Author Topic: Best shop and people for pool equipment and chemicals  (Read 3342 times)

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Offline sgc

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Best shop and people for pool equipment and chemicals
« on: June 12, 2017, 14:45:19 PM »
Hi All,

I'm sure that many of you have swimming pools and therefore either run them yourselves purchasing equipment and chemicals or have someone who comes to look after the pool for you.

I'm interested to know:

1. If you have someone look after your pool for you, who are they, what do they do exactly, how frequently do they do it and how much does it cost?

2. If you run the pool yourself, what do you do, how frequently do you do it, which shop(s) do you get your chemicals from and how much do the chemicals you buy cost?

I've had experience of several so called "pool maintenance companies" in the area who, with what little knowledge I have on the subject, clearly know nothing whatsoever about how to run pools safely. Further, the prices for tasks and chemicals seem to come out of a hat, vary wildly and are expensive even by UK standards.

The lack of knowledge is perhaps most concerning as pools can be quite dangerous if not treated properly. Furthermore, poor maintenance can be exceedingly costly - there's a case locally of one man's pool beginning to dissolve due incorrect pool chemistry!

All responses are much appreciated and will help to build a local picture.

Offline davybill

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Re: Best shop and people for pool equipment and chemicals
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2017, 19:14:38 PM »
Doing my own pool, first time this year i  get pool chemicals from a shop in Fethiye
opposite the Otogar, as you turn right from Gunlukbasi road to Fethiye 
this shop sells every thing you will need, I suggest you go there and they will tell you the prices.
and give you information on your chemicals .
Also you can Google a lot of good information,

Offline sgc

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Re: Best shop and people for pool equipment and chemicals
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2017, 09:22:57 AM »
Thanks davybill.
I believe I know the shop you're referring to.

I'm relatively knowledgeable on what needs to be done to the pool to run it properly and safely but I am keen to know what others are doing to treat their pools and how much they are being charged.

For example these are some of the sorts of questions/answers that would be useful:

Do you buy Chlorine in 5L containers and if so, how much are you charged by the shop? Any other details like format and concentration will help to compare.
What size of sodium hydroxide or equivalent do you buy and how much are you charged by the shop?
What size of Cyanuric acid stabilizer do you buy and how much does it cost you at the shop?
If you use a pool man/woman to clean the pool or monitor the pool chemistry, how frequently do they come, what exactly do they do, how long does it take them and how much do they cost?

From walking into a few shops for chemicals, I've already been given wildly varying prices for chemicals with very different recommendations on when, what, and how much to use. It's a common problem unfortunately that pool shops are keen to sell more chemicals than is required and I have so far been less than impressed by the knowledge level in store in Fethiye.

This problem stems beyond pools in the area - prices of items change depending on who walks into the shop and who is taking commission. I have lost count of the number of times I have bought something in Fethiye having pushed for the best price only to find a friends best price was 30% lower...this often happens the other way around too!

I'm hoping that by asking the question (initially with respect to pools), we can build a picture of prices and services/chemicals on offer and work out what the true value should be rather than what the "out of a hat" value is.

This really is an exercise that would help for many things beyond pools - I wish I had had a list of shops/people/prices to look out for before embarking on adventures in the area!

Thank you in advance for all contributions to the thread.

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