Author Topic: what is your pet hate  (Read 2680 times)

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Offline kenkay

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what is your pet hate
« Reply #10 on: October 11, 2011, 14:08:58 PM »
I didn't realise it was a first post. I stand corrected, chastised and apologetic :(

Offline BM06

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what is your pet hate
« Reply #11 on: October 11, 2011, 14:48:58 PM »
[:o)] That drive in the middle lane on a motorway 8)[:(!]
« Last Edit: October 11, 2011, 14:49:40 PM by BM06 »

Offline Highlander

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what is your pet hate
« Reply #12 on: October 11, 2011, 17:18:08 PM »
Bad news folks, I've found it. Here is part one of what may turn out to be nineteen....


Things that annoy me in the world of sport:.

I will never understand why FIFA have decreed that some 35 other teams have to compete in Preliminary Rounds of the World Cup Finals for the privilege of playing England in the Final

It's a scandal -  I think that the government should address the problem  immediately - by all means necessary - and if that means invading FIFA headquarters - then so be it.

People like Alan Hansen or indeed Nicky Campbell who start sentences with the royal "we" when referring to the England team - I'm asking for a refund on my licence

The most watched sport in the world - why ?

Whoever is leading at the first corner wins - given that he doesn't trash his car anywhere between that corner and the chequered flag of course - mind you - some of the sights in and around the pit lane offer some compensation

She's too thin -  she's got a stupid grin - and an even more stupid voice - and she gets off with doing things in public that I would be rightly arrested for.

 Anybody who insists that any of my 6ft putts are not gimmes:..

The Great Britain athletics squad - over hyped, overpaid nobodies - who get lots of my lottery money - to train in exotic, sunny climates - and who win sweet fa at any event

They wouldn't win anything at a Highland Gathering next summer - whatever happened to people like Daley Thompson -  Seb Coe - Steve Cram


Places that annoy me

Now there's a place that really upsets me.

The site of one of the most hideous crimes in Scotland's long and proud history. An address that will surely go down in history and will induce such feelings of horror and revulsion as such places as - Glen Coe and 10 Rimmington Place. A beautiful corner of our fair land, raped by the manic delusions of a bearded heathen from foreign parts

And where is this I hear you ask -  well EH99 1SP is the post code of our wonderful Scottish parliament - will someone please explain to me just how on earth that monstrosity won an architectural award - far less several - it's unbelievable

What kind of places must they be - modern day sweat shops - populated by morons in some back water in India - morons who can barely speak English and worse yet don't understand Dingwallean

There you are - you've dialled - there's a definite connection tone - and you're just about to speak when you hear the dread words - " thank you for calling the complete-waste-of time-centre - you're call may be recorded for training and monitoring"

Please select one of the following - press one for sales - press two for parts - press three for extended warranties - press four for after-sales services - press five for faults press six to hear these options again - hear them again - you're not serious.

Press seven if you're losing the will to live and are suicidal - your call will be redirected automatically to the samaritans -- or hold for one of our operators - then they have the temerity to subject you to two or three minutes of Greensleeves or worse Daniel bloody O'Donnell - if I want to listen to him I'll buy one of his CD's - then  they announce - with more than a hint of arrogance I've often thought - we are experiencing a large volume of calls at the moment - and all of our operators are busy - what both of them - employ enough people to answer the number of calls - why don't you - and by the way  if I want to choose from a menu I'll go to my favourite restaurant - thanks very much.

Incidently - I pressed option seven once - the one that redirects you automatically to the Samaritans - and it works - honestly - a sympathetic voice answered - "thank you for calling the Samaritans - press one for slashing wrists - press two for bridge jumping :::.. aghhhh


Things that annoy me in language

Meta-bloody-tarsel - good grief if I hear that one word one or time I'll scream

An easy target - phrases like "going forward" - "24/7" - "thinking out of the box" and "expanding the envelope"

Now this is a true story - I once went to a meeting where an Architect concluded proceedings with the immortal phrase "Gentlemen -I've shot the arrow - now I want you paint the target around it" - I swear to God that's what he said

The stunned highland members of the design team - seemed collectively to fail to grasp the deep significance of their esteemed colleague's intended meaning  - greeting his pronouncement as they did - with a chorus of the equally profound and abstract "Aye - right enough son" - wonderful stuff !!

Talk-show hosts who are for ever saying things like "come on - give it up for such-and-such a celebrity".

Give what up - smoking ??? - sex for lent ???? - what !!!

That annoys me - I know that's not politically correct - but dear me - do you know how many Gaelic speakers there were in Scotland at the 2001 census - 58,650. That's less than the number of people who go to Celtic Park every fortnight !.

And yet look at the money that's thrown at Gaelic speakers - just how much money was totally wasted on Gaelic road signs in the Highlands- if only 60 odd thousand people can read the blessed things  

People who repeat the same phrase in each and every sentence they utter - phrases like "know what I mean" .
Example:  "I'm out of work - I can't afford expensive holidays know what I mean" OR  "I was outside in the rain the other day and I got soaked - know what I mean"
No I don't know what you mean - I'm thick - the abstract idea of someone who isn't earning a wage being able to go on expensive foreign holidays is alien to me - and I just cannot grasp the concept of someone being out in the rain and getting wet - both are totally beyond me.

Then there's Glasgow people who say definitely all the bloody time - that really gets up my beak - Barry Ferguson ex of Rangers FC is perhaps the most famous exponent of this obscenity - by the way.

Nouns as verbs:
The increasing tendency nowadays for people to use nouns as verbs - that's another one - sports presenters are particularly guilty of this.
How often these days - at major athletic meetings do you hear some twerp saying "oh I do hope so-and-so "medals" in this event - excuse me - the word "medals" is the plural of the noun medal - it is not a verb - so don't use it as one - especially as you work for the British Broadcasting Corporation for goodness sake.

PS Colwyn - was it your goodself that took me to task on the last rant first time around :)

« Last Edit: October 11, 2011, 17:19:04 PM by Highlander »

Offline happy chappy

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what is your pet hate
« Reply #13 on: October 11, 2011, 17:19:34 PM »
Originally posted by kenkay

Idiots putting stupid questions in the members introduction section [:(!] ;)

i put it d your age ken get a life . dave

Offline Scunner

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what is your pet hate
« Reply #14 on: October 11, 2011, 17:26:44 PM »


That is a line drawn under this - please can we return to what is a very confrontation free topic (you would think) and leave the nastiness and digs behind for good.

Offline Tineathers

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what is your pet hate
« Reply #15 on: October 11, 2011, 20:03:44 PM »
Crikey Highlander, that's a fair long list, I have a few pet hates to do with sayings. I hate "hun"-a lot of young uns use it on Facebook; "on trend", Gok likes this but it drives me mad.

Offline Highlander

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what is your pet hate
« Reply #16 on: October 11, 2011, 20:36:27 PM »
That's not the half of it Christine but I thinl I should put the rest in the Grumpy Old Man Section rather than here.

Offline tinkerman

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what is your pet hate
« Reply #17 on: October 11, 2011, 20:42:57 PM »
People who throw stones at street dogs and wonder why they bark and chase them, why dont they throw biscuits?

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what is your pet hate
« Reply #18 on: October 11, 2011, 21:18:22 PM »
Scooters that flaunt all those signs that say NO SCOOTERS etc.People on holiday see these signs along Fethiye and Calis seafront and think they are safe with their children.It's worse than ever this year and now we have the electric bicycle (scooter)joining in with the mayhem.Why do they put these signs up as they mislead people into thinking it's safe. A friend was knocked to the ground last year on Calis seafront by a scooter.

Offline Jacqui Harvey

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what is your pet hate
« Reply #19 on: October 11, 2011, 21:20:07 PM »
People who clap and cheer when a plane lands... Why?

People who you see at Dalaman coming back to Aberdeen wearing shorts, flip flops,light tee shirts and when they get to Aberdeen they immediately all start shivering and saying how cold it is..These people come from Aberdeen(and even from far away Dingwall), why do they think it's suddenly going to be as hot as Turkey?

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