Author Topic: Buy in Calis ?  (Read 5370 times)

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Offline Cavfan

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Buy in Calis ?
« Reply #10 on: May 19, 2010, 13:03:24 PM »
Hi there
We bought in 2004 after holidaying since 1989 often twice a year. Could never contemplate buying in a place we werent totally comfortable with- though I know people do.
never bought with the intention of a permanent move and even now that hasnt changed. In fact we seem to spend less time there than before managing 4 weeks in 2 years due to other choices- but that might be complacency as we know it will be there waiting for us!
Love the place and whilst it is only small its in (IMHO) the best location- and that for us is important. At the time we couldve got something bigger and off plan in Gunlukbasi but for us that wasnt where we went on holiday it was Calis- it was already a trauma for us not waking up on the prom as we'd been doing for the previous 15 years!( in a hotel !)
Its not on a holiday complex its residential and so we dont( so far) appear to have the same sort of problems that holiday complex's do.
One of the key drivers for us was as an investment- and we know its a long term one. We didnt want to have to rely on rental income to pay the bills as the reality of that is not pretty- and I like to be able to sleep at night! We did rent it for a couple of years but couldnt be bothered with the hassle and now family and friends use it more than us - so long as they work round our gear!
Its difficult to predict what return you can expect on such an investment but lets face it the banks arent offering much at the moment.
Calis is as good a place as any to invest in property if thats the key driver although the love of the resort came first for us not the investment opportunity.
Good luck with whatever you decide to do.

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