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Another Scam
« on: December 19, 2005, 15:51:47 PM »
Got this today -- have my lottery numbers come up??

From Mr.Salim Ibrahim
Saudi Arabia

May the almighty Allah protect you as you read this message from me

I am Mr.Salim Ibrahim, 67 years old. I am a citizen of Saudi Arabia but
hospitalized in Cayman Island now. I am presently in hospital suffering
from lung cancer. i had partial stroke which has affected my speech and
half of my body is paralyzed. I can no longer talk and i am also deaf. i
send you email with the help of my private nurse who is assisting me. My
time here on earth is numbered as my health has deteriorated.

I have given the management US$15million to upgrade and build a new cancer
research facility. I don't know you, but due to my condition i am
contacting you with the hope that you will carry out my wish for the sake
of humanity.

I have two boxes deposited with a security company in Europe. One contains
Gold and precious stones which is equivalent to about 17.5 million
dollars. The other is stashed with $15million dollars Cash. i want you to
sell the Gold and use it to build an Orphanage in your country and help
some other organizations i will be sending to you. I will send you a list
of some other NGO´s you will be distributing the funds amongst.

The orphanage in your country must be named (SALIM IBRAHIM ORPHANGE HOME).
If you are ready to do this and carry out my wish, then send me (1) Your
full names, (2) Your phone/fax Number, (3) And your residential address

Thanks for your understanding i await your reply. Allah protects you.

Mr.Salim Ibrahim

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