Author Topic: Tuesday Quiz  (Read 12794 times)

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Offline LisaJ

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Re: Tuesday Quiz
« Reply #10 on: October 03, 2014, 05:39:54 AM »
Is it not time Kynfo to accept that "boycott" is merely another way of saying "choice" and that individuals are quite capable of making up their own minds with regard to what they want to do, where they want to go, who they see, where they wish to frequent and spend their hard earned cash, who they want to be friends with, who they will and won't talk to etc.etc...... The continued use of the word "boycott" is merely inflammatory and unnecessary, purely designed to create and encourage more adverse comments and negative publicity - you can only influence some people, not everyone.  Perhaps you and certain individuals should stop for one moment and re-read previous posts and perhaps take a second to think before reacting negatively and aggressively towards others comments.   This type of reaction helps no-one and merely reinforces the perceived "Us and Them Civil War" you and others seem to want to continue and encourage within Uzumlu - the majority of Uzumlu residents actually do not give a fig!!     

Offline Schener

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Re: Tuesday Quiz
« Reply #11 on: October 03, 2014, 09:59:28 AM »
it s old news and we and every "ladies" around us exactly know what happended about where that boycott subject started and  came from..

Our quiz is just for fun and we have enough regulars from calis , kemer or sometimes from uzumlu too and that s fine and enough... Also when we are full on min 4 evening in the week , so we aggree with you that people can make up there own minds where to go and when .

This topic was an innocent comment and invitation about fun quiz , and was going on jokely and friendly ..
Until " Hamlet " ( Keith Edwards ) is showing his "classic attitude" again againts us as usual as like His FB comments about a subject which doesnt releate to us and he brings us into the subject..

Also we notice and see that he likes "arguments" on FB in some pages with other "uzumlu" people as well that everybody knows.

And our observe ,if Keith Edwards wants to be a very "popular" person or "mayor in uzumlu" ,to be honest ,this is not the way..

That was our question what is "Keith Edwards" problem with us as we have had no dealings with him over the last two years ..

Saw him two times online yesterday .. And again today and reading the topic but still no reply to our question..

What is your problem with us Mr. Edwards ?

Offline Hamlet

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Re: Tuesday Quiz
« Reply #12 on: October 04, 2014, 17:41:20 PM »

You really must learn to be calmer, I wasn't aware that there was a time limit in place for the posting of a response to your questions and accusations.

Initially I was going to ignore what you and your little mouth puppet posted but after receiving several pm's encouraging me, I decided to reply.

Having now taken the time to read all three of your posts and those of the main village gossip monger in this thread I am quite happy to respond to your claims, but in no particular order.

For your information, I don't actually 'waste my time on the computer' as you put it, most of the time I am either overseeing matters with my very successful UK based, international business or arranging our holidays etc; therefore my computer is quite often online 24 hours per day. But that does not necessarily mean I am staring at the screen all that time, after all I do have a life!

On the contrary, it would appear to me that you have a very sad life as you still appear to be monitoring what other people in Üzümlü are doing, just as you used to do when you were at the Winehouse.

Sadly, it would appear that being a waiter or a cook does not give people much business acumen and certainly with the attitude towards customers that I witnessed whilst you were running the Winehouse, I'm very surprised that you still have any customers at all at your current place of work.

Certainly, if I had your approach to customer service, my businesses would have failed years ago and I wouldn't be enjoying the relaxing lifestyle that I do now.
Unlike yourselves and your insignificant 'fair weather' supporters I will not stoop to talking hearsay, as many of your vitriolic so called friends do, I will only publish here exactly what I personally witnessed or heard first hand.

I have no particular problem with either you or Ian apart from the fact that:

You are one of those people who blame everyone else for your own failings, you are always quick to blame others for everything that goes wrong, you always turn everything around to make out that you are the victim, sadly that is a trait that is apparent in too many people.

You think that everyone should like you, ..... Here is an update for your ego, .......They don't!

The thing is, people in Üzümlü have said to me that I only say what others are thinking, they say I am brave for doing so, my answer to them is always the same: I'm never afraid to say what I think & I will never say or print anything that I am not prepared to say face to face!

I dislike walking into any establishment and rather than being greeted in a friendly manner, I & others used to get an aggressive 'Spanish Inquisition' from Ian, demanding to know why we had not frequented the Winehouse for a few days? as he knew that we had been to another establishment and then upon our insistence that we had not, he would again get abusive.

I object to standing in the Grape Garden with friends on one Friday evening last year, when you both walked in because you had closed the Winehouse early that night due to the lack of customers and being completely ignored by both of you, even though you personally made a point of calling out hello to my wife, who was standing next to me at the far end of the bar. Then as we left a little later, you were sitting outside on the wall, smoking something and as we walked past, you only said goodnight to my wife & ignored me yet again.
I dislike that when I said hello to Ian on that same night, to getting the unpleasant response of "who are you?"

I dislike the fact that one evening early this year the Üzümlü Ladies Group held a Charity event at Park Alya and at the behest of the lady who organised the evening you came along  butt stayed outside and when one of our ExPat friends went outside for a break he said hello to you both and got the same caustic responses of 1) being ignored by you and 2) getting the classic 'who are you?' response from Ian, I witnessed this.
By the time the quiz was over, less than 1.5 hours, you had gone without speaking to anyone else, that is just pure ignorance!

I disliked the quizzes that you ran at the Winehouse because I could not stand the fact that they ran most weeks for about 4 to 4.5 hours when there were only 50 questions but of course that included all the interruptions by you insisting on playing at high volume your personal choice of music at every opportunity throughout the quiz.

I disliked the fact that when the answer to a question was ever challenged, Ian would jump up and aggressively argue with the challenger that the answer he had listed was correct and they were wrong, never conceding that he or the site from which he got the information could be mistaken but then then just ending it by saying 'it's only a fun quiz!'

Well it wasn't much fun for me and many othersI can tell you!
Ian certainly has 'little man syndrome'.

You cannot deny that even though I stopped going to the quiz at the Winehouse, my wife and her friend kept going most weeks.

Strange that isn't it? given they are both members of the particular group that you publicly blamed in your closure announcement without actually naming it, I quote "THE SAME PEOPLE & GROUP iN UZUMLU ( WHO EVERYBODY KNOWS )".

Why were you scared to name the group you referred to?

As you are aware, before you 'bailed out' of your ailing business, last year you were involved in an incident at Fesetta which involved two of our good female friends who are part of the ULG, but that had no bearing on the decision of some other members to choose not to frequent The Winehouse.

As Lisa J posted in this thread, there has never been a group "boycott" of you or The Winehouse whilst you were there, people chose to exercise their given right to choose where they socialise and spend their hard earned money.

I totally agree with you that this is"old news" but in this case the only person you need to blame for resurrecting it is your venomous little friend who seems to relish in malicious gossip.

I disliked at the time that when you chose not to invite to your 40th birthday bash the two really good friends you had known for several years & who had introduced us and many others to your business, in favour of some new 'friends', leaving the rest of us to deal with their understandable upset.

I disliked the times when I heard you running down certain ExPats, in particular referring to one lady (not a ULG member) as "loud and common as muck!"

Did I mention that to anyone? .... No.

I did laugh this week though when I saw a 'like' by the husband of that lady on your little friend Ken Morris's trouble stirring contribution to this thread.

You are almost correct in that I have not had any dealings with you (apart from those already listed above) for 2 years, actually it is since mid March 2013 so it's just over 1.5 years.
I clearly remember this because we had previously spoken to you about having my wife's Birthday celebration at The Winehouse but consequently had to cancel due to the feelings of many of our good friends following the aforementioned 'incident' at Fesetta.
Following the cancellation, it was not long before I started receiving reports that you were accusing me of deformation.
As I stated earlier, I do not do that unless it's face to face & as I had not heard you say anything directly to me, I chose to ignore these comments.
I've even had these accusations from people in the UK.
Who is spreading these rumours if it's not you?
Who is trying to make trouble between us?

Believe me, you are not a feature in my life that I want or care about but I am entitled to express my opinion based on my personal experience.
Saying that however, if anyone has ever asked me why I did not frequent The Winehouse when you were there, all I would say is that I prefer other places to spend my time in, nothing more, certainly I never tried to put people off going there, it was their choice.
The same applies to Fesetta, with all due respect to the owners, it is to me, nothing more than a roadside cafe and certainly not a place where I would wish to spend an evening out.
It has absolutely nothing to do with you working there.

I do enjoy quizzes but I am particular where I go because do like to know that when money is collected for a good cause at the venue, that the money goes directly to the cause without pressure being brought upon the collectors.

I feel really flattered that you appear to blame me for influencing all of the ExPats in the village not to attend your place of work or to defame you personally, but let me give you a few facts.

1) There are allegedly over 750 ExPats living in Üzümlü
2) I am acquainted with only about 150 of those people
3) Of that 150, I have probably only ever had a customary greeting with about 50, only ever spoken to another 40 casually at social events and out of the remaining 60 only ever socialise with a few at a time or at events.
4) I'm sure that if you asked every one of the above you will not find one that will say that I have sullied your name in public or in writing, to be honest Sener, despite your self belief, you really are not important enough to us for us to waste our time talking about you!
5) Perhaps you should try asking the other 600 Üzümlu ExPats why they don't like or support you instead of trying to blame me for your problems.
6) You are wrong in saying that I like arguments, I enjoy healthy debates but as you have a complex in that you think everything is about you, perhaps you should try leaving your cotton wool filled bubble and get out into the real world.
Failing that get rid of your computer.
7) I have no interest in bringing you into any conversation unless it has a relevant bearing on that conversation.

You seriously think you are important, believe me, you are not.
In my opinion, you are both insignificant.
If you want a pi****g contest about perceived importance, I can reach much higher than you, trust me.

As for you stating that I want to be a very popular person in Üzümlü, that is an idiotic statement as I take people as I find them and I expect people to take me the same way, warts and all.

You have made some accusations against me and now would be a good time for me to challenge you to produce documentary evidence to back up your statements, either put up or shut up!

You have suggested that we meet face to face, I am prepared to do that, no problem, but only after you have produced the above so that I can validate the authenticity of the statements within.

At the meeting, there will be just you Sener, Ian & myself.
Any sign of any other person & I will walk away.
The meeting will be an orderly affair or I will walk away.
I will make a voice recording the meeting for the benefit of both parties.
You will provide documentary evidence, to me, sworn before a Notary, from anyone who, in the first party, has heard me say anything derogatory about either you or Ian.

Since we are currently at the 'question time ' point, perhaps you could enlighten me on a question of Turkish Law, raised by someone the other day?
What is the legality of a Turkish Citizen driving an ME plated car registered to an ExPat to whom they are not married?

In life, we all have our likes & dislikes. Live with it!


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Re: Tuesday Quiz
« Reply #13 on: October 04, 2014, 18:33:03 PM »
As part-time residents of Uzumlu, we are saddened by the apparently significant degree of bickering and intrigue that seems to go on in the village.  If we had the luxury of being able to be there for longer, or move there permanently, we would be very chary about joining in anything!  We live in a small village in UK where occasionally views are aired and debated in a lively manner, but nothing like Uzumlu!  Perhaps in UK people have rather more to do, or are able to mix more easily in a wider environment.  Talk about airing dirty washing - might be sensible to restrict this to a non-public forum?  I doubt whether the majority of members are that interested in this type of squabble - or I hope so anyway.  :(

Offline Scunner

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Re: Tuesday Quiz
« Reply #14 on: October 04, 2014, 20:58:51 PM »
In fairness Scorchio, this is two people choosing to do this in public - I don't feel a private forum is for us to provide - email does the job better. A bit of bickering, someone asking (in public) what the other's problem is, the other replying to that (in public).

If people are content to "wash their dirty linen in public" it isn't for us to decide that they can't. They can.

Offline Hamlet

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Re: Tuesday Quiz
« Reply #15 on: October 05, 2014, 05:11:48 AM »
Scorcher, I welcome your comment, you are correct about the bickering within the village which is usually started by one or two people, the main protagonist being in this thread, or his friends in Kizabel.

In normal circumstances I would not enter into a public debate like this but after making a factual comment I was challenged in public to do so and after much thought I decided to respond in public as well.

As I stated in my response, many people in the village think these things but I will say what I think, I always have.

All that aside, for 51 weeks of the year, nothing much stirs in Üzümlü, we had a choice to live anywhere in the world when we left the UK and this is where we chose. We enjoy our lives here & it will likely take something extreme to remove us. 99.99% of the people here are genuinely nice people but there is always that 0.01% who seem to revell in causing trouble & seem to like create problems for others around.
This is why I & many others avoid them like the plague. 8)

Offline JohnF

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Re: Tuesday Quiz
« Reply #16 on: October 05, 2014, 06:11:49 AM »
I doubt whether the majority of members are that interested in this type of squabble - or I hope so anyway.  :(

Damn right we're interested!  Nothing like several baskets full of dirty laundry getting chucked about to get the page views up and the pulses racing for the next installment  :)

If it carries on for long enough we could even think about running bus tours from the Fethiye area (hollywood homes style) up there so folks can familiarise themselves with the characters and establishments.  If it really heats up then maybe the BBC would be interested in doing another expat style soap, Eldorzumlu...?

Come on Schener, the stage is all yours.


Offline Scunner

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Re: Tuesday Quiz
« Reply #17 on: October 05, 2014, 10:19:19 AM »

If it really heats up then maybe the BBC would be interested in doing another expat style soap, Eldorzumlu...?

The BBC 'soap' Eldorado was scrapped by the BBC due to totally unbelievable characters and almost ludicrous situations and plots.

'Eldorzumlu' would have no chance!

Offline mary62

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Re: Tuesday Quiz
« Reply #18 on: October 05, 2014, 18:24:25 PM »
Loving this topic.

Offline kyfno

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Re: Tuesday Quiz
« Reply #19 on: October 06, 2014, 09:38:40 AM »
I feel sad that an article I posted highlighting a good evening out, which was responded to initially with some good banter, has been taken over by a slanging match.  One of the opponents bringing other people into his pathetic whingeing about his likes and dislikes.  Now I know why most people in Uzumlu do not use this forum.  I wonder if the effect would have been the same if my good evening out had been at another local restaurant!!

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