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Offline ArtyMar

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Re: ArtyMar's blog: buying the dream
« Reply #20 on: March 12, 2015, 09:11:49 AM »

BLOG 6: Day 5 – decisions looming

This is ridiculous. Here we are on a spur of the moment one-week break in a place we’ve only just heard of, and we’re thinking of buying a villa here!! This sounds like me at my maddest. But I’m thrilled at the thought, dreaming of glorious sun-drenched times ahead in our own marble floored villa dream house. What is even more amazing is that OH is in this mad dream with me. 

Today we are driven around the area – we see more of Fethiye and its beautiful harbour, the old city with its intriguing tourist shops full of exotic carpets, leather goods, spices, boxes of beautifully packed Turkish Delight, shops full of 'buy me' Turkish goods. I particularly like the intricate patterns on their ceramics. This is shopping paradise for my collector husband and it’s hard to pull him away. For lunch we are taken to the fish market where we choose our fish, have it grilled and sit under the trees to eat it – delicious.  We see the abandoned Ghost village, high up in the mountains and eat freshly made pancakes cooked on an open fire by a weather beaten village lady. OH buys me a little rope and bead bracelet from one of the tourist set-ups nearby, which I know my students will love when I wear it to college.

We are also driven to Kemer and to Calis and environs to see some sites where Infinity is building various developments. Such beautiful scenery, with the mountains and the sea, and all unspoilt. Many of the roads are rough and unmade but that just adds to the charm. It’s all so romantic, unexpected and exciting.

Yes, I want to buy a holiday home in this paradise – and by his lack of protest, OH seems to be somewhat taken with the idea too.  We’re not too keen on a complex with a communal pool, nor an apartment.  We ask to be taken to the site where the 5 villas are to be built. We are driven to some land not far from the sea but we don’t have much of an idea of where we are in relation to other areas we’ve seen. We’re told it’s part way between Ciftlik and Koca Calis, not too far from Calis Beach and within 10-15 minutes walk to the nearest beach in Koca Calis. The area we are shown is nothing but a dug out, bare patch of scrubland really, but we have the plans in hand and walk around talking to Ozen, the guy Infinity have given us as a driver, guide (and salesman). He tells us that if we go ahead with the purchase of one of these five villas, we would have first choice as to which one but there are others also interested (of course). He sings the praises of Infinity as a solid reliable building company.  We make a tentative choice as to which plot we’d like.

Back in our hotel, OH and I discuss the whole concept. Are we crazy? Yes! But I know very well, that now is the time, if ever, and if we go back to London, in the cold light of day, OH will be wearing his sensible hat. We’ll laugh about how close we came, but how good old common sense reasserted itself just in time. 

Heck, time has slipped away. We’ll be going home in just two more days.

S from Infinity has arranged to pick us up for dinner later tonight. Evidently we’re being wined and dined at one of the most prestigious restaurants in the Calis beach area, it’s at the far end of the beach front, on a kind of peninsula, overlooking a little island (forget the name).  Oz says he’s never been as it’s too expensive. I’m looking forward to it even though we are both fully aware that we’re being given ‘the treatment’.
We’re even beginning to feel entitled as we really, just might. . . actually  . . .buy!

. . . to be continued - next Thursday or occasionally, earlier

Offline echogirl1

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Re: ArtyMar's blog: buying the dream
« Reply #21 on: March 12, 2015, 09:30:56 AM »
You should write a book, cant wait for more, very interested to hear the reaction of the rest of your family when they hear the news!! Bet they were planning their hols!!

Offline ArtyMar

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Re: ArtyMar's blog: buying the dream
« Reply #22 on: March 19, 2015, 10:18:33 AM »

BLOG 7: Signing up

There is only one more day remaining of our holiday and if we really decide to go ahead, crunch time is fast approaching.  Over (the fantastic) dinner last night with S, we asked some key questions. When would the villa be finished and ready to move into for a holiday, deposit, terms and times of payment, how and when we go about choosing built in fitments, fittings etc – general timings, building guarantees etc. We were so obviously close to signing on the dotted line, that S arranged for us to meet to draw up the contract at their offices the following day.

So here we are again in the plush office overlooking the harbour. Charming S is here and her brother, K, a rather gruff guy who looks after the business and building side of things and appears to be the chief honcho, together with their architect who will draw up the final plans incorporating any changes we wish to make and an English speaking solicitor. We thrash out details of the contract which includes when the staged payments will be made (we’ll be sent regular photos by email to show stages of building progress before sending any money and/or visit). Our contract states that we’ll be given the deeds (called a Tapu) after the final payment of £7000. This will be made only after “snagging”, the final stage of the building, when little problems are fixed. I specially checked this in the contract as an English speaking chap we’d met at the hotel said, on hearing that we might invest in a villa, “just make sure you get your Tapu!”

They plan to start building the foundations fairly soon, as the completion for the villa (ready for occupation) is set for end of June next year: 2010. Wow!  Less than eight months and we’ll have our own luxury villa near the sea! We make a minor adjustment to the plans: change a window into sliding doors, and choose what type of marble we want for the floors. Imagine! Marble floors throughout! Also the type of non-slip tiles to be used for the outdoor terraces and the colour of the outside painting of the villa –pale lemon with white trim. I suggest that each of the five villas is painted a different pastel colour to make each look more individual, and also so they could be identified more easily and look better as a group. As an artist, I also offer to choose a suitable range of colours. They make the right noises but nothing definite is decided re this – I don’t think they like the idea and the individual buyers would want to choose their own villa’s colour. There’ll be a built-in outside BBQ and a shower near the pool. I’ll need to come around February next year to work on the kitchen design with the architect, choose furniture, white goods, lighting and bathroom ceramic tiling. L, the young English woman who works with B, the rental guy, evidently looks after this aspect. All included in the price.

I have to pinch myself that this is really happening – that in a few months I’ll be back again for this delightful task and then, a few months after that . . .

We talk again to B, the letting guy, who assures us that this type of villa will be much in demand during the holiday season, and letting should be no problem. They run a website that advertises their apartments and villas – an added free bonus. He explains that his side of the company looks after the rental arrangements including airport transfers, ‘meet and greet’, looking after guests’ needs, pool and garden upkeep.  It all sounds very well organized and trouble-free. He gives us a brochure setting out all the details, maintenance prices etc and we exchange contact numbers, emails etc.

Well, we’ve done it! Exciting times ahead  . . . can’t wait to tell the children and their families. They’ll be thrilled.

. . .to be continued . . .usually posted on Thursdays

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Re: ArtyMar's blog: buying the dream
« Reply #23 on: March 20, 2015, 06:19:45 AM »
Fabulous -  choices, choices, choices.  I would love it!

Offline ArtyMar

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Re: ArtyMar's blog: buying the dream
« Reply #24 on: March 26, 2015, 12:36:38 PM »

Back in Blighty – family reactions

Back in England we enthusiastically tell our children of our Turkey venture.  We are expecting them to say something like: “Wow! When can we come?” but we don’t quite get that reaction. From each - a kind of stunned silence, followed by a string of questions. Are we serious, or having them on? Why did we do it? Why Turkey? If this was a plan, why didn’t we mention it to them before going? Why in such a short time? Did we research the building company properly? Did we research other properties on sale in the area? Did we look around loads of areas, other towns? Did we employ our own lawyer? 

Hey, who is the parent here?!

Hmmm – its fair to say that their enthusiasm does not match ours.  Our daughter and family live in the US : “Honestly, Mum and Dad, I don’t know how often we’ll be able to go all the way to Turkey!”. Older son in the UK: “can’t see us flying while the kids are so young – it’s hard enough when we have a long car trip”. From our younger son – party loving and unmarried, a different response: “I could go with a load of friends – we’d have a ball!” (hmmmm).

After a rather heated discussion, we tell them that yes, we have given the whole idea great consideration, that we were certainly not seduced by clever salesmen, and yes, we are totally confident that we’ve done the right thing for us, and we don’t actually feel it is our obligation to discuss our intentions with them beforehand. Anyway, we say, if you don’t want to come to this lovely newly built villa by the sea, in this lush paradise, that’s also fine. They backtrack quickly, but we are nevertheless left in no doubt that they think we’ve had a brainstorm.

I think: we’ll soon prove them wrong. Within a few months, we’ll be sending them photos of us sunning ourselves by the side of our pool.

A bit later: help! What have we done?!

OH knows how much I love sunny exotic places and get carried away when on holiday. Has my Aussie enthusiasm gone too far this time? What was it this time that made it all happen? Did he agree of his own accord and conviction, or was he unduly influenced by my passion? Or did I just catch him in a weak moment  . .

I did not express these doubts to OH but my expression may have been a giveaway. He smiled serenely and said “when they see it, they’ll sing a different tune!”  Let’s hope he’s right.

Now we’re awaiting our first photos of the foundation construction. Hope they come soon. L has promised to send them as soon as construction begins.

. . . to be continued . . . posted usually on Thursdays

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Re: ArtyMar's blog: buying the dream
« Reply #25 on: March 27, 2015, 08:00:26 AM »
Great read - thanks again.

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Re: ArtyMar's blog: buying the dream
« Reply #26 on: March 27, 2015, 11:44:30 AM »
Looking forward to the next episode!

Offline ArtyMar

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Re: ArtyMar's blog: buying the dream
« Reply #27 on: March 27, 2015, 15:03:06 PM »
Thanks, Bluwise and Dutchie,
It's great to know I have keen readers out there - encourages me to go on with the saga - and boy oh boy, it is some saga!

Offline echogirl1

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Re: ArtyMar's blog: buying the dream
« Reply #28 on: March 28, 2015, 10:18:54 AM »
Loving your blog ArtyMar, cant wait till next week, you have some of us hooked, and you have a nice easy of captivating your readers!

Offline Menthol

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Re: ArtyMar's blog: buying the dream
« Reply #29 on: March 28, 2015, 12:00:21 PM »
Arty, I am feeling every step of the journey here!  :)

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