Author Topic: Meeting regarding Burglaries  (Read 4030 times)

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Offline Eric

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Meeting regarding Burglaries
« Reply #10 on: January 14, 2010, 11:02:28 AM »
Okay people lets get this into perspective.  As far as I am aware this burglary is the only one that has occurred on any quiz night.  Why not hold it at Musti's?, this needs to be explained further.

The burglaries are taking place at night when people are either in or out, during the day when people are out shopping etc, during the evening when people are out.  In other words at any time of the day or night.  There is no pattern that I can perceive, other than perhaps some of the houses have been under surveillance by the scum.

As in any part of the world, all any of us can do is be vigilant and ensure our houses are as secure as we can make them.  We were broken into nearly three years ago, while we were in bed, after that we secured our house as much as we could without making it into a fortress:D  We are not going to let these occurrences spoil or alter our way of life, we will be going out shopping and 'socialising' as normal.

We will be attending the meeting but hope it will not degenerate into arguments and finger pointing as this will achieve nothing.  See you all there.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2010, 11:48:45 AM by Eric »

Offline corbindallas

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Meeting regarding Burglaries
« Reply #11 on: January 14, 2010, 13:44:09 PM »
The meeting venue will not be changed, the previous meeting was at the Winehouse this one is at Musti's and the next will be somewhere else if need be and supported by attendance for us to carry this on, as far as I am concerned it does not matter where it is held as the reason is to discuss what we as a joint community can do together to help each other out and best ways to take this matter forward to achieve the goal of reducing the amount of burglaries taking place in Uzumlu, period, I have asked the owner for permission to have a meeting at his premises and he has agreed and did not even want to know what it is about, at the end of the day this is our meeting and I hope that we can achieve the above together WITHOUT any other issues getting in the way of the core reason.

Offline Eric

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Meeting regarding Burglaries
« Reply #12 on: January 14, 2010, 14:55:18 PM »
Well said Andrew

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