Author Topic: I hate EON  (Read 809 times)

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Offline Liz 101

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I hate EON
« on: July 16, 2011, 00:31:24 AM »
A week ago, I negotiated my way through their innumeral options to complain about their illogical increase in my monthly direct debit of roughly 150%  :o

Before they will reduce them back to the previous level, they said that they would need to read my meters. Fair enough, so I made an appointment for them to come on 22nd July, which was the earliest date that I could guarantee being home.

I got home last night to find a card through the door from the meter reader, saying that they had been to the house, but I was out - no s**t Sherlock - so they would revisit on Monday 18th :-\

Another phone call this am to be told that my appointment still was noted (we shall see) & that they couldn't cancel Monday's visit, as I hadn't given "enough notice". 3 days isn't enough notice, where the heck is he coming from? Outer Mongolia by yak?? Is it any wonder that fuel prices are rising so much [?]

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