Author Topic: £600 for a remote control  (Read 1073 times)

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Offline brummyboy

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£600 for a remote control
« on: September 24, 2006, 13:35:34 PM »
i was in curries this morning looking at laptops for our sophie. anyway this bloke came up to me and said "hello sir i can tell a man that likes quality"well i thought i like this bloke.

anyway he said "do you want to come and see some puppies",no im only joking,he said "come and have a look at our home entertainment package".

so off i toddled me and the two kidds.

it was set up like a full house kitchen ,livingroom,bedrooms etc.

so we started in the kitchen only a tele in there,but you had the lot on it,pictures of the kids,music,internet,video,calis beach forum.etc,etc.

then its off to the bedroom same in there the lot,speakers with no wires music all round the house.

then off to the livingroom .jeszzzuuuusss.

theres this tele in there and surround system to die for,but best till last.
 this cimema screen comes down from the
 ceiling,fantastic .everything you could want to watch with the best picture and was just like being on the pitch.

anyway i though how am i going to get away from this bloke now,after he started telling me the remote was £600.
talk about a stroke of luck were in this home cinema set up that must off cost 25k and our louis decieded to poo him self.
what a result.

well if you are in curries, go and have a look its fantastic.

dont forget to take 15k with you.

« Last Edit: September 24, 2006, 16:33:45 PM by brummyboy »

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