car fixed and paid for by the police but only after I signed a waiver to say I would not be taking any further action against the police.
in my opinion the police need to be held accountable for and punished. There are many videos posted in the last few days of police committing several barbaric acts like shooting gas through peoples living room windows, shooting someone in the head then celebrating with his friends like he just scored a goal, ramming fellow drivers off the road, using their water cannon trucks to run people over and so on and so forth.
The big problem here is there is no suitable person to take over and this will most likely just fizzle out. I cant see another 1997 happening either as most of the key generals are either sacked or in jail for the sledgehammer scandal.
I feel for the Turkish people and wish them luck.
Now I have to go for more pressing matters which is to stop a group of monkeys from raiding my bin every morning

Excellent post. I have seen such clips on Aljezera and RT news......only.

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