Author Topic: Meet the Mayor Agenda  (Read 4581 times)

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Offline bewva

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Re: Meet the Mayor Agenda
« Reply #20 on: February 26, 2014, 12:41:48 PM »
Very good of Judy Dench to show up - has she bought locally ?

Offline Rimms

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Re: Meet the Mayor Agenda
« Reply #21 on: February 26, 2014, 12:46:42 PM »
Thanks so much to Linda (Kayakebab) for producing these notes :

Meeting held at Fethiye Belediye offices with Mayor Behcet Saatci and ex pats from the Fethiye area
25th February 2014

Background to the meeting
Calis Beach Forum ( held a poll online for its members asking who they would vote for as Mayor in the forthcoming election if they were able to, 90% of respondents said they would vote for the current Mayor ( Baskan) Behcet Saatci.

Cagatay Aras, a local dentist and CBF member saw the poll and offered to facilitate a meeting between Mr Saatci as he said would like to meet the members.

George Rimmer ( CBF name Rimms) coordinated peoples’ questions and arranged and chaired the meeting today. Details of the meeting were out on the ex pat Facebook page so that those who aren’t CBF members also had the opportunity to be involved. Sarah Louise Dunn translated  at the meeting. Approximately 60 people attended this meeting

Welcome from George:

George welcomed everyone and thanked them for attending. He explained how the meeting came about and outlined how the question and answer session work and explained the need to keep to an agenda as we have limited time to fit everything in.
Some questions, general questions were ones that had been asked by several people and other specific questions were to be asked directly by those present or on their behalf if absent.

Welcome from Cagatay:
After seeing the thread on CBF Cagatay told Mr Satci, who also happens to be his uncle. He explained about the forum as he was unaware of it and he said he would like to meet members.
He explained that this is not related to elections, but a bridge between British people and the Belediye. He said we are not viewed as foreigners, but people who also experience life in Fethiye.
This would usually be seen as an opportunity for hospitality but was agreed that we could put our questions and concerns  forward at this meeting. Mr Saatci would like these meetings to be regular if he is successful in becoming Mayor again.

Welcome from Mr Saatci:
Mr Saatci said he was happy to meet us. He said he has had meetings with various smaller groups of people working for charities in the area, but this is the first of this type.

He enjoys sharing Fethiye with us and sees us not as foreigners but as part of the Fethiye family. He was joined by his colleague Mete Atay at the meeting was a member of a political group in Germany but is now a member of the party represented by Mr.Saatci.

Mr Saatci said that since 2003/4 there have been more foreigners moving to Fethiye. He says its been very helpful and culturally important.

Many years ago the first money raised by local residents was given to him by a group who later became F.I.G, a group who help local children in need, and provide equipment for schools. He said he will never forget that moment.
He was told that foreigners were happy to give blood to help Turkish Nationals and said that made him very happy too.
He would like to have closer links and be more involved with CBF.

1.   Canals and footbridges
 Footbridges have been removed during canal work, will they be replaced?

Canal works have been done under control of Government water company DSI. He said that if the Belediye had control they would not have had stone work, and would made it more natural. He will ask DSI if they intend to replace the bridges.

2.   What areas will be part of Fethiye when the reorganisation happens and when?

Koca Calis, Ciftlik, Yaniklar, Gocek , Incirkoy, Uzumlu, Olu Deniz, Hisaronu, Ovacik , after the elections
( a board showing all the areas was passed around for everyone to see)

3.   Eric from Uzumlu asked whether roads would be improved in Uzumlu and said all foreigners have just mud tracks to their houses although the central square and roads leading off it have been block paved. Although promised 5 years ago nothing has changed.

Mr Saatci said that Uzumlu is a special nature place, with small village life and slow pace of life. He is aware of the situation with the roads and they will be done. They want to do them in a way that is consistant with the nature, buildings, culture and history of the village.

4.   Water charges for foreigners are higher than in Fethiye, will this change.

Yes, there will be the same charges in future hopefully, he will try his best

5.   Will the promenade meet up with Calis when its finished? And what about nature there?

Yes, it will. Opposite the State Hospital is an area of 148000m2. This is going to be developed to include recreational space, and walkways. The current bird area will remain protected. He said his favourite development is the new duck islands.
What about the rumour that the otters moved into this area because of the canal work and have eaten many ducks?
Sadly this is true and if the Belediye had control of the canal works it would not have been done with stone walls and would have been better protected.

6.   Are there going to be better roads around the proposed new hotels and Surf Cafe in Koca Calis?

He talked of the tragic accident with the child that was injured there last year and confirmed that there will be a new road away from the sea and designated walkways along the seafront.

7.   Question from Nichola – Street recycling is greatly improved; will it be extended to households? And what about the problem of fly tipping, especially builders rubble?

Fethiye has won awards for being environmentally aware but not in a position to extend to home recycling at the moment.
There are fines for fly tipping. If it’s in the forest areas it’s the responsibility of the Orman, Forestry department. A compost recycling project is being planned. Is there a tip/dump for things like old sofas etc?
No, put by the bin and someone will take it. Could an area be created or a service provided? They will work on it.
Sally- are you aware of all the glass, housed rubbish etc all the way up to Uzumlu?
Yes, if anyone sees anyone doing it, get their registration numbers or photos and send to the Zabita.
A list of which authority to report problems to will be created to help with these sort of issues.

8.   Internet!!! ( round of applause! ) Is there an uncle working at TTnet who could help us?!

Sadly not, but Turk Telekom  have asked the Belediye for permission to dig and lay cables, so there is obviously plans to improve it. But as the season s approaching permission is delayed until the autumn.

9.   Cycle lanes... they are very nice, but are being used as parking spaces especially in Baris Manco Bulvari in Calis.

This is the responsibility of the traffic department to resolve, but they will highlight it and try and get it resolved as they have in other areas. There are plans to have more cycle lanes.

10.   From Linda ( Quackers, CBF)  Roads in Koca Calis are full of potholes, terrible mud when it rains and dust in the summer. Any plans to sort them?

Yes, after April.

11.   Motorbikes and cars are a problem on promenades and around some parts of Fethiye, e.g. around the Culture Centre. What can be done?

There was no choice while Calis canal work was being done, but no problem now the road is open again. There will always be people who ignore rules but will be looked at closely before the season starts.

12.   Are there any plans to improve Ovacik and Hisaronu?

Mr Saatci has lived in Ovacik for a while and said the main concern is the state of the roads, but the problem is the infrastructure. Its difficult to just make improvements on top of what’s there, as it’s so bad.
In 1999 it was the same in Fethiye. It was resolved in about 9 months, by digging it all up and sorting out sewage, drainage etc. A grant of 33 million Euros has been given by Germany and will be controlled by Mugla. A local area project is in place and the hope is money will be allocated to this.

He feels that the area should have all year tourist season and said everyone needs to work together to achieve this.
What about the lack of lighting on the top Ovacik Road, it’s bad for tourists there?
Show patience, it will all be done in the long run, and all about prioritising, but definitely want to get it done,

13.   From Apollo CBF ( absent)  What improvements are planned for Fethiye?

There are some priorities such as clinics and a safe house for victims of domestic violence, projects include the area in front of the State Hospital, a new ground for Fethiyespor, new shopping centre, more cycle lanes.
A culture and sports centre is planned for the 20000m2 land behind Orient hotel Calis, with an indoor swimming pool.
More work is planned for the marina and generally making Fethiye a nice place to live.
There is no clarity at the moment about moving the boat building area, and the Belediye isn’t responsible for this.

14.   Any plans for a golf course?

Sadly, No

15.   Hubblebubbles CBF , Mavis- some of the charities are paying tax for the premises they rent. Is there anything that can be done as it seems unfair.

Mr. Saatci agreed this isn’t right and is certain there is exemption for charities, its not something he can change as Mayor, but if the charities take proof of what they do to the Vergi Dairesi, tax office, they should be able to help.

16.   Trainer CBF ( Absent) Will people be asked to pay again for drains and new roads?

No, in 2007  Government auditors came and said charges had to be made, there was nothing the Belediye could do about it, but this isn't the case any more and that legislation no longer exists.

17.   New residency rules make it hard for people to spend time here.

This is a Government decision and is more or less the same policy all over the world.
But when changes happen here they change regularly and foreigners don’t understand the changes.
This is the same for Turkish people too!

18.   Kevin Duke, representing 3 C’s charity – They have been helping schools in Kemer and other areas. Can Kemer continue to channel requests for help through FETAV?

No, they will have to channel requests direct to the charity.

19.   Sandy Eftekin ( Absent) When will roads be finished and will there be more parks?

Foca and Akarca will be finished hopefully on 10th March. Green space currently is 8m2 per person, in line with most European Countries. It is hoped to extend this to 10m2 per person.

20.   Alan Askin – currently disabled access is extremely limited, no access to Council Buildings.

They are trying to improve disabled access. All new council vehicles and buses have wheelchair access, there is a dedicated park for people with disabilities in Tasyaka, a breakfast event was arranged recently for people with disabilities, and plans for an area for people with disabilities to sell crafts and things they have made.
A system similar to Dial a Ride now has 2 vehicles to help people get to hospital appointments.
Assistance can be asked for at the desks of Belediye buildings.
On Thursdays near the Amphitheatre is the Fethiye House, it operates like a cafe and people with and without disabilities make food, eg pancakes and donate money from what is raised to those who need it. It opens at 10 am, 4 pm in the summer, please could everyone try and support it. They Mayors wife is involved with this project.
Nichola suggested that new buildings are designed to be disability friendly and to prioritise existing buildings to be the same.
New buildings are being designed like this, a new facility in Patlangic is fully accessible.

21.   There’s lots of litter at local beauty spots, could education start at school?

The Education authority does have an initiative in place. Maybe signs on beaches to tell people to use the bins etc would help
There are signs but its down to education.

22.   There was an initiative where children cleared up litter from Uzumlu down to Gunlukbasi, but not seen it in place since. Do you think this is a good idea?


23.   Robyn Daniels- Are there buses to Yaniklar, if so it’s not clear as they’re not signed very well.

There are no Belediye buses to Yaniklar, only as far as Ciftlik currently, but there are dolmuses. There may be a Belediye bus in the future.

24.   Could there be more crossings to children’s playgrounds

Yes, will make a note of it for the future

25.   Now that Baris Manco Bulvari is block paved its turned into a race track, can anything be done?

Yes, there is going to be speed cameras put there.

26.   Karen Okka- When will canal work in Calis be finished? Someone has had no internet since October last year.
DSI said June 2015. That is unacceptable, a note has been made and TTnet will be contacted about it.

27.   UBT  CBF - Could the tannoys also make announcements in English? Could announcements be emailed to people in English  that sign up for announcements?

No. But maybe something could be put on the Beldiye website, they will consider it. Maybe everyone could try and learn a bit of Turkish? ( round of applause!)

28.   Flooding is very bad in parts of Koca Calis/ Ciftlik. Despite asking regularly channels are not being kept open and even 3 days rain can result in severe floods.

Where exactly?
Cicek and Saglik are really bad.
A note has been made and will specifically look into it.

Meeting closed.

George thanked everyone and Fiona wished the Mayor every success in the forthcoming elections and everyone applauded Mr Saatchi and wished him well.

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Re: Meet the Mayor Agenda
« Reply #22 on: February 26, 2014, 13:42:36 PM »
Excellent responses - and a lot of ground covered - we couldn't have expected any more from him - well done to everyone concerned again :D

Offline Brianbern

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Re: Meet the Mayor Agenda
« Reply #23 on: February 26, 2014, 15:41:06 PM »
Big thanks to all who organised the meeting & to those who attended & asked questions in absentia - especially Mayor Saaci, George, Cagatay, Linda & Sarah! The minutes make very interesting reading & the agenda certainly covered all the areas of concern. It is great to see these links being formed with the local Belidiye & the Mayor of Fethiye. Well done to all involved!

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Re: Meet the Mayor Agenda
« Reply #24 on: February 26, 2014, 20:35:20 PM »
Its grand to know that the Mayor has responded directly to all our questions and has made us feel more "at home", instead of just be a foreigner that resides here.

3 cheers to everyone who organised this and long may communication continue, for the future.

We have a voice, that has been heard and addressed in a informative and friendly manner.  Many of our concerns, we now know, are not in Fethiye's remit, but are directives from the Government.

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Re: Meet the Mayor Agenda
« Reply #25 on: February 26, 2014, 21:54:46 PM »
Thanks to all concerned for all the effort put into this Meeting.  I appreciate all the information. It made really interesting reading. 

Offline Anne

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Re: Meet the Mayor Agenda
« Reply #26 on: February 26, 2014, 23:01:06 PM »
Thanks for getting the minutes to us so quickly. 
It seems to have been a great meeting with lots of information given to the questions raised.
Thanks to everyone involved

Offline Scunner

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Re: Meet the Mayor Agenda
« Reply #27 on: February 26, 2014, 23:22:41 PM »
I must say I amaze myself sometimes with this sort of thing. I know exactly how to plan something so it is smooth, effective and useful.

I ask Rimms if he can arrange it :D

Great job George, thank you.

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Re: Meet the Mayor Agenda
« Reply #28 on: February 26, 2014, 23:54:39 PM »
Very interesting reading, didn't seem to duck too many questions, if he didn't know or couldn't answer he said so. Must say quite impressed.

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Re: Meet the Mayor Agenda
« Reply #29 on: February 27, 2014, 07:30:04 AM »
"Duck too many questions"? He otter know better.

I'll get me coat  :D

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