Author Topic: S G K Health Insurance FIASCO - Urgent  (Read 37926 times)

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Offline Sus

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S G K Health Insurance FIASCO - Urgent
« Reply #300 on: January 23, 2012, 09:54:28 AM »
Originally posted by corbindallas

Originally posted by Sus

Originally posted by Ray1951

There HAD to be a 'sting in the tail'.  When the cost of residency came down, everyone though
"how wonderful".  As the spider said to the fly !  You know how it goes AND Cast a sprat etc etc.

Well put it this way they did not have to lower the cost of an RP in the first place, so think your self lucky they did.

With the amount of foreigners now living in Turkey do you really think that the small amount they were charging you for treatment covered the expenses of doctors and hospitals,  no way it did, so why should you expect Turkey to pay for your medical treatment without you paying something towards the upkeep of their hospitals,  medical equipment and medical staff salaries, I think 2,500 lira is a small amount to be asked to pay.

I really do not understand what all the complaining is about.

Obviously you are not reading all the threads Sus, life is not always black and white, people are complaining because it is unfair in certain peoples circumstances, mine for instance means we have to pay double the fee as we chose not to get married, which is our right, others are not living in Turkey full time and are being trapped because of the new 90/180 visa rules. It is very clever 'not' to just say it is a small amount but for some it is not a small amount, compared to their income, remember this was not on the agenda pre 2010. As for paying towards the infastructure of Turkey's Healthcare system, I and others do this every time I pay taxes in Turkey and when I need medical attention I pay private at the fees they set and accept this fully. I do not get why you feel this is a issue made by the amount of foreigners here that is frankly crap, you only have to look at the money brought into turkey by ex pat's to see that.[:(!]

Yes I have read all the threads.

Here we go again thinking that the foreigners are supporting Turkey, now tell me what taxes you pay, of course it may not have been on your agenda pre 2010, but you should make sure you enough money in the bank to retire on so when this sort of things happen you can pay for it without any problem.

A lot of items that happen in your life are not on your agenda but can cost a lot of money when they happen.

As for the visit visa well that is all it is really for a holiday to visit, not to have a property in Turkey and live no matter if it is for a few months at a time or full time, and you still require to have a RP for a car, telephone etc so are you telling me you have none of these.

Put it this way when I retire I will not have an income (sorry yes I will it is called a UK Pension )I will be living on what we have saved all the time through our working life, but then again I am not looking at retirement at the age between thirty and forty and thinking I can live of the interest my money will bring in, you have to plan ahead.

I suppose the next thing people will be wanting after they reach 60 in Turkey is an OAP Free Bus Pass.

Life is a gamble to a certain point, but you have to look ahead and think how you are going to be able to afford to live in ten years, and keep in mind inflation and health and changes in circumstances in the country you are living.

Offline hoops man

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S G K Health Insurance FIASCO - Urgent
« Reply #301 on: January 23, 2012, 09:58:54 AM »
Sorry to have read this so late and i see there are alot of concerns regarding this new insurance. I only found out about it recently and find it appauling that its not been clarified properly. The latest i read was that by today (this afternoon ) consulates will know everything but we can take that with a pinch of salt im sure. Are we being bullied and rushed into something just like the road tax was and everyone was told 1000tl lira fine if not paid by end of year? Why has there been no goverment announcement on thşs subject since it will effect alot of people who live in Turkey and people who may be thinking of living here? Its supposed to be a dmocracy yet we are TOLD you must register before Feb 1st or get 886tl lira fine. Why would you register for something that you dont know about? would you do this in the uk? many people i hear have been scaremongered and gone to register weather succesful or not i think its disgraceful. There are many voices when it comes to helping Animals ie dogs, cats, dolphins (which is fantastic)and whatever, so where are the voices on this. Its scandelous and theatrical and borders on comical (although nobodys laughing). When we all applied for residency we all gave tel no s and emails. Why havent all these emails been given to the consulates from the local government offices and emails explaining whats what sent to the people concerned. Why do we hear tit bits through social web sites and forums and its all guess work because nearly every thread adds on or takes off. So im asking why dont we arrrange a seating with the mayor with translators and the local press and get this all over the media and highlight it. a question and answer sitting and ask the mayor to please get clarification on EVERYTHING regarding this law and pass it onto us before this threatning deadline we have all been giving. i dont have any answers only my support and feel its such a serious matter as do the readers on this forum looking at the responses. So if your all upfor it. Give me numbers and i would like an answer time with the mayor. Ofcoarse he cant change any legislation passed by the government but he can find out and let us know. Surely he can get the answers we require. There are over 5000 x pats living in the mugla area so come out in your hundreds if your concerned! Everyone is guessing on this one and who knows were it may lead.

Offline kim

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S G K Health Insurance FIASCO - Urgent
« Reply #302 on: January 23, 2012, 10:14:57 AM »
I totally agree with you ,we have to stick together ,i am all for it .

Offline Rindaloo

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S G K Health Insurance FIASCO - Urgent
« Reply #303 on: January 23, 2012, 10:25:02 AM »
Is the mayor the right person to see?  Surely it should be the Consulate??

Meanwhile here is a quote from another forum, from someone who has just spoken to British Embassy Consular Section this morning.  "They were well aware of all these difficulties and that they were making a statement today but that it may not appear on the website for a day or more yet and asked for our patience. I told her that with this deadline fast approaching,many were very upset at the lack of information or advice for British Nationals from the Embassy and the website could have been updated after Christmas at the very least notifying us that they were still unable to resolve the situation.

Her advice was to keep checking the web page The British Embassy in Turkey Update for British nationals resident in Turkey for further updates and that they were well aware that it still didn't answer the questions many are currently asking."
« Last Edit: January 23, 2012, 10:27:13 AM by Rindaloo »

Offline hubblebubbles

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« Reply #304 on: January 23, 2012, 10:31:21 AM »
Another addition to this topic .I have spent the morning at SGK along with a few more expats. The current number for service was 172 and my number was 380 !!!! so expecting a very long wait. An english lady came to tell us that a message had been received from Ankara Embassy to tell us all to wait a few more days as a directive would be sent to ALL Local Consulate Offices with exact details . Apparently I was told that Fethiye is the only area enforcing this end of month deadline. I was also informed that not only do you need a photo copy of residency with your photograph showing but also a photocopy of date of expiry . Seems the message is to hold fire but more details can be had if you are on Facebook. Tina Parkin is the lady in touch with Ankara and the details  are on the Fethiye Area Xpats Zone page.

Offline Scunner

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S G K Health Insurance FIASCO - Urgent
« Reply #305 on: January 23, 2012, 10:40:51 AM »
There are now two topics which are more or less at the same point of conversation so please note this one will close and be left as read-only and the other [ ] will become the centre for debate on this topic. If I can find a moment when someone isn't already mid-reply on this one I will close it then, otherwise it will be tonight when you are all sleeping.

If you want you point to be part of the ongoing discussions, post it in the other one please.

Offline tylerbabe

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« Reply #306 on: January 23, 2012, 10:42:39 AM »
Yes it is very on Facebook a lot of information  8)

Offline Scunner

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S G K Health Insurance FIASCO - Urgent
« Reply #307 on: January 23, 2012, 10:44:26 AM »
Now locking this one - please post in the topic running simultaneously as detailed.

Offline tylerbabe

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« Reply #308 on: January 23, 2012, 10:44:39 AM »
Why start 30 pages and the change it the other one has only 11

Offline Scunner

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S G K Health Insurance FIASCO - Urgent
« Reply #309 on: January 23, 2012, 10:46:08 AM »
Because if I lock that one and keep this running someone else will ask the same question. Good job I'm happy with the can't win life I live.

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