Author Topic: blonde and the postman  (Read 1084 times)

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Offline terrie

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blonde and the postman
« on: January 27, 2010, 20:47:12 PM »
After doing the same postal round for 35years,Pat the postie is ready to retire,
He starts his round for the last time,goes to the first house and the owner gives him  £50,
goes to the second house and the owner gives him a gold watch,
he goes to the third house and the owner gives him some holiday vouchers,
he goes to the fourth house,and standing in the doorway is a blonde,with next to nothing on.she grabs him by the arm ,and leads him to the bedroom,where she forfills his wildest dreams.
after a while she leads him back downstairs and gives him a full english cooked breakfast ,then she put a coffee on the table with a £5 pound note under the saucer.Pat looks a bit puzzeled by this,he thought for a minute,the he said;i have to ask,whats with the £5 note?
The blonde women says;
I told my husband last night that this would be your last day,and said what should we give you...i said how about £50...
he said f**k him,give him a fiver.......................

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