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Offline philrose

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« Reply #10 on: July 02, 2011, 10:47:04 AM »
Ah! I see, thanks for the info 8)

Offline jackstee

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« Reply #11 on: July 02, 2011, 20:58:13 PM »
Hi Screamlead.
Not, in any area going head to hesd. It's a good subject to have, especially for the people who live here full time.
Presently unemployed and living in Fethiye I thought it prudent to fall back on an old pastime we had in uk. Home brew. I often cheat, the peach snaps kit we used to get in Boots was brilliant but so was the peapod and elderflower we used to make. We did a couple of christmas parties where half a bottle of the cheapest vodca was added to each demijon and whines which go "off" are often "steamed" to collect the main ingreadient. Then added to a bit of toffee and a couple of smoke chips for a BBQ, you end up with a very presentable burbon. However I digress.

Living in Fethiye I often go down to the Vegi market on a friday to see what fruit is going cheap.Then I pick up about 5 kilos and start it into wine.

I fellow forum member brought a small tub of "Young's" super wine yeast which is nearly finished unfortuanatly.

Contrary to yourself I have always simmered my fruits to (a) steralise them and to extract all the taste. No problem with clearing at all. Cannot get finings here but often use a bit of egg white mixed with some of the wine. Just the same.

I presume that adding a cup of stewed tea is for the tanin ??

Just picked up four large melons, not water melons. They are down to less than one lira per kg. In uk I would top them, remove the seeds and pack with brown sugar. Normally we then hang them in a single leg of a pair of tights.

I am trying here a new method. Sliced and diced (unusable parts go on the compost) Placed in a plastic bottle, around 8 litre, and covered with brown sugar.

It ends up what we call a melon rum. I will let you know the results.

By the way I use a hand blender with most of my fruits before I simmer them

Orange and apricot clear after two weeks but a bit sharp so have added a touch mor sugar,

Offline Julesp

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« Reply #12 on: July 02, 2011, 22:48:43 PM »
Wow thanks!!

Offline screamlead

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« Reply #13 on: July 03, 2011, 06:44:53 AM »
Hey Jackstee,
Hi No problem, i like the sound of the Bourbon and Melon thing. Also heard on the 'grapevine' you can do the same with Marrow - which i have in my greenhouse at the moment. Also i fancied doing a 'rumtopf' but struggling to find a decent ceramic container to put it in??
Fruit wise they tend to reckon 3lb per gallon - but i use 4 and find it a better flavour and colour.
Simmering should be ok and as i did say given time all wine will clear eventually. The recipes i have put on so far are quick to make and drink ones so no real experience needed.

As for he chemicals etc - i have a turkish m8 who brews in excess of 1000ltr wine a year and he can get all the chemicals he needs online - but you have to buy by the KG - Which is if we can get enough people interested we could bulk buy together and split the chemicals etc.
So far i know he has got hold of the following -
Proper wine yeast
Sodium Metabisulphate - Steriliser and preservative
Bentonite - Finnings
Citric Acid
Epson Salts - Nutrient
All in KG amounts - the online retailer only sells in those amounts and also wine corks but again 1000 minimum order.

Natural Ingredients -

Cup of stewed tea - Tannin
Juice of 1 lemon and Orange - Citric acid
Banana - 3 very ripe (black) bananas boiled in a pint of water - then use the liquid - Clearing agent.
Glycerine - gives a smooth mouth feel to wines.
Fullers earth - finnings, ex forces so i have some - lol
Pectolase used in fruit wines - the skin of a papaya fruit
Vitamin B1 tablets - 3mg used as a yeast nutrient
Epson salts and Andrews - Yeast nutrient
Marmite - yeast nutrient!! - not tried this but reckoned to be ok in dark beers!
Allinsons baking yeast tubs - yellow one - will work for loads of wines. For Turbo ciders you really need cider yeast or champagne yeast 5-7g sachets from wilkinsons or uk online home brew shops all sell them and 1 sachet will do 2 lots and you can also reuse the yeast in the demijohn by dumping a new lot of juice right on top of the 'trub' left in the demijohn.
Sweetex type tablets - used to sweeten wines once finished fermenting - adding more sugar only kick starts it off again, hence adding 1 t spoon per litre to wine when bottling will carbonate it and give you a sparkling wine.

I tend to get friends and family to bring my stuff out for me and pre order online and get them to bring out. I do not trust the turkish post 1 bit after having items not delivered and or stolen! I have however now sussed out International signed for service from royal mail 6 pounds plus upto 500gr - will get here in 4 days and intact!

Offline jackstee

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« Reply #14 on: July 03, 2011, 21:14:43 PM »
Hi Scream

Just managed to get, after complaining that Turkey diddnt have, ORO Tablets (Halazone) Disinfectant. 100 Tabs for 6 lira and each tab does around 20 litre in an hour. Will try it out.
I think we have to find local chemicals and produce only. Otherwise it complicates and enhances the cost. I will slowly try with our local chemist.

Will add , Bannana, sweetener without using sugar and imparting tast.

We have to define , why do we need things like  citric acid.
I think fullers earth is like  ?? fogot but used in some pool filters ( Am also ex forces)I try for 5 kilos per gallon of fruit but often then have to fudge it if it doesnt taste right.

I think the thing to remember is that it has to taste ok and be very mich cheaper to make than to buy.

Will try for the grapes this week end, but will liqidise and simmer rather than crush. (Unless I can get a propper press which I hear are available)

This will be a serious on of about 4 gallons.

The melon which I bottled yesterday, has now 5 inch's of liquid in it, this is because of the action of the ripe fruit and the brown sugar.

In one monthe add a large shot of Captain Morgans and that will be a good gallon of melon rum

All the best

I also hear that in Ursumlu you can get the local brewed wines by the bottle(sprite or cola) which is very good.
By the way, where are you living. ??

FYI the melons I put in the jar yesterday already have 6 inch's of liquid . Another week or so and

Offline screamlead

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« Reply #15 on: July 03, 2011, 21:33:23 PM »
Hi Again Jackstee,
Where did you get - ORO Tablets (Halazone) Disinfectant. from?
I'm in Kemer but in Fet regular. Can you email me the Melon recipe please - may give it a go.
Fullers earth - substitute - Plaster! it wont set in the wine and beer but can clear it.
Citric Acid is used to balance the flavours as far as i know as all wines have some sort of acid in them - Red has Malic which always produces a secondary fermentation - just when you think its finished.
Presses - i met someone from calis who said he could make them but being an idiot i never got his contact details.
I have plans for a press too - photgraphed from a cider book so could email if you want them - the most costly part here is the screw mechanism!. As for cost wise i think buyingin bulk could work out cheaper in the long run if a few of us got together, as most stuff in UK is sold in pots of 50g or 100g at around 2-3 quid a go then delivery on top whereas here it would deffo work out cheaper buying by KGs and splitting etc.

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