Author Topic: The not so nice side of Calis  (Read 10806 times)

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Re: The not so nice side of Calis
« Reply #50 on: September 17, 2012, 00:25:06 AM »
I know its wrong but if you stay out in bars until 2,3 4am then expect to see some trouble - wherever you are in the world. People get too much ale inside them and the inevitable happens.

Been going to Calis nine years and not seen any trouble yet - or been followed. Mind you we tend to get home before or just after midnight. If it's late we always get a taxi.

Went to Portugal last year and stayed out until the early hours and guess what - drunks fighting.

Went to Chaing Mai a couple of years back - watched a late Prem game (ended about 4am) and saw someone getting chased down the street by some lad hold a machete!

Women on their own need to take extra care. NEVER walk home alone after dark (the same as in the UK I guess) and especially if it's really late.

Offline LAURA4014

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Re: The not so nice side of Calis
« Reply #51 on: September 17, 2012, 00:31:53 AM »
Laura you should enjoy your holiday just as you did 3 years ago. These incidents, although disappointing, are relatively rare. I have known Calis for years and do know that some not very nice incidents happen - but I do not recognise the picture of Calis that ray1951 paints. It is just sensationalist rubbish. My view, I'm entitled to it   :)

Calis is still the lovely place you remember - just relax and enjoy. Isolated bad incidents do seem to happen, but rarely. Come back and tell us how you found things in Calis   :)

Thank you hun
i will let u know how it goes!
does anyone know what the weathers normally like in early october?
i will have to tell my mum about this forum she will love it lol

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Re: The not so nice side of Calis
« Reply #52 on: September 17, 2012, 08:32:18 AM »
We have now been out here for two weeks, and been walking along Baris Manco at various times. Not seen a hint of trouble.

A great many people walk up and down every day with no problem. It is only because the problems are unusual that anyone takes any notice.


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Re: The not so nice side of Calis
« Reply #53 on: September 17, 2012, 18:26:19 PM »
i appreciate your words of comfort but am concerned about the 'relaxed' attitude of the authorities. When there are problems, the local police should act, sorry wrong word; should sort the problem out properly. We mentioned in detail the scrap discussed in an earlier thread(possibly between the boys at Scarlett and the B52) to the tour operator adjacent Josephs and he began talking about a fight between a waiter at Ali's and a local whose wife had been insulted. Didn't bother reminding him of the real topic as have had this 'off on a tangent' treatment before when asking about problems in the vicinity. The locals seem so keen at covering up what's going on that one wonders if they can be trusted. If something happened to my wife or myself next time we're out there would 'justice' be done or would they all cover it up to protect their own vested interests?
That said, we returned 14/9/12 from our 17 nights and had a quiet, relaxed time; we generally head back to our hotel around midnight. This was our 2nd stay in Calis this year, first came in 1995.

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Re: The not so nice side of Calis
« Reply #54 on: September 17, 2012, 19:27:46 PM »
Well we agree really - I too feel that there is not enough in the way of policing and also in results from effective policing. I seem to remember a bigger police presence 10 years ago than now, which is obviously disappointing. In the year of the battered white car being seen driving slowly alongside women and trying to get them in, we tried to urge ladies to think about the dangers of walking home alone in the wee small hours and I think it was quite effective. But I also spoke with local businessmen, hoteliers and the like to ask why next to nothing was being done in terms of policing - as such incidents could have a huge affect on Calis and with that to them as hotel bookings would suffer - and they genuinely (I believe) had no idea about any of it.

It IS irritating that as Calis develops, policing doesn't - and for me it is hugely frustrating because once again it isn't a major problem to address - it could be sorted out in five minutes. More police patrolling the main streets - easy. Sadly (and this is one of the greatest frustrations of Turkey) the bleedin' obvious is rarely addressed and sorted.

But all that said, I have to agree with Stoop - I'd rather walk home at 3am in Calis than 3am in Manchester or nightclub kicking out time even in my home town. There is a similar lack of police after midnight everywhere sadly.

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