In the light of the great variation of sentences handed out to rioters, (as little as 1 day detention), compared to 4 years for "incitement to riot", by two men on Facebook, what are the thoughts of Forum Members on this absolutely ridiculous state of affairs?
My own opinion is that, we, as a nation, are in grave danger of becoming a total laughing stock in the eyes of the rest of the "civilised" world, as regards this latest debacle. We have a Prime Minister defending, in the world-wide media, the farcical situation where four perpetrators can actually be found in possession of stolen property, and be given "words of advice", from police officers!! As far as I can remember, that particular offence used to be called "Resetting", & meant a very heavy fine, or custodial sentence.
Most of these criminals will walk free after going to appeal, therefore sending the totally wrong message to the law-breakers.
See, I told you all that I can be serious!!