How did Britain ever get into this mess. I am of an age where I can remember the push for a common market, which seemed like a good idea, Then came decimalisation, which was the first step on this road down to where we are today. I have never been given the chance to vote against complete capitulation to these self imposed bullies. I have never voted for anyone who has handed our country on a plate to these unelected gangsters. It seems Hitler got it completely wrong, he could have controlled Britain without shedding one drop of blood. Britain is completely knackered unless it can pull away from this mess, but it looks as though Mr Cameron, as is Mr Clegg, a weak and submissive man, and as far as I can make out, is not representing the wishes of the majority of the British people. I for one will reluctantly be voting for the Ukip party as it seems to be the only way to save this once Great Britain.
Rand Over
Where's my brandy