Author Topic: What to do.  (Read 2035 times)

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Offline geordieboy

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What to do.
« on: November 14, 2009, 12:20:28 PM »
There appears to be a great deal of confusion as to the course of action one takes when dealing with a burglar,particularly the grey area of "reasonable force",so I'll explain.
I'll break it down into two sections.
1: What to do in Britain.
2: What to do in Turkey.

1: Do'nt shout at him,or threaten him,its not PC.
2: Sit him down,make him a cup of tea/coffee,offer him biscuits,preferably chocolate ones,this will earn you brownie points when he takes you to court for unjustifiable behaviour.
3: Point out he's missed the mobile telephones,ipods,etc,and put them in his swagbag for him.
4: He's obviously on a come down,so give him all your cash so he can get a fix to get his head back together again.
5: Its raining outside,so offer him a lift somewhere,or ring for a taxi for him.
6: As you politely lead him to the door,tell him that when he returns in a months time to nick all the goods thats been replaced by the insurance,not to cause damage breaking in,you'll leave the door open for him.
There,you've been totally PC,he has'nt been upset,you have'nt bothered the police who have more important matters to attend to,and the world keeps turning.
You yourself have been robbed blind,feel sick,enraged at the total injustice of it,and fit to kill somebody.But hey,hang about,you're just the the innocent victim,sorry pal,just get on with it.

1:Do'nt do the stupid thing as you would in Britain,ie,ask him " what do you want/what you're doing here",you know what he's doing in your house,and besides you can't speak Turkish,and he does'nt understand English,so, a pretty silly start.
2: You immediately launch an attack on him,this gives you the element of surprise,two methods,scouse method,liverpool kiss,followed by the knee in the medals.Geordie method,swift kick in the medals,followed by the knee in the face,this normally breaks their nose,and if you've done it right scatters a few teeth.Use whatever method suits you,both effective.Your objective is to get him on the floor,so if he's slow going down,help him along with a punch to the kidneys.
3:He's on the floor,if hes on his belly good,if not flip him over with your feet,drop on his back with your knees,using all your weight,this knocks the breath out of them,and could break a couple of ribs.
4: Bring his hands together and tie them.If you've got an electrical cable tie handy so much the better,as you can secure the thumbs together.There,he's trussed up like a turkey,if you feel really angry you can now give him another kick in the medals.
5: Ring up the bobbies,just before they arrive put a knife from the kitchen in your pocket,this is what he threatened you with,and the injuries he sustained was from you defending yourself.
6: They'll take your statement,hoik the queer fella away to HQ where they'll probably give him another good smack.
7: Short while later he gets 5yrs in some hell hole.
Result,you're happy,the police are happy,one more scroat off the streets,and last,but not least,stuff the PC brigade.

Offline Rindaloo

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What to do.
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2009, 13:12:26 PM »
Cable tie good for thumbs.  Don't use good knife as it will be taken in evidence and you wont see it again.  Otherwise, fine...

Offline wickwilly

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What to do.
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2009, 17:16:38 PM »
Cable tie good especially if its still connected to the mains:P


Offline Hazel

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What to do.
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2009, 17:56:25 PM »
On a more serious note whilst on holiday in Uzumlu in September we were burgled twice in 2 days after giving our second statement to the Gandarme we were asked what we wanted to happen if
 the burglars were caught, I said shoot them to which the captain laughed and replied yes we could but make it below the waist or better still he told my husband to throw the burglar off the balcony. The first time my husband wasn't quick enough as by the time we got out to the balcony he had fled the second time we were out, so remember if you catch a burglar be careful where you aim your gun.


Offline Rindaloo

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What to do.
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2009, 17:59:13 PM »
Originally posted by Hazel

 remember if you catch a burglar be careful where you aim your gun.


Ball park area?? : :)

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