Author Topic: Banned from another Forum!  (Read 1945 times)

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Offline Nikos

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Banned from another Forum!
« on: January 06, 2006, 11:53:52 AM »
A week or so ago, my son received a spam email via his Calis Beach profile asking him to visit another forum (I'll name and shame if enough people ask!!!)

I thought I'd visit the forum to see if there was anything interesting and noticed in their Ts & Cs that if any of their membership was spammed, then the incident should be reported the administrators.  I thought that this was a bit hypocritical as that's exactly what they'd done to my son, so I registered and told them so.  

The next day my post had been deleted, so I posted again and told them I was disappointed my post had been deleted, as all I had done was pointed something out that was wrong.  This post was also deleted.  By this time of course others had joined the thread, and those who had not seen my original post assumed that it was offensive - it was not.  I tried to log on to post again and found that not only had my posts been deleted, but my account had been blocked and....they had blocked the IP address from my firm (thereby blocking out 1500 other potential members lol).   Now, I don't always agree with postings on forums but that's the beauty of them.  They provoke debate, discussion, a little entertainment and maybe some useful information.   Spamming members of other sites, then deleting criticism of this, is not my idea of a friendly forum.

So admins, if you would like to know which member has been spamming other members, drop me an email and I'll let you know.


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