Author Topic: 3 years and today it's a finished quiz  (Read 4144 times)

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Offline The Crinklies

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3 years and today it's a finished quiz
« Reply #10 on: December 09, 2010, 13:21:29 PM »
It has been great to have the opportunity to support the village in which we choose to live and the local school children. It has been fun at the same time and although we are disappointed that you, Fi & Eric, have decided to call it a day, it is totally understandable. We would just like to say 'thank you.'

Offline Scunner

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3 years and today it's a finished quiz
« Reply #11 on: December 09, 2010, 13:33:20 PM »
I have decided to keep out of local politics (you may not have noticed yet!) as it has no great relevance to me anymore, and the people you fight for quite often disappear and let you get on with it for them!!!

But I would say that many years ago, long before carnival committees and Animal aiding, we at CBF were running charity events to raise money for local causes, which we just got on with. We raised amazing amounts of cash from one off events, some of which made great amounts despite being technically disastrous to the point of funny - but we would have made much more if it wasn't for the local politics and small mindedness of a significant number of people.

This one wouldn't go to that charity event if it was being held there, she won't go if he's going, but even though they won't go will still buy a ticket as their contribution (but actually didn't), another one won't go because they aren't a big fan of 70s music and so it went on and on and on - it was often like setting up a playgroup where the kids want to decide what's going to be what.  

We played to packed houses and always had brilliant nights. It always made me wonder how much more we could have made to make the lives of (for example) disabled kids better, if the nonsense expats gauge their social lives by could just be put aside for one night, if they could find a table on the other side of the room from the people they despise and ignore them for a few hours.

Ultimately people may not like the subject of the quiz, or the music of the event, or the moustache of the owner - but it is desperately sad when people who can make real differences (without really trying too much) to real lives in their newly adopted home, and have precious little to do winter night after winter night, can't put petty reasons to one side and support ALL events that people have made an effort to organise. Finding a reason not to go is easy - it's the reasons to go that really matter.

Offline mercury

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3 years and today it's a finished quiz
« Reply #12 on: December 09, 2010, 15:31:50 PM »
There couldnt have been a better explained post than that Keith. I have heard ALL those excuses in my time on the CCC. Baby work and selfishness is how I would describe it. Wish some of these people could see the children that have been helped over the years by all the various charities. All doing it with the best intentions.

Offline Scunner

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3 years and today it's a finished quiz
« Reply #13 on: December 09, 2010, 15:51:19 PM »
I do think it is difficult Anne - you can't expect everyone to turn up to everything you put on, and you can't start to resent people not turning up, but some of the reasons are so ridiculous it does make you wonder why you bother. The very idea that some very ill kids will miss out on an extra fiver (which could buy a helpful piece of apparatus) because Joe won't go if John is going is SO frustrating.

The other side of the equation is that maybe we are/were very poor at publicising what the efforts achieve. I mean we are brilliant at telling people what it is, where it is and what time it starts; we are great at telling people how much we raised - but are we that good at showing what it means? I think maybe our stiff British fear of gloating may get in the way of that. Maybe more effort is needed when it comes to blowing trumpets. We all know it's at the Orient next Thursday, and that it starts at 7pm and what the event is. We soon after know that it raised 2000 liras which will be used to help needy people or animals locally - but do we actually know how?

Get gloating guys - raising 2000 lira does sound good but for me the pictures of smiley kids with their new school windows or climbing frames is maybe the most important bit to get across. Maybe seeing more real results, changing real lives locally might convince a couple more people to go, even though it isn't exactly their definition of a perfect night of entertainment  :)

Offline Benson

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3 years and today it's a finished quiz
« Reply #14 on: December 09, 2010, 22:02:19 PM »
Dear Fi and Eric,
I am sorry to hear the quiz is going to finish, just want to say a big thank you for all you have done including the cement fund and a great day out on the treasure hunt.
The quiz was alway popular with us....Ogra Plus and the No Hopers.
Twinkle01 xx

Offline alec

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3 years and today it's a finished quiz
« Reply #15 on: December 15, 2010, 20:45:49 PM »
Dear Fi and Eric,
As you know, I'm not one for the expat social scene, and I could never answer your questions on music/tv/films/sport/... but I've always greatly enjoyed the quizzes that I've been to.  Who cares about winning or fancy prizes (though I have been a passenger on winning teams...)?  Having a good time in a good atmosphere is what's important, and you certainly provided that!  If you've decided to call it a day so be it - thanks for the good times - is it really three years?!  And no small thanks to Mustafa and the crew at Cadianda too.

But I hope someone's got ideas for continuing the fund-raising.


Offline Denise40

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3 years and today it's a finished quiz
« Reply #16 on: December 16, 2010, 10:44:30 AM »
The fun night is not about winning nor fancy prizes as there aren't any! - there are fun/silly prizes that are I believe purchased from the lira shop!(6 per week)! and used for a game 'Open the box' There are a couple of good raffles during the evening- for those who have not attended please do not assume! The night is about having good fun - in the hope that it brings entertainment of the people of Uzumlu.  This Fun Night has also raised a nice sum of approx 700ytl in the few weeks it has been running for a well deserved charity.

The Cadianda quiz was different but just as enjoyable and will be missed by all those who attended, however it would be nice to see all activities supported in the village and for this Tuesday which will just be a Quiz and raffle, so please come and support the evening and would be nice to see some new faces, will look forward to seeing you there.

« Last Edit: December 16, 2010, 11:12:35 AM by Denise40 »

Offline Firo

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3 years and today it's a finished quiz
« Reply #17 on: December 16, 2010, 15:04:04 PM »
I'm sure the Wine House will thank you for the words Denise but can you keep the advertising for them on their own thread.  ;)
Thanks to everyone else for the "thank you" messages on here and the many many more we have received privately.

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