Author Topic: Worst hotel you have ever stayed in?  (Read 2035 times)

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Offline Karennina

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Re: Worst hotel you have ever stayed in?
« Reply #10 on: January 22, 2015, 18:57:54 PM »
A hotel in San Antonio Ibiza about 29 years ago, I'm ashamed to say now that three days in to the holiday we were of the mindset if you can't beat them join them so we were chucking beer and champagne bottles (empty ones I might add) over the balcony along with all the rest, however we did not participate in weeing in the wardrobes and drawers which had obviously happened at some point prior to our visit, nor did we set fire to the horrible carpets that were placed here and there around the hotel which again this looked  like someone had done this previously!  ;)

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Re: Worst hotel you have ever stayed in?
« Reply #11 on: January 23, 2015, 16:12:16 PM »
We went to Crete Avanti hotel when we pulled up at the hotel two families got on the coach screaming at the rep that they demanded to be moved due to poor hygiene, being early hours and having 3 young kids we checked in what a mistake the blankets must have been used to keep Donkeys warm over winter they  stunk beds not made a tap running that could not be turned off and the sink full of dirty dishes!!!

We got up about eight to find 7 German shepherd pups running up and down the front corridor with dog poop all over the grass and the grass went right up to the pool edge within minutes we witnessed a young child step in poop and jump in pool to clean it off  the pool was green anyway so there was no way we was getting in it

Rep never came by that day and the owner no where to be seen, the bar/snack area closed but  it was self catering mind you, so we headed off to the beach when we came back two teenage boys smoking weed playing pool the sons of the owner  they took offence to a man telling them that the dog poop was a heath hazard  & they just laughed and said you get what you pay for if you don’t like it !!!! off

We changed and headed out thinking we are only here for another  5 nights so  lets just clean the room  buy some linen and go out day & night

But  we got back about 11pm to a fight where one son pulled a knife on another guest over comments made about the guest girlfriend was the final straw

we packed our case’s and the following day as the coach pulled up to drop off more victims we got on the coach and demanded to be moved, the hotel they put us in was much better and the family we had copied who got on our coach when we arrived was staying there, they said that the Rep had said that we would have to pay for the upgrade as they had been charged, I laughed and guess what I could not get my passport back until I paid another £200 pounds!!

We did claim when we got home and was told we never followed procedures by calling the 24 hour emergency number so never got a penny !!!

Worst holiday ever  I swore id stick pins in my eyes before going back there but fortunately it closed down end of that season

Offline Shamless2

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Re: Worst hotel you have ever stayed in?
« Reply #12 on: January 23, 2015, 19:53:31 PM »
Tiryaki Calis.

Offline usedbustickets

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Re: Worst hotel you have ever stayed in?
« Reply #13 on: January 25, 2015, 15:05:52 PM »
A few years back we went to our friends' wedding in Istanbul, at a beautiful setting overlooking the Bosphrus.  I booked Mrs T and myself into a hotel for the night a couple of miles down the road.  We was picked up from the airport by some other Turkish friends who were to drop us off at the hotel.  When we arrived at the hotel our friends advised us not to book in and to go somewhere else.. they were a little coy about their reasons, but we told them we would be fine.  Besides I had already paid for the hotel, admittedly not much, but that was part of the hotel attraction/charm as far as I was concerned.

We went to the reception, where we noticed a number of guests coming and going, all of whom seemed to be older gentlemen with younger ladies.  The penny did not drop immediately, even with clues like the other 'guests' did not appear to have any luggage!!  Any way they took us to the room, there was barely room enough for the bed, and the bathroom was tiny, and the decor was shall we say plain ... still as I advised Jan it was reasonably clean and it was only for one night.... she muttered something about a cheapskate that I could not quite pick up on.  Besides it had a reasonable view from the window (no balcony) which included a mosque.  Anyway we changed and went downstairs to get a taxi to the wedding venue.  The chap at reception seemed keen to recover the room keys... 'It's alright mate we might get back late..' o something to that effect.

After a fantastic wedding we returned to the hotel in the early hours and got into the creaky old bed and dropped off..... next thing - or at least it felt like next thing.... there was the loudest mosque karaoke I have ever heard that literally made me jump out of bed, we could not even talk over it, when I went to the window I noticed the mosque had a loudspeaker the size of transit van on one of the the minarets and it was pointing straight at our room.  Still after a few minutes it was all over and we went back to bed at about 5:30.  Drifting into a sound sleep, suddenly we are awoken by loud banging on the door, it was only 6:30am but apparently we had overstayed our welcome according to the round the clock cleaner, and we should vacat the room.  I got to the door and laid a few expletives into said gentleman, who went running off down the corridor.  We decided at that point, that enough was enough.  We got up, packed our bag and left.. 'Do you want breakfast said the receptionist as we asked him to get us a taxi.. not bloody likely!!

We later discovered from our Turkish friend that said hotel was not usually used by travellers or tourist, but does an almost exclusive trade by the hour or two for local brasses and their customers, or company bosses having a fling with the secretary.  Suffice to say Mrs T insists on now double checking any hotel booking I might make, particularly any that I can get cheap!!  ;) ;D ;D ;D

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