Author Topic: Mature single birds in Turkey  (Read 3776 times)

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Offline Linda1953

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Mature single birds in Turkey
« on: November 20, 2007, 11:01:02 AM »
Sometimes I think Im going mad.  oh...........I am! must be the change:D

In normal everyday life I dont have much of a problem but as soon as I come on a board like this and post a comment,opinion or something useful or not I appear to either get shouted down or followed around the board by the same names contradicting what Ive posted trying to trip me up on bits of information when Ive just experienced it myself. duuuh! :o

Perhaps this is the mature single bird asserting herself with no man around to control silly actions or to tell me what I am doing and saying is ridiculous...... :o...oh we cant be having that now can we.......need a man on the board to put me back in my place syndrome LOL?  :D

Do we as mature single woman have nothing of value to contribute to boards like this? Are we considered no-brainers who have nothing of interest to contribute except broken hearts and sexual matters? :-\  Do you think weve still forgotten to pick our knickers and brains up from Dalaman due to dementia? Do you think in order to exist here we have to get with a native to gain the respect of the local x-pats or not depending on the age gap and how helpful we are?  ;)And if we are not doing that then we are going through every young man availble in the area and growing old disgracefully?

Let me enlighten you.  Many of us are here and NOT with natives. I have met many highly intelligent international mature single women who are active here in various ways and not in the ways you might think. We have book clubs,social evenings, art events, researching for books as writers and artists and are having a ball. Also doing useful things for the community and not all trying to get our sad varicosed veined legs over the young men here and kidding ourselves that we are still 19. We all still have our knickers and very comfortable ones too and brains in tact. :D  

Its ok for people to speak about their legalised wives or longterm girlfriends on this board but we as mature single birds are not supposed to mention any relationships we may have had here with a young or older native or any bloke for that matter otherwise we are labelled as a stupid idiotic women with loose morals and no sense.

However its ok for a younger woman to get with a native and be encouraged and congratulated and ok for older men to take up with younger turkish woman and get a guffaw and a pat on the back but somehow an older woman with a young man appears to turn the stomach for some people.  Perhaps we should content sitting at home with our knitting and watching TV.  Well we are..........but its the Chippendales!!:D:D:D

Here are some of the questions,comments and experiences we as mature single women have endured here from x-pats and tourists.  

 - nutcase.
- sad
- neighbourhood threat to other older women on their own with young totty.  
- if your a good looking mature woman you will be isolated even more.  
- if people know nothing about you then they will make up stories an gossip about you around the town.
- with young totty - desperate nutcase
- expressing opinions - shouldnt be allowed without a man to intervene in case you say something stupid or God are WRONG!! So dont express any.
-no brains and nothing of value to contribute because we dont want to hear it anyway.
- always in the wrong because youve never lived.  
- what are you doing here where are your children?
- why are your children back in your country and you are here?
- do they mind you being here?  duuh!eh??
- Do you have any grandchildren do they see you?
- Where is your husband?
- Are you married?
- Why are you living here alone?-
- What made you come here alone?
- do you have a boyfriend here is that why you came?
- how old is he?
- Do you think he is just after your money?
- Your relationship is not going anywhere because you cant give him kids.
- Have you met his family yet?
- you know there is no future in it for you dont you?
- Did you pay for him?
- Why is he with you it cant be love?
- Why dont you find yourself a nice English man (coming from someone who is living with a native)
- Why dont you go back home?
- how are you surviving here without a man?
- Are you not worried about being alone?
- Can you plug the kettle in and make a cup of tea by yourself :D

the list is endless................


« Last Edit: November 20, 2007, 11:07:26 AM by Linda1953 »

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