Author Topic: A letter in answer to Cef nameing us.  (Read 3201 times)

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Offline MagicalGarden

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A letter in answer to Cef nameing us.
« on: February 18, 2013, 18:41:22 PM »
Over the last few years I have faced many accusations and misunderstandings and tried to answer some in emails with Carolyn but another always surfaces. I don’t think Carolyn is necessarily lying and I have nothing to lie about. I had been good friends with Carolyn for about 14 years but once others set doubts in her mind and we were no longer talking it was easy for those others to become involved, all with an opinion on events they knew nothing about or because they wanted to manipulate the situation.

Over the last few years she often makes posts on here with odd references to  her “Ex English Friends” who conned her, persuaded her etc etc and made accusations in bars around Calis. But last week ( its taken me a week to post this as we were away for part of last week ). she chose to name me and my husband and that prompted this post. it’s a one off post which will not be turned into a “he said, she said” kind of post and will be the only comment I have to make on the situation. So sorry it’s a bit long but I wanted it all done in one go as its brought  back many unhappy memories of our last few months in Turkey.
The last communication I had with Carolyn was by email around 2008 when  I offered to meet up face to face with her to try to sort things out. 14 years of good true friendship I never wanted to lose.  Her friendship was important to me, worth more than any amount of money.

I do feel very upset for her at the way things have turned out, I know what its like to be ripped off in Turkey and feel helpless in a horrible haze of lawyers, paperwork, debt and to feel you have lost your savings. I would not wish that on anyone but hitting out verbally at everyone involved at the start does not help, non of us had crystal balls and could foresee she would not get her tapu.

The most common and repetitive accusation made by Carolyn about us her “Ex English Friends are I think

1. Persuasion to visit Turkey .(2004)
I have been told how I am responsible for her ever coming to Turkey in the first place as without me being there she would never have set foot in the country.
Yes I did tell her how happy we were and delighted with our decision to move to Turkey. I saw this as normal conversation between friends about how life was going not persuasion.
How would life be if we could never talk to a friend about things we have enjoyed, done , experienced in case we influence them to do something they may later regret.

2. Persuasion to buy her apartment, contract 1. (2004)
Carolyn phoned me and said she would like to come out on holiday. Having lived for many years in Italy and with her son now 15 and probably flying the nest in a few years she craved to get back  to the sun of the Mediterranean  on a regular basis.  She asked me to source out a few good estate agents, pass on her requirements and how much she was willing to pay and arrange viewing for the first week of her holiday. I contacted various agents and 3 got back to me. By August I was 5 months pregnant so I did go on a couple of viewings ( John discovered a need to clean the pool pump room or something rather than come) I loved the villia shown by Heidi and Keith of Taurean (yes its back in the early Taurean days) It was one of the lovely little villas at Telemessos right by the pool, good price for a quick sale as the owner was a tour rep or something like this and was transferring to a different country to work, fully furnished right down to the knives and forks. I thought this would be ideal, I did tell Carolyn how great I thought it was, but I think Butlins  was included in her response, although she never bothered to turn up for the viewing so never saw it herself. As me and Heidi  sat in the office waiting for her, the text arrived announcing her absence Heidi said did I fancy a look anyway.

The next day she went with her son viewing with Susan and Mustafa Harbour House, they offered to sell her a place for 2% commission. How many they viewed I don’t remember but that evening I got a phone call from a very excited Carolyn saying she had agreed to buy an off plan apartment and had seen the plot and plans of the apartment, If we were free the next day would we like to see the plot and then would we sit in while she signed the contract, could we read over it just to reassure her it was a normal contract. We did suggest she put in a penalty clause in case it was late, the estate agent (Suzan) agreed to £10.000. We said you will never get it but if the building project finishes late you can suggest as a goodwill gesture you will forfeit the penalty but could he pop an extra air-con unit in or something.

3.Persuasion and plotting as I knew the builder.
 When we were sat in the Asla translation office, having read the contracts, all translations done Carolyn was excited and ready to sign, when fashionably last to arrive the builder walked in and both me and John did  recognise him. He had done some work for Kenan a property developer from Ovacek and had been involved in building Violet apartments in Calis. These were well finished apartments that  a few people on this forum will know about. We did after hand shakes explain how we knew him but how this persuaded her to sign when she was already sat there ready to sign before he walked in I don’t know.

4. Receiving or keeping Carolyn’s money.
Carolyn was nervous going back to England and doing a bank transfer over to the estate agent in Turkey when not there to get a receipt. She asked us if she could transfer the money to us and we pay the deposit and estate agent by hand and get a receipt and give it to her the next time she came over. Maybe I was stupid but I agreed to this, she was a good friend and if it relieved some of her worry I was happy to do it. All went as planed, Suzan emailed her a receipt and we kept the paper one’s and we had lunch 6  months or so later where the paper receipts were handed over.
Then  around 2008 Carolyn contacted us out of the blue asking us to write a letter for her lawyer confirming we had passed on her money in full as she could only find the receipt from the builder but not the one from the estate agent. I  wrote the letter as asked, passing it onto her agent who in turn passed it onto Carolyn.
 After this rumors started that we never gave her the receipts as we had pocketed the estate agents money.  We met with the estate agent who said she had never made any claim not to have been paid her  2% commission
 ( about £600) in full and no estate agent would sit around for 4 years waiting to be paid without starting  a legal claim for money, so it was obvious she was paid.

 We never asked Carolyn to sign a receipt to say she had received the estate agents/ builders receipts, why would we? But although the estate agent and the builder supported me we were suddenly thereafter branded as money grabbing.

4. Covering up an attack on her son.
This is the first time Carolyn has made this claim against us. John, Carolyn and myself knew that Mustafa and Suzan the estate agents had a row back in 2004 when she was first over looking at properties. (they were a couple at the time) and that Carolyn’s son had witnessed it and it had upset him. We all knew because we were together when he got back from their office upset one evening. We stayed for a bit and then polity left as her son was upset and we thought they needed family chat time.
 It was only when we met up on her next trip in 2005 that she told us that once back in UK her son had claimed Mustafa had hit/pushed him. We were surprised and John did have a go at Mustafa the next time we saw him in town but he denied it. What could we do at that point.
 Now suddenly 8 year later we are accused of being involved

5. Back to persuasion again I’m afraid. Contract 2, (2005 ish)
Because of some land/ tapu/ god knows what reason there were delays and the building was late starting and so a second contract was needed.

Carolyn came over and we met for lunch. We chatted about the project, she was going to have a meeting with the builder and her lawyer, I don’t know who else was going to be there as we were not involved. She asked what we would do in her situation.
a) demand her deposit back plus the £10,000 in the penalty clause from the first contract
b) agree a second contract.

Our opinion was you will not get £10,000 compensation from a Turkish builder without a fight and years in court. If she still wanted the apartment and her lawyer had looked fully into what the original problems were and ensured they were all sorted then personally I would go for a second contract.
As far as I know the apartment was finished this time and once it was  finished new problems developed but by this time Carolyn and myself were no longer in communication.  I have heard various rumours and opinions but do not know 100% what it was all about.

6 Walking away. (2006 ish)
I did end up walking away from our friendship, it was not something I ever planned to do but I had tried to help but at the end of the day I was just another ex pat with no power. I could ask around for info on the builder but what came back was only hearsay and gossip which I could pass on to Carolyn. If I talked to the estate agent I could only pass on what they said. To get to the bottom of any tapu/builder/estate agent problems a qualified professional is needed, someone like me can’t walk into the tapu office and make demands. So one night after an evening and night of hurtful texts telling me how useless/pathetic etc I was, I sent one text back  to say  I’m finished, its no longer my problem.
I’m still sorry about taking this action but I could do no more and take no more insults. I felt bad as I knew how cross, angry, frustrated Carolyn was but I really felt the situation was taking over our life.

But even after this  I never totally abandoned hope of helping Carolyn even if she didn’t know it. It was John and myself who went to Keith(scunner) and  set up the first meeting between Keith and Mustafa(Harbour houses).  After hassling and hassling Mustafa we managed to get him to a meeting with Keith in the hope he could get Mustafa talking and we still kept trying until we left Turkey but to no avail.

Despite all our difficulties toward the end of our life in Turkey (2008ish) when I saw Carolyn at the Sunday market in the distance  it did hurt not to go over and chat so I did pm her on here and let her know if she ever wanted to meet up for a coffee and chat I would, we did exchange a couple of pm’s and we caught up on family news but we never met up I think we both knew it would not work, sadly no matter how good our friendship was it would never be the same.

The end

I think this addresses the main points made against us on here. Again I think a lot of what has happened over the years has been as a result of other’s interfering. I just wish Carolyn would concentrate her anger on the real perpetrator of why she has not got her tapu be it the builder or Mustafa or useless lawyers. I do hope she gets things sorted and finds some sense of closure.

There are many of us who loved life in Turkey(us included) and the people in general,  it felt like home but the bad, the crooked and the plain nasty elements of society invaded our life’s and turned them upside down.

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Re: A letter in answer to Cef nameing us.
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2013, 20:20:00 PM »

Offline Anne

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Re: A letter in answer to Cef nameing us.
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2013, 21:32:26 PM »
It's lovely to hear from you Elaine, even under these horrid circumstances.
I know you had enough trials and tribulations of your own at the end of your stay in Turkey without all of this resurfacing.
I hope John, yourself and the kids are well.
Best Wishes
Anne & Billy

Offline kenkay

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Re: A letter in answer to Cef nameing us.
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2013, 21:56:33 PM »
Hi Elaine, it's great to hear from you and to know you're all OK. As anne said you had more than enough problems of your own. I do have a bit of insider info and I believe that Caroline's problems were largely of her own making. Please give my best egards to John

Offline cef

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Re: A letter in answer to Cef nameing us.
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2013, 17:27:17 PM »
Hi Elaine, it's great to hear from you and to know you're all OK. As anne said you had more than enough problems of your own. I do have a bit of insider info and I believe that Caroline's problems were largely of her own making. Please give my best egards to John

:( Oh dear, Ken what 'insider information' could you possibly have that makes being Robbed of my life savings', my fault :( 

Please share.............

I don't have time just now to comment on Elaine's post.

Offline MagicalGarden

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Re: A letter in answer to Cef nameing us.
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2013, 22:41:22 PM »
To Ken and Anne  Hi , good to hear from you both, have passed on your regards to John. We are all well.
Seems impossible but we have been back in UK over 3 years, both children are now in school and loving it. Watching how they have developed and seeing them at school we are glad we came back, just wish it had been more our choice.
Cem is just the same still a people person, very open, friendly and confident around people and I do think we have life in Turkey to thank for that. It gave him such a great start.
Ceyda is a funny little thing friendly but with a much quieter side to her.

Take care both of you Elaine

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Re: A letter in answer to Cef nameing us.
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2013, 15:01:15 PM »
Written by Carolyne & Luke  

Apologies for the delay in putting 'our' side forward.  Personal circumstances leave very little time to write in depth whilst trying to keep to the facts.  I know that there are 'some' with very negative thoughts about our situation, I only ask you to place yourselves in our shoes & not judge this based on nothing more than 'friendship' with either party.


Over the last few years I have faced many accusations and misunderstandings and tried to answer some in emails with Carolyn but another always surfaces. I don’t think Carolyn is necessarily lying and I have nothing to lie about. I had been good friends with Carolyn for about 14 years but once others set doubts in her mind and we were no longer talking it was easy for those others to become involved, all with an opinion on events they knew nothing about or because they wanted to manipulate the situation.

Others, have certainly manipulated, this was only made possible when the support I thought I had vanished within a year of agreeing to buy off-plan.  Not, the treatment one would expect from a friend of 14 years standing.

Over the last few years she often makes posts on here with odd references to her “Ex English Friends” who conned her, persuaded her etc etc and made accusations in bars around Calis. But last week ( its taken me a week to post this as we were away for part of last week ). she chose to name me and my husband and that prompted this post. it’s a one off post which will not be turned into a “he said, she said” kind of post and will be the only comment I have to make on the situation. So sorry it’s a bit long but I wanted it all done in one go as its brought back many unhappy memories of our last few months in Turkey.

The last communication I had with Carolyn was by email around 2008 when I offered to meet up face to face with her to try to sort things out. 14 years of good true friendship I never wanted to lose. Her friendship was important to me, worth more than any amount of money.

We did correspond for a short while.  You met up with Mustafa to talk with him about everything, he said I owed money (£5.000), I said I didn't, you said you were in the middle & didn't know what the truth was!  I wrote back & said how hurt I was that after all the years you'd known me you didn't know I was telling the truth. That was the final nail for me Elaine.

I do feel very upset for her at the way things have turned out, I know what its like to be ripped off in Turkey and feel helpless in a horrible haze of lawyers, paperwork, debt and to feel you have lost your savings. I would not wish that on anyone but hitting out verbally at everyone involved at the start does not help, non of us had crystal balls and could foresee she would not get her tapu.

I have Not hit out verbally at 'everyone'!.  Nobody has a crystal ball, but you did know the system & people who may have been able to help me put it right in the early stages, however you didn’t help, you let us use a non-notarised contract, you told us the building was almost finished however when another friend visited the ‘building site’ nothing had happened, we then had to make another trip over to see exactly what the situation really was.

The most common and repetitive accusation made by Carolyn about us her “Ex English Friends are I think - not entirely sure how this is an accusation. It’s a statement, friends don’t lie to each other or give them knowingly false advice.
1. Persuasion to visit Turkey .(2004)
I have been told how I am responsible for her ever coming to Turkey in the first place as without me being there she would never have set foot in the country.
Yes I did tell her how happy we were and delighted with our decision to move to Turkey. I saw this as normal conversation between friends about how life was going not persuasion.
How would life be if we could never talk to a friend about things we have enjoyed, done , experienced in case we influence them to do something they may later regret.

You wrote letters to both myself & my son inviting us.  He was understandably overjoyed with the thought of his first solo flight & trip abroad & I was of course happy to be visiting you in your new home.  My son stayed with you & John in that property for 2 weeks before I arrived for my 2 weeks.  By that time you had the little villa, your new 4 bed detached & your Violet apartment was just about finished, we, or I, swam in the pool there one day.  I was interested in buying one of those but you told me they were more than my budget.

2. Persuasion to buy her apartment, contract 1. (2004)
Carolyn phoned me and said she would like to come out on holiday. Having lived for many years in Italy and with her son now 15 and probably flying the nest in a few years she craved to get back to the sun of the Mediterranean on a regular basis. She asked me to source out a few good estate agents, pass on her requirements and how much she was willing to pay and arrange viewing for the first week of her holiday. I contacted various agents and 3 got back to me. By August I was 5 months pregnant so I did go on a couple of viewings ( John discovered a need to clean the pool pump room or something rather than come) I loved the villia shown by Heidi and Keith of Taurean (yes its back in the early Taurean days) It was one of the lovely little villas at Telemessos right by the pool, good price for a quick sale as the owner was a tour rep or something like this and was transferring to a different country to work, fully furnished right down to the knives and forks. I thought this would be ideal, I did tell Carolyn how great I thought it was, but I think Butlins was included in her response, although she never bothered to turn up for the viewing so never saw it herself. As me and Heidi sat in the office waiting for her, the text arrived announcing her absence Heidi said did I fancy a look anyway.

I suppose we're never going to agree about a lot of things, but you have now stated that you guys did arrange who I had viewings with.  I never agreed to 'view' this Telemessos property, my concerns about it were that John had said previously, that end of Calis was subject to Subsidence & I think, flooding & it was (at that time) a long way from Calis with no Dolmus services.  Heidi had shown me a couple of really crappy old apartments & quoted ridiculous prices for them, she never stopped boasting about how much money she was making off people!  I didn't know until I joined CBF who Keith was/is as I never met him before.  You & John also arranged viewings with another agency (I know where they are but don't remember the name, the name Ian rings a bell, short, well spoken, English)  He showed me new builds in Hissy & a Studio apartment in a hotel there, again a total waste of time.  And I met Suzan Jeffrey & Mustafa Ergur through you two, Mustafa had done various jobs for you & had recently set up the emlak business with Suzan.

The next day she went with her son viewing with Susan and Mustafa Harbour House, they offered to sell her a place for 2% commission. How many they viewed I don’t remember but that evening I got a phone call from a very excited Carolyn saying she had agreed to buy an off plan apartment and had seen the plot and plans of the apartment, If we were free the next day would we like to see the plot and then would we sit in while she signed the contract, could we read over it just to reassure her it was a normal contract. We did suggest she put in a penalty clause in case it was late, the estate agent (Suzan) agreed to £10.000. We said you will never get it but if the building project finishes late you can suggest as a goodwill gesture you will forfeit the penalty but could he pop an extra air-con unit in or something.

You & John introduced us to Suzan Jeffery, Mustafa Ergur, Erdal Doganay & Asli. You make it sound like I met them in a bar & stupidly went off to view properties with them!  The only property Suzan had any involvement with for me was the apartment off-plan at Babatasi!  Mustafa was (unfortunately) the first person my son met in Turkey, when you & John arranged for him to pick my son up at the airport, ditto when I arrived.  My son was spending most of his time in Suzan & Mustafa's office when I arrived, helping them with the computer set-up.  John & Erdal took us to 'Ergur site' where he would be building, John said that he was glad they had managed to put the plans together before I left as he felt it was a very good investment, council park opposite, so no building ever going to spoil the view of the mountains etc, etc.  John & yourself also introduced us to Asli (Asli had arranged things for you like Residency papers etc)  John told me to add in the penalty clause telling me how easy going Erdal was, it wouldn't be a problem as he was very honest.  John had told me the main points that needed to be included in the contract before we went to Asli's office. Asli wanted us to go to the Notary (I didn't know then what that was, but you & John must have known!) John just said it would take too long & it wasn't necessary!

3.Persuasion and plotting as I knew the builder.
When we were sat in the Asla translation office, having read the contracts, all translations done Carolyn was excited and ready to sign, when fashionably last to arrive the builder walked in and both me and John did recognise him. He had done some work for Kenan a property developer from Ovacek and had been involved in building Violet apartments in Calis. These were well finished apartments that a few people on this forum will know about. We did after hand shakes explain how we knew him but how this persuaded her to sign when she was already sat there ready to sign before he walked in I don’t know.

We went to Asli's together & drew the contract up.  John went with me to view the 'plot & plans', I was taken to view other projects Doganay had nearly finished to see the quality of the build & John & Erdal took me to 'choose' kit, bath etc, etc & John was going to oversee all the work & keep me updated...............

4. Receiving or keeping Carolyn’s money.
Carolyn was nervous going back to England and doing a bank transfer over to the estate agent in Turkey when not there to get a receipt. She asked us if she could transfer the money to us and we pay the deposit and estate agent by hand and get a receipt and give it to her the next time she came over. Maybe I was stupid but I agreed to this, she was a good friend and if it relieved some of her worry I was happy to do it. All went as planed, Suzan emailed her a receipt and we kept the paper one’s and we had lunch 6 months or so later where the paper receipts were handed over.

Suzan, never emailed a receipt to me for her money & when I came over in May 2005 I had to ask you & John for the receipt for the monies you paid Doganay for me.  You gave it to me a few days later, it was a one liner, hand written in Turkish & signed by Doganay & Jeffery. I never received an answer from you about 'how' this money was paid to them, despite requests.
Then around 2008 Carolyn contacted us out of the blue asking us to write a letter for her lawyer confirming we had passed on her money in full as she could only find the receipt from the builder but not the one from the estate agent. I wrote the letter as asked, passing it onto her agent who in turn passed it onto Carolyn.

After this rumors started that we never gave her the receipts as we had pocketed the estate agents money. We met with the estate agent who said she had never made any claim not to have been paid her 2% commission
( about £600) in full and no estate agent would sit around for 4 years waiting to be paid without starting a legal claim for money, so it was obvious she was paid.

We never asked Carolyn to sign a receipt to say she had received the estate agents/ builders receipts, why would we? But although the estate agent and the builder supported me we were suddenly thereafter branded as money grabbing.

I've never said or insinuated you didn't pay over monies to them & they have always said that they had received them from you!, (that's about the only thing any of them ever told the truth about!) The 'letter' I asked you to write was supposed to support my claim re: my 1st payment, if it went to court, what you wrote wasn't actually helpful at all.  Other discussions I'd had with John were about 'thank you's' for 'introducing' other potential buyers to the project & other', that was the 'norm' in Turkey.  I was the first to buy & Doganay had another 6 to sell, the Ergur's were only supposed to have 5 apartments according to the contract made between them.  

4. Covering up an attack on her son.
This is the first time Carolyn has made this claim against us. John, Carolyn and myself knew that Mustafa and Suzan the estate agents had a row back in 2004 when she was first over looking at properties. (they were a couple at the time) and that Carolyn’s son had witnessed it and it had upset him. We all knew because we were together when he got back from their office upset one evening. We stayed for a bit and then polity left as her son was upset and we thought they needed family chat time.

It was only when we met up on her next trip in 2005 that she told us that once back in UK her son had claimed Mustafa had hit/pushed him. We were surprised and John did have a go at Mustafa the next time we saw him in town but he denied it. What could we do at that point.
Now suddenly 8 year later we are accused of being involved.

This maybe the first you've heard me say anything about this on an open forum, but it is not the first time I've spoken about it.  My son didn't tell me Mustafa had hit him, someone in Fethiye told me a lot later.  I couldn't understand (at the time it happened) why my son wouldn't talk to Mustafa after that, hated him & didn't want to be around him at all.  I was eventually told how he was kept out at a bar, whilst I had been frantic texting him & you, asking where he was (I only had a pay-as-you-go then).  I was by myself in your little villa, as you & John had moved into your new house at the end of my first week there.  I didn't know where my 15 year old son was, I didn't speak the language..... later in the evening after I threatened to phone the police that he was eventually sent back!, if I had been staying in a hotel the police would definitely have been called way before then!  Now you're a parent, imagine how you would feel not knowing where your son was in a strange country, with people you hardly knew... 

5. Back to persuasion again I’m afraid. Contract 2, (2005 ish)
Because of some land/ tapu/ god knows what reason there were delays and the building was late starting and so a second contract was needed.

Carolyn came over and we met for lunch. We chatted about the project, she was going to have a meeting with the builder and her lawyer, I don’t know who else was going to be there as we were not involved. She asked what we would do in her situation.

a) demand her deposit back plus the £10,000 in the penalty clause from the first contract
b) agree a second contract.

Our opinion was you will not get £10,000 compensation from a Turkish builder without a fight and years in court. If she still wanted the apartment and her lawyer had looked fully into what the original problems were and ensured they were all sorted then personally I would go for a second contract.
As far as I know the apartment was finished this time and once it was finished new problems developed but by this time Carolyn and myself were no longer in communication. I have heard various rumours and opinions but do not know 100% what it was all about.

John did tell me he felt the apartment was still a good investment & said I should ask for extra's, including a late penalty clause, this was his best advice.

6 Walking away. (2006 ish)
I did end up walking away from our friendship, it was not something I ever planned to do but I had tried to help but at the end of the day I was just another ex pat with no power. I could ask around for info on the builder but what came back was only hearsay and gossip which I could pass on to Carolyn. If I talked to the estate agent I could only pass on what they said. To get to the bottom of any tapu/builder/estate agent problems a qualified professional is needed, someone like me can’t walk into the tapu office and make demands. So one night after an evening and night of hurtful texts telling me how useless/pathetic etc I was, I sent one text back  to say I’m finished, its no longer my problem.
I’m still sorry about taking this action but I could do no more and take no more insults. I felt bad as I knew how cross, angry, frustrated Carolyn was but I really felt the situation was taking over our life.

I had been told that Doganay had 'financial' problems & asked you & John if you heard anything, you totally poo-pood it, said you'd make enquiry's & told me it was a rumour started by a then ex-employee.  We fell out after a number of things happened; John told me that they "use different building materials here that take longer to dry out"! (that was the reason I was given for the first delay)  It wasn't until much, much later I found out about the planning permissions fiasco & subsequent smaller size of the apartment. A while later you told me things were moving along nicely, a friend who was visiting took some photo's of 'the build' for me about that time, it hadn't moved on much at all!  My second trip over in 2005 I didn't tell you I was going & made my own accomodation & transfer arrangements,  I went straight to the 'build' to see for myself, I was sat there looking at it when a text arrived from you, again telling me how well it was going................ Not! well at all from where I was sat. 

But even after this I never totally abandoned hope of helping Carolyn even if she didn’t know it. It was John and myself who went to Keith(scunner) and set up the first meeting between Keith and Mustafa(Harbour houses). After hassling and hassling Mustafa we managed to get him to a meeting with Keith in the hope he could get Mustafa talking and we still kept trying until we left Turkey but to no avail.

By this time I had met Keith & he did try to help, I know he talked to Mustafa but I don't remember him saying he'd  actually had a meeting with Mustafa or that you & John were in anyway involved with any of this.

Despite all our difficulties toward the end of our life in Turkey (2008ish) when I saw Carolyn at the Sunday market in the distance it did hurt not to go over and chat so I did pm her on here and let her know if she ever wanted to meet up for a coffee and chat I would, we did exchange a couple of pm’s and we caught up on family news but we never met up I think we both knew it would not work, sadly no matter how good our friendship was it would never be the same.

The end

I think this addresses the main points made against us on here. Again I think a lot of what has happened over the years has been as a result of other’s interfering. I just wish Carolyn would concentrate her anger on the real perpetrator of why she has not got her tapu be it the builder or Mustafa or useless lawyers. I do hope she gets things sorted and finds some sense of closure.

With the busy life you had, major problems with Cem's birth, you would not have all the details imprinted in your head, as I still do, nearly 9 years on, difficult not to when I'm still paying a mortgage for a property I've never owned.

There are many of us who loved life in Turkey(us included) and the people in general, it felt like home but the bad, the crooked and the plain nasty elements of society invaded our life’s and turned them upside down.

Mustafa did say he had promised his father the apartment I chose (as the first buyer) would be theirs, but I thought I had a good contract & you guys didn't try to put me off when we sat at Gima with Mustafa talking to us about this......... How could he have my apartment as well?  There were 12 apts in total, 7 contracted for the builder, 5 for them - Answer: steal them & because of a contract that was not notarised, that was easy for them to do do.

Ulimately the blame lays with the Ergur's & Doganay's.  We trusted your advice, but you didn't help protect me or at the very least, tell me how I could have protected myself properly, as good friends & experienced purchasers in Turkey we feel, should have.

This is indeed Elaine - The End:

« Last Edit: March 03, 2013, 15:17:18 PM by cef »

Offline MagicalGarden

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Re: A letter in answer to Cef nameing us.
« Reply #7 on: March 07, 2013, 22:47:04 PM »
I spent last night writing up a long reply but tonight when I came to post it dawned on me I simply cant be bothered to keep answering or defending myself from actions and conversations that have changed and been distorted with time, we have all played Chinese whispers, each time you repeat it changes just a bit and after 9 years memories can distort and you don’t even know it. This isn’t an attempt to insult Carolyn, how many of us can remember a casual conversation nine years later without some changes.

I helped Carolyn find a couple of good agents and made appointments for her to view, we agreed to sit in on the original contract signing and said we would  walk round take a photo every month or two and  check it out when finished. But before the foundations were even finished there was planning problems relating to the building permission.

Then I faced a barrage of demands,  What are we going to do about it? It was our fault? Get it sorted and more increasingly personal insults and so I made the decision we would step back, Carolyn had lawyers, estate agents, Baris ett, etc who could deal with it. I always knew when Carolyn was in Turkey, the phone would start ringing with reports of what insults and accusations were being spouted over a bottle of wine in some bar or other.

Now nine years later I am sat her trying to justify details Carolyn (to use her own words) has  imprinted in her head. We all know memories twist and turn and change with time, personally my memories are all via my diaries wrote at the time, emails exchanged and kept, text messages saved..

So here I am being made to justify

·Why we thought a park would be nice next to her apartment,

·Why Taurean had crappy over priced property,

·To explain how I am not responsible for her son refusing to answer her text (while under her charge) when I was at home in Calis and he was out in Fethiye, ( oh and on that note we were parents then as well, our oldest being 4/5 years older than her son, so we knew what being a parent was like),

 ·Explain why I could only put what I knew to be true in a solicitors letter rather than what was suggested by Carolyn I put in it.

·Explaining why She came over on holiday, was given a receipt but we refused to say how we paid, Carolyn we went out 4 times together that week and had some great meals, we gave you the receipt the first time we met up, lunch at Yakamoz, as if we would not have told you how we paid, yet continued to have meals together.

·One thing I do know is John would never in a million years tell anyone not to notarise something,
In my diary I have an entry for the next day after contract signed saying
“Did not see Carolyn today as she is meeting Susan and Asla, off doing official paperwork, as there was not time to finish stuff yesterday..”

If you and Susan forgot to notarise the first contract then I assume with your new legal team at the signing of the second contract you got that notarised!!!

·You make it sound like we put you of buying at Violet, well if any one on this forum  knows that you could buy a brand new, just finished Violet apartment in Summer 2004 for between £2500 and £2700 I stand corrected,

·Why you never knew we had a meeting with Mustafa and Keith, well I can answer that we were happy to help but did not want to get back involved, so said we would get them together and all try to work out what was going on but keep us out of it,

·One bit I will answer which started all this up  again.
Quote from Carolyn.
I've never said or insinuated you didn't pay over monies to them & they have always said that they had received them from you!, (that's about the only thing any of them ever told the truth about!)

Your own post This is what you wrote on here the other week 

Did my (then) very good friends [names removed by admin] tell me about this........ NO, they all coerced to keep this from me until they had my money......... February 10, 2013

We were not the only ones who read this and felt it sounded like we had your money.

Between 2006ish and when we left in 2009 we had many reports of you in bars telling people how we had conned you, ripped you off, conspired to get your money.

·Last thing, I have said it over and over again to you we never introduced you to your builder we did not know we knew him until he walked into Asla’s office to sign the paperwork. We only knew him as “Kenans builder” used by Kenans construction company who built Violet. We couldn’t even have a conversation with him his English was about 5 words and I think he understood less.

I don’t think there is anymore I can be bothered to say, no doubt there will be some other innocent conversation you can think of which if taken out of context 9 years later could look bad for us but I’ve had my say now. There was no conspiracy, no coercing to keep things from you. What went on once the building was finished and it was time for the tapu transfer I don’t know,

And we do both wish you every luck in the world in finding a conclusion to this and a place in the sun to retreat to regularly.

Carolyn dragged us back into this and this is where we back out again, no more replies to distorted questions.

Offline cef

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Re: A letter in answer to Cef nameing us.
« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2013, 16:01:44 PM »
I spent last night writing up a long reply but tonight when I came to post it dawned on me I simply cant be bothered to keep answering or defending myself from actions and conversations that have changed and been distorted with time, we have all played Chinese whispers, each time you repeat it changes just a bit and after 9 years memories can distort and you don’t even know it. This isn’t an attempt to insult Carolyn, how many of us can remember a casual conversation nine years later without some changes.

I'm not now surprised that it's too much bother Elaine, given that you already said you couldn't be bothered 9 years ago, seems it's still the same..  Not a 'casual conversation' for me.  This was the 2nd biggest investment in my life! 

I helped Carolyn find a couple of good agents and made appointments for her to view, we agreed to sit in on the original contract signing and said we would  walk round take a photo every month or two and  check it out when finished. But before the foundations were even finished there was planning problems relating to the building permission.

Yep, that's when John told me about the materials they use in Turkey taking longer to dry out!

Then I faced a barrage of demands,  What are we going to do about it? It was our fault? Get it sorted and more increasingly personal insults and so I made the decision we would step back, Carolyn had lawyers, estate agents, Baris ett, etc who could deal with it. I always knew when Carolyn was in Turkey, the phone would start ringing with reports of what insults and accusations were being spouted over a bottle of wine in some bar or other.

'Barrage of demands' oh come off it Elaine, questions Yes, but questions I felt I should not have had to ask you.  Completion date was 30th March 2005 you & John had copies of my paper-work.  I phoned you saying I had booked my flight over & asked if could I stay with you.  You & John asked me why I hadn't checked with you before booking flights, I was somewhat taken aback as you had not said anything about any delays/problems - until then.  You told me that I couldn't stay with you as your Mum might be there then, Yes, of course it was your prerogative not to host me, but did it ever dawn on you how this made me feel, in the UK you two had stayed at mine & we at your home in London, you didn't even offer me one of your other properties to stay in.  This turn of events made me feel very uneasy & sad, I decided to go over anyway & see what was going on. I made my own accommodation arrangements with the help of a work colleague who had been going to that area in Turkey for years.  It was at this time you & John (you passed the phone to John as Cem needed your attention) told me that the build was running a bit late, the weather had held it up, you guys wold find out more & let me know what the situation was & when I could go over - I felt that you should have already told me about the 'delays before this'.  I'm not a builder, but even I am not that thick to believe materials in any hot country take longer to dry out than they do in the UK!.  A few ratty communications were no doubt exchanged, hardly surprising given the above.  I can't see there being a different reaction to that news, if our roles had been reversed!

Now nine years later I am sat her trying to justify details Carolyn (to use her own words) has  imprinted in her head. We all know memories twist and turn and change with time, personally my memories are all via my diaries wrote at the time, emails exchanged and kept, text messages saved..

So here I am being made to justify

·Why we thought a park would be nice next to her apartment,

·Why Taurean had crappy over priced property,

I've not asked or 'demanded' you justify anything Elaine, I was stating facts.

·To explain how I am not responsible for her son refusing to answer her text (while under her charge) when I was at home in Calis and he was out in Fethiye, ( oh and on that note we were parents then as well, our oldest being 4/5 years older than her son, so we knew what being a parent was like),

You were with John at 'home in Calis' & I was 'just down the road in one of your other properties'.  I didn't know the way to your new home in the dark or I would have come round.  I text & phoned you & John, I was told not to worry Luke was OK, John had spoken to Suzan, Luke was eating out with her as he'd worked so hard all day.  My p.a.y.g phone was running low, the last text I could afford to send with little remaining credit, I told Suzan "if you don't send Luke back now, I am calling the police', he arrived about 15 minutes later.  Have you forgotten what you stated previously "we were there with Carolyne when Luke came back"?  

You are Mark's step-mum, John's son from first marriage, he was a teenager when you & John got together.  In August 2004 you were heavily pregnant expecting your first child - Cem

·Explain why I could only put what I knew to be true in a solicitors letter rather than what was suggested by Carolyn I put in it.

Again, I was stating a fact.  What you wrote in  that 'letter' very much distanced yourselves from us & the transaction & sounded like you hardly knew us!.  Whilst you stated that you had paid 'the builder' 17k on my behalf, you then claimed not to know his name - how can anybody hand over 17k & not remember the name of the person they gave it too.  Your signatures were not on the receipt, but surely you kept a copy of the receipt for yourselves, as proof?  'Others' have since said you may have written what you did because you were afraid of being accused of working over there & possible deportation.  I doubt there will be any other paper trail of that money, some Turks (& other nationalities) don't declare all their in-comings to the Tax-man, which was why your testimony was very important for us - Did you hand Doganay, 17k in cash?.  The Doganay's have, I'm told, had a few talks with the Taxman.

·Explaining why She came over on holiday, was given a receipt but we refused to say how we paid, Carolyn we went out 4 times together that week and had some great meals, we gave you the receipt the first time we met up, lunch at Yakamoz, as if we would not have told you how we paid, yet continued to have meals together.

You didn't give me the receipt then, I had to ask you for it on my third trip over in 2005, end of may.  4 meals together! check your Diary Elaine, you & John barely acknowledged my existence whilst I was there alone on the 4 trips I had to make in 2005...  John & you kept your distance but did advise me to re-negotiate the contract, no mention of having it 'Notarised'.  I eventually learnt about Notarising paper-work in about 2008/9!

·One thing I do know is John would never in a million years tell anyone not to notarise something,
In my diary I have an entry for the next day after contract signed saying
“Did not see Carolyn today as she is meeting Susan and Asla, off doing official paperwork, as there was not time to finish stuff yesterday..”

You & John were there with me when the contract was made, why didn't you/John, then or before Luke & I left, ask/check/ensure the most important point in a purchase had been completed correctly a 'Notarised Contract'  Please don't say you weren't aware of what was going on, you & John were guiding me through buying a property, as experienced purchasers & long standing friends.   What date is in your diary for that entry Elaine?

If you and Susan forgot to notarise the first contract then I assume with your new legal team at the signing of the second contract you got that notarised!!!

How could I 'forget' what I didn't know! Why didn't John tell me about the importance of notarising again when he advised me to re-negotiate the contract early in 2005.  None of the people I became involved with ever mentioned (notarising) any paper-work, including Lawyer's, whom I thought at the time, had similar powers as UK solicitors regarding contracts ie: legally binding in the UK - Not so in Turkey!  I eventually realised all I had was a 'Promise to sell' from information posted on another forum.  The only time anyone said anything about a Notary was Asli, right at the very start & John told me it wasn't necessary.  I believed & trusted John, didn't question what he said, why would I?  I didn't know Asli from Adam then!

·You make it sound like we put you of buying at Violet, well if any one on this forum  knows that you could buy a brand new, just finished Violet apartment in Summer 2004 for between £2500 and £2700 I stand corrected, 

How would a novice to Turkey would know that!, but you obviously did.... I arranged a £40k mortgage (activated on my return from Turkey) on my home, which had to include taxes, fee's & furnishing, you & John were well aware of this, having asked me 'how much can you pay for an apartment!  None of the property's I was shown or told about were under £35k, some over £40k! & the one I stupidly paid for was priced at £34.000 to me, off-plan, later buyer's (I was the first to sign up) paid a lot less than I did.... (No, that's not your fault, it's definitely mine), I should not have been so trusting - I'm not anymore, I've had to learn it all the hard way....

·Why you never knew we had a meeting with Mustafa and Keith, well I can answer that we were happy to help but did not want to get back involved, so said we would get them together and all try to work out what was going on but keep us out of it,

·One bit I will answer which started all this up  again.
Quote from Carolyn.
I've never said or insinuated you didn't pay over monies to them & they have always said that they had received them from you!, (that's about the only thing any of them ever told the truth about!)

Your own post This is what you wrote on here the other week 

Did my (then) very good friends [names removed by admin] tell me about this........ NO, they all coerced to keep this from me until they had my money......... February 10, 2013

We were not the only ones who read this and felt it sounded like we had your money.

I said 'ALL', & you 'all', did have my money passing through your hands & you & John did encourage me to buy the off-plan.  After all the crappy apts I'd been shown at daft prices, it seemed like a no-brainer!....  It's a pity that you & John didn't feel that handing over 17k to Doganay was worth having the receipt properly typed up & witnessed.  (£17k is what's written (in Turkish) on the poor excuse for a receipt I was given).  I don't know why you, or anybody else would innocently mis-interpret that part my post in the way you obviously have.

Between 2006ish and when we left in 2009 we had many reports of you in bars telling people how we had conned you, ripped you off, conspired to get your money.

Shock! Horror! - Ex-pats gossipping in Calis about other people's business real or made-up!  That tittle-tattle could only have come from a handful of people in the know, I rarely mentioned your by name, too busy being up to my neck in it & trying to salvage my life savings!

·Last thing, I have said it over and over again to you we never introduced you to your builder we did not know we knew him until he walked into Asla’s office to sign the paperwork. We only knew him as “Kenans builder” used by Kenans construction company who built Violet. We couldn’t even have a conversation with him his English was about 5 words and I think he understood less.

The link here is your handy little helper, Mustafa Ergur, Elaine!  Mustafa Ergur, Suzan Jeffery & Erdal Doganay were in business together!  'Harbour Houses', strange you can remember I was charged 2% commission but not the association between those rogues!  I too really can't be arsed repeating the details on advice John  & you gave us; contract advice, assured us Doganay was Honest, came with us to inspect Doganay's other builds, help us choose fixtures & fittings................  John advised us how the payment schedule for off-plans worked in Turkey "1st payment 'half of total', 2nd payment 'other half of total' on completion...... It's also a shame that you & John didn't advise us to put into the contract 'the 2nd & final payment, payable on transfer of clear title Tapu' & 'small stage' payments would also have been a great idea!  Were your own contracts like mine Elaine?

I don’t think there is anymore I can be bothered to say, no doubt there will be some other innocent conversation you can think of which if taken out of context 9 years later could look bad for us but I’ve had my say now. There was no conspiracy, no coercing to keep things from you. What went on once the building was finished and it was time for the tapu transfer I don’t know, 

My memory is fortunately for me (unlike my poor mum's) in great nick.  It's not hampered with details of lots of 'property transactions' getting mixed up, just the one fatal mistake.  'Once the building was finally finished' (a year late) was too late for you to claim to have been trying to help me I'm afraid, I had by then been well & truly thrown to the wolves, but it still took me another few years to 'realise' just how deep in it I was.  It's a pity I didn't join any Forums before 2007 (CBF), they may have saved me a lot of heartache & money, as I could (& would have) checked the buying procedures for myself.

And we do both wish you every luck in the world in finding a conclusion to this and a place in the sun to retreat to regularly.

Way too little & too late to mean anything to us Elaine, I don't believe anything you say anymore.  Now, if you happen to have a spare 80k or so (my costs so far), I could pay off the mortgage for 'The' apartment & buy  myself a 'little retreat in the sun', I've not a hope in hell now of even being able to enjoy being retired ............  After all those fabulous profits you made from your deals, I doubt you left Turkey penniless,  as the chap who bought your place in Tasayka would testify to......... he must by now know more about prices of properties in Turkey!

Carolyn dragged us back into this and this is where we back out again, no more replies to distorted questions.

The only 'Distortion's' going on Elaine are your prevarications & denials.  A true friend of 14 years standing, would not just 'walk away' from a friend in serious trouble because some ratty words were exchanged especially when they knew they could help & were (in our case) the only ones that could help at that time.  I know the true value of friends, I still have 'true friends' some for 35 years or more, one of 24 years standing whom you know very well......... Warts & all because the good outweighs the negative, my friends know they are very precious to me. I'm not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, I'm also not the bitch some people would have me painted as.  I defy anyone to live my last 9 years without making mistakes, falling out of regular contact (that works both ways     ;)) & generally having times so stressful & tough you struggle to cope with the weight of it all.  Actions, always have & always will, speak louder than any 'words' ever could.

I think enough details about this sorry mess have now published & people will have their own opinions on what has been written by both of us.

There will never be any 'going back', there's nothing to go back for.

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Re: A letter in answer to Cef nameing us.
« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2013, 16:12:00 PM »

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